Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Waterfall Wednesdays- A Read-Along Event!!!


Today Im thrilled to announce a fun Read-Along- myself and friends- Missie at The Unread Reader, Joy &Serena at Edgy Inspirational Romance, Nic at Irresistible Reads and Jenny from Supernatural Snark will be hosting a read-along of Lisa T.Bergrens YA novel Waterfall. For the month of September we will be breaking down the chapters and having a weekly discussion over what we have read. 

So whether you've been dying to read this, want to re-read this or just get in on the discussions, now is a great time to wrap yourself in the world of Lisa T.Bergrens sweeping River of Time Series!! The great news is Torrent the third book in the series is releasing Sept 1 and right now you can grab Waterfall at a nice price from your favorite book store.

We want you to join us!! Sign up with the Linky, linking up your post announcing the read-along, acquire your copy of Waterfall and read chapters 1-6. The first five questions posted here will be discussed on August 31, 2011, where you can link up your answers and get info about the next weeks discussion questions. If you want to use a button (created by the very talented Missie from The Unread Reader) for your sidebar please feel free and link back to the original sign up post. You can also use the buttons for any of the discussion posts and original posts you do. And for everyone who links up and joins the read-along, Lisa Bergren herself has offered a trilogy set of her series to one winner each week. Yup- that means Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent, all for you, thats five winners!!  Signing up and participating automatically enters you into the drawing and if the winner is from the US- Lisa will sign them as well. Each winner will be announced at the hosts blog the following week after the discussion.

Our Discussion Schedule:

August 31- Chapters 1-6 Hosted by Tina at Tinasbookreviews
Sept 7- Chapters 7-11 Hosted by Missie at The Unread Reader
Sept 14- Chapters 12-17 Hosted by Joy&Serena at Edgy Inspirational Romance
Sept 21- Chapters 18-23 Hosted by Jenny at Supernatural Snark
Sept 28- Chapters 24-28 and Wrap Up Hosted by Nic at Irresistible Reads

Each week we will discuss, chat, swoon, what have you, we hope to see you!!!

Discussion Questions for Chapters 1-6

1. Waterfall opens with the introduction of Gabi, shes depressed, a little angry and is dealing with feelings of loneliness. Are you connecting with her this soon in the novel? Do you see things you like or dislike?

2. Gabi gets to time travel back to 14th Century Italy- The Dark Ages in its prime. Is there anytime in history that fascinates you and would you travel back if you could?

3. Most of the men, including Marcello have a very set opinion about a woman's place. Gabi gets manhandled a bit in these first few chapters, and even gets asked if shes a witch. The men are shocked when Gabi rides a horse like a man and shimmies down the castle walls. What do you think of mens mentality back then? Gentlemanly, chauvinistic, simple-minded?

4. When Gabi becomes a part of this era, the people are immediately intrigued but suspicious of her. Many judge her by her difference. Do you think this is fair? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like an outsider or that others were misjudging you?

5. What do think the coolest thing would be about living in the Dark Ages? What would be the worst?

Link Up


  1. Joy Tamsin DavidAugust 17, 2011 at 8:02 AM

    Great questions Tina! This is gonna be fun! :)

  2. So excited!!!! Thanks so much for organizing this Tina, I can't wait to start answering these questions:) I have to switch computers and then I'll come back and sign up!

  3. Jacinda (The Reading Housewives)August 17, 2011 at 9:43 AM

    I'm doing it!!!!! I just wrote up my post and published it! Thanks for hosting it :) Along with everyone of these awesome bloggers!

  4. Jen the bibliophileAugust 17, 2011 at 10:58 AM

    Yeah! I'll be linking up as soon as I pick up the book. I'm really excited, It's been a long time since I've read a time travel book. It'll be nice for a change of scenery!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  5. You are awesome for putting this together for us so quickly, T! Thanks.

    P.S. Marcello says he likes my place and wants to stay permanently. I can't argue with the guy, he has a sword. ;)

  6. This is such a great book. I listened to the audio and am getting ready to pick up Cascade. I look forward to reading your discussions.

  7. mrs_laura_koehlerAugust 17, 2011 at 1:31 PM

    I will def be joining in. Thanks for this i love read- a-longs.

  8. Melissa (Books and Things)August 17, 2011 at 2:18 PM

    I so wish I could do this one, but feel too guilty with the review pile I have. Considering I do have a physical book AND the ebook... I should... Hm... should I rearrange things? LOL

  9. This looks like so much fun! Glad to join in :D

  10. I'm really looking forward to this read-along!

  11. @Mel- yes you should join us...:) Its just a few chapters a week and seriously it flys by.....:)

    @TheBookDiva, @Paris @Laura @Jenn @Jacinda- so glad to have you girls with us for the read-along....;)

  12. Definitely excited for this!

  13. I just realized I'm supposed to link up with an announcement post. I'm going to do one next Wednesday, so if you want I can put a new link in the linky tool then.

    Sorry about that!

  14. @Logan- your fine...dont worry about relinking...:D Glad your joining us!!

  15. Nic @ Irresistible ReadsAugust 17, 2011 at 6:17 PM

    Love the questions! I am reading Torrent at the moment. So it will be nice to re-read book one again. Thanks again for organising this event :)

  16. Linked in! Finished Torrent a few days ago. It was amazing! Never can get enough of this series!

  17. Hey! I'm excited for this (both to read the book and to be able to discuss it with everyone as a group)! Thanks for hosting this and great questions!

  18. Melissa (i swim for oceans)August 17, 2011 at 10:48 PM

    This is such an awesome event - I can't wait to read this one and participate :)

  19. I am so psyched for this! Waterfall quickly became one of my favorite books! :D And winning all three?! BO-NUS! This will be so much fun!

  20. @Amber @Aylee @Melissa @Lauren Woot!! So glad you girls are joining us!!...;)

  21. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comAugust 18, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    SO SO SO cool. I'm not sure if I will be playing along but I will definitely be bouncing and commenting from site to site. Can't wait!

  22. I just finished reading Waterfall and I can't wait to join in the discussion! Fun!

  23. Best series EVER!

  24. Lisa Tawn BergrenAugust 19, 2011 at 8:06 PM

    I can't wait! (For obvious, self-serving reasons.). Here's another scoop: For anyone who comments/answers a question on EVERY week's 5 hosted WATERFALL WED posts, I'll put them in a drawing for a pair of earrings I'll personally pick up in Venice in October. They can choose the color. :-) So everyone...comment! You could win a copy of the trilogy AND Italian earrings!!!

  25. Ummmmmm- excuse me Lisa I want those earrings............that is so awesome....!!!

  26. Jen the bibliophileAugust 20, 2011 at 11:52 AM

    Okay, I *finally* got my link up. :D I kind of got lost in Cascade and I couldn't put down my Kindle. o_o It was like this mad addiction had taken hold. Food was no longer important (although I had to make it for my kids, lol!). I'm so excited for Torrent, it's not even funny....well...maybe it those who haven't read them o_o. Okay, I'm done now.:D

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  27. Hey, me again. So because I am lame, I didn't read that we were supposed to make the announcement post first and then link up that post. So I've since posted that I'll be participating on my blog (right here). Again, sorry for being lame. I'm really excited for this!

  28. Can't wait!!!

  29. thelibrarianreadsAugust 20, 2011 at 8:21 PM

    So happy to join the party! Reading it based on a past reccomendarion about how much you loved the series...excited ;)

  30. Gina @ My PreciousAugust 21, 2011 at 11:31 PM

    Ok, I'm a little late to the game, but I was waffling on this. (Only because I have so many other books I'm supposed to be reading). I finally decided to commit. I'm really looking forward to it, too.

    PS: I think winning those earrings would be something else!! WOW thanks Lisa!!!

  31. @Gina @sara @Julie @Amber ...thanks for signing up so glad to have you on the read-a-long

    @Juju- I hope you can discuss with us....and you must email me when you finish the series...wait just wait till you get to Torrent!!!!

  32. I am in!!! I just got my book in the mail today and will work on my post and link up. I love readalongs and this book and the whole trilogy looks great! So excited to get reading.

  33. Jenna (JL @ An Avid Reader's Musings)August 23, 2011 at 9:13 AM

    My first read-along! I'm excited to be part of this event and can't wait to start reading WATERFALL.

  34. I'm super excited about this! I just got this books for my Nook this week, so yay! This will be fun :)

  35. Lisa Tawn BergrenAugust 24, 2011 at 8:06 AM

    7 days til our first one! So excited!

  36. Sally@Always Lost in StoriesAugust 24, 2011 at 5:17 PM

    I'm a bit late to the party for this one, but I have now signed up! This is a great idea! I've been dying to read this book for ages but this is the kick I need to finally start it. It'll be fun to read alongside other people.

  37. Count me in! I haven't read it before so I cannot wait to start.

  38. @mykeeoershelf @Sally @Grace @Jenna @Booksnob- This is awesome girls..thank you for joining us..the discussion will be great

    @LisaB- Thanks Lisa for hanging out with us celebrating your book...:)

  39. I don't know if I'll be able to reread but I'm going to try to follow along and answer the questions the best I can. I'm just so in love with trilogy... I've read all three and don't want this journey to be over.

  40. It's almost wednesday! Fire up!!

  41. I am a bit late to join, but that should not spoil the fun! Thanks for organizing!

  42. Do we hook up our answer posts? I finished reading Waterfall and I have to say it's one of the best books I've read ths year and I'm up to about 80 plus this year! Can't wait to get the other two!! I didn't believe Small when she talked about how good it was. What was I thinking??? She never leads me to a bad book! Awesome series!! Well I'm sure it will be!!


  43. Faith Hope CherryteaAugust 31, 2011 at 4:50 PM

    thx for this week's discussion!
    and thx Lisa for the interest "")

  44. How do you link up if you do not have a URL? I want be a part too!

  45. Hi BW-

    You can particiapte by commenting and visiting all the blogs. Or you could always open up a free blogger page and just use it for the waterfall discussion, if your wanting to enter the weekly contest. Posting the WW link page will enter you in the Trilogy drawing- just commenting will enter you in for the Tuscan earrings.


    If you have anymore questions just send me an email.

  46. Kristi The Book FaerySeptember 5, 2011 at 11:26 AM

    Hey Tina!

    I just got the book but I'm a really quick reader!

    I'd love to join in?

    Kristi-The Book Faery

  47. Kristi- you can join in anytime...;)

    I sent you a more detailed email..

  48. Hi Tine. I just finished the book a few days ago and would like to join the readalong. Do I have to sign up or just link my post?


    [email protected]

  49. I just read Waterfall straight through in less than 2 days. It is now one of my favorite books! Glad to join!

  50. So yeah, I made a diff thing so can you delete 46?? Sorry!! Im new at this!

    Marcello & Luca forever rule <3!!

  51. I love Waterfall. I stayed up till three a.m. reading it! You read that right! THREE A.M. And had to get up at seven that same morning. I've never done that before. So this book must be really great!


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