Friday, August 30, 2013

Book Review~Bait by J. Kent Messum and Giveaway!!!

August 27, 2013 by Plume
Paperback: 288 Pages
Review Copy/TLC Tours
Warnings: Heavy drug reference, violence, language, sexuality
3/5 Stars (for ages 18&up)

Whatever you do, don’t read this one on the beach.

Six strangers wake up on a remote island in the Florida Keys with no memory of their arrival. They soon discover their sole commonality: all are heroin addicts from the slums of Miami. And all of them are aching for their next fix.

As the excruciating pangs of withdrawal become more and more pronounced, the six face their captors across open water. The four shadowy figures on the yacht are dangerous predators who know that their victims’ need never falters—and that the creatures that swim beneath the waves have equally rapacious appetites.

There is a note. No one is coming to your aid. We have ensured this. So begins a dangerous game. The six must make an unimaginable choice—swim to the next island where a cache of the purest heroin awaits; or die trying. As the fight to survive intensifies, the astonishing motivations of the men on board ship emerge, raising the stakes to towering heights.


Although Bait takes place on a beach, its certainly not a beach read. By the premise it sounds like a jacked up episode of Survivor, but Ill warn you its a much more jacked up story about drug addiction and violence than it is about surviving an obstacle course.

Messum with the use of six characters takes readers into a dark world of drug abuse and the instinct to survive, or should I say the instinct for these individuals to find the next hit at any cost, including the unthinkable. Bait not only recreates a Jaws nightmare, but also adds contemporary drama by adding each persons background story with sharp writing and well developed personas. Not saying that I liked everything about this book because the violence was disturbing for me, but between the fast moving plot, and gruesome outcomes, it was easy to get sucked into the drama unfolding.

If I could see anything positive while reading this, it probably was about second chances and the strength of human determination. None of these characters had redeeming backgrounds, they were all junkies with no futures and no benefit to society as a whole. They fit in the stereotype perfectly, and while I saw the second chance thread and it made me ponder how I cast individuals with a drug problem, it didn't change my mind. As much as I wanted to feel sorry for these characters, I didn't, and as much as I wanted to see them get across to the Island, I didn't want them to. Sounds harsh, but unless you've been touched by the world of a drug addict, wishful thinking is low on the list, even for a make believe story.

Other than throwing druggies to the sharks, perhaps what the book was saying is that drug addicts can be saved with aggressive therapy, however that is stretching the message a bit and of course there is no Island with man-eating monsters wanting to eat your face off for the real life heroine addict, a scenario that forced these fictional characters into immediate detox. For now is all we have is 30-day rehab in posh hospitals that have over a 60% failure rate....perhaps its time to start rethinking those sharks.

This is not for everyone, the language is crude (at times offensive) and many of the violent scenes are stomach turning foul. I myself would only recommend this to readers who enjoy disturbing thrillers and can handle gruesome bloody violence.

J. Kent Messum is an author, musician, and always bets on the underdog. He lives in Toronto with his wife, dog, and three cats.

Connect with the author on his website, Twitter and on Facebook.


Today as a part of the tour, three lucky winners will receive a copy of Messum's Bait. To enter please fill in the copter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. This book is filled with charismatic people of the most amazing variety. I felt so many emotions reading this book and often found myself laughing hysterically out aloud gaining the attention of those in the cafe around me! You may find yourself becoming very unproductive once you begin reading this, you won't want to put it down!
    If you enjoy reading about the following topics then you can anticipate loving this book:
    - History
    - Love
    - Family
    - Travel/Culture
    - Humour
    I have never come across a book where I have felt so intriguant whilst being able to relate at the same time. Being one of first people to read this book, the only disappointing fact is that I now have to wait for author to write him next one! - See more at:

  2. knife, book, sat phone

  3. A flint, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, and a case of very old Scotch. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Flint, knife, my nook :D

  5. Squeak AlaskanBookieSeptember 4, 2013 at 12:30 AM

    What an awesome idea for a book! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

    I would take a a hatchet, flint, and plastic sheeting. The hatchet for killing and cutting stuff, the flint for starting fires to cook the stuff I killed and keeping warm, and the plastic to keep water off as well as catch water to drink.

  6. Heather J @ TLC Book ToursSeptember 8, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Thanks for being on the tour!


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