Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mini-Reviews~Featuring Guest Blogger Tonya

Its time for Mini-Reviews. Today my guest blogger Tonya will be sharing some of her reads over the past few weeks. From the great to the not so great here they are..............

Ugly to Start With by John Michael Cummings
Oct 1, 2011 by West Virginia Publishing

What? What in the heck just happened? I feel as if I wasted a bunch of hours, reading nothing about nothing.

Don't ask me to tell you what this book was about, nonsense and more nonsense. The only thing I know for sure is Jason is the main character and his family is dysfunctional, with a capital D. Beyond that, I am without words. I could list so many things I didn't like about it. The characters lacked depth. The homosexual scene was hard for me due to it being so graphic and well really, all of it was painful.  

Please if you are going to write a book, make it be something worth reading, not pointless, dull and disgusting. I feel the need to shower after reading this book.

I give this book an F.

Tess, Terrorists and the Tiara by Terry Baldwin
August 10, 2011 by Middleton Books

Tess and her sister are going for a month to their grandparents' cabin to help out with their grandmother, who has Alzheimer's. Whoever gets the most helpful points wins their grandmother's crown from when she won the Miss Land of the Free pageant. Tess has a very active imagination, so what starts out as someone she think might be trying to steal the crown, turns into terrorists and a plot against them.

But with Tess's overactive imagination, has she finally gone too far? When there is an explosion at the suspicious house, and her grandmother along with the little autistic girl living there go missing, she thinks she might be in more trouble than she bargained for, as well as lost the helpful points race. In fact, she might even be arrested. (See how her imagination runs wild in this book!)

Young girls will adore this quick paced story about a young girl, maybe they can see themselves in Tess. Very good book to read, teaches a few good lessons!

I received a free copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

I give this book an A.

Far From Good by Stephen Van Zant
Publisher: Winepress Publishing (June 2011) 

1974 - Where families stayed together, where kids roamed and were safe, and where whites were superior, or at least few still thought they were.

Sam is a 7th grade boy, about to go into 8th grade. His mom and dad have separated, with his mom and him having to move to another house and his dad moving to Louisville. The only constant in Sam's life are his friends. All of them were looking forward to a nice long summer, that is until Sam witnessed an altercation between the mean football coach, Coach Bedford and Dewayne Webb, a black student. These 2 had never gotten along. What Sam witnessed puts him in fear to tell the truth.

Who are they going to believe, a black kid or the white esteemed football coach, Coach Bedford?

What happens sets the stage for a perfect cresendo of chaos. You will LOVE this book. Without a doubt, one of the best books I have read in a long time. Takes on the the air of Stand By Me. However, the writing is downright enthralling. I found all of the characters easy to like and follow along.

I do hope Mr. Van Zant will consider continuing to tell stories, he has a knack for it!

Thank you to the publishing copy for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I give this book an A+.

**Thanks Tonya for sharing those thoughts on these books, Ill be sure to stay clear of that first one, yikes!!! Far From Good sounds really least you got 2 out of the 3 for good reads!


  1. Wow, 2 A's and a big fat F, that's quite a varied group of mini reviews! I always struggle with books where nothing seems to happen, and I can never bring myself to stop reading because I just keep thinking that the next page will be THE page and things will pick up. That usually doesn't happen though:( Thanks for sharing your thoughts Tonya!

  2. The first one, ugh. Don't even want to think about it. Make sure you read Far From Good. Stephen has a knack for writing and I hope he continues!!

  3. Oh shoot! I have the Cummings book to review and I'm hoping that I'll like it a lot more. I also hate when books do absolutely nothing for me, but like saying goes.."not every book is for every reader". I'm really excited to read "Tess" because it sounds really cute and different.

  4. Missie, The Unread ReaderJune 22, 2012 at 10:16 PM

    Ha! I couldn't help but laugh out loud because of that first review. So sorry it ended up being a big waste of time.

    1. LOL-IKR...Tonya has a bit of snarky in her.....

    2. Actually I cracked myself up with the first review. I keep reading it outloud I just loved what I said. So true too. It isn't like me to really dislike a book, but this one did it!!!


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