Friday, August 21, 2009

Author Visit and Interview with the Lovely Cindy Allen

I love talking with authors and picking the brain of a great writer. How exciting to post my first interview with the marvelous Cindy Allen author of I Thought I Heard The Lion's Roar.

Welcome Cindy to the site and thanks for taking some time to join me and share your thoughts with us.

Cindy: It's a pleasure to be here and thank you for inviting me....

What Inspired you to write this book and why did you choose to add so many personal touches?

Cindy:I always wanted to write a book, I just didn't have a story until now. Anyone who knows me, knows I always use an experience to expound on a point that I'm trying to get across. As Jim and I began to traverse our journey of downsizing, displacement and disillusionment, I knew there was a wonderful testimony coming forth on the faithfulness of God and I had to write about it. The personal touches were used because I wanted my story to be the real deal and to let others know it's okay to be human.

What if anything do you want your readers to walk away with?

Cindy: First and foremost I want the reader to know they can hear God's voice for themselves. If God will talk to this simple, blond headed middle aged woman, He will talk to you. It's not difficult to hear His voice, but you must believe that He will talk to you first, and then you must tune out the other voices to discern His above all others.

During your story you wrote about a time in your life when your family dabbled in the occult. Why do think this is so alluring to people?

Cindy: Everyone is searching for the missing piece of the puzzle in their lives. There is a God shaped vacuum in our heart that only He can fill. The occult is a counterfeit. And just as in counterfeit money, it looks and feels like the real thing to the untrained eye, but when you spend it and get caught (which you always do) it will take you where you never wanted to go, and leave you feeling empty and alone.

What was the hardest part about writing this book?

Cindy:The hardest part about writing the book was reliving the journey. There were many tears on my keyboard while I laid my heart out for all to see. I knew I needed to be vulnerable and real, so my life was laid bare for all to read the good the bad and the ugly about what Jim and I went through.

On page 83 you warn your readers to be careful who you listen to...(sound advice) what would you like to share to a person going through a similar situation dealing with unemployment?

Cindy: It is very important to know yourself. Each one of us is unique and God made us on purpose with a purpose. There are many voices out there that even though some are well intended, can steer you off course. Jim and I found that we had to be careful on whom we listened to and share our story with because many will want to give you advice out of their own experiences. This is not always bad, but what if it doesn’t apply and your experience is different than theirs? Often you can hear the voice of God through His servants, but it’s important to know the word of God for your life. The bible is very clear when it says "your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left." (Isaiah 30:21 Amplified)

Now some fun stuff....

Do have a certain writing style or any fun quirks while you write?

Cindy:My writing style is conversational. I write just like I talk. Many of my friends have said after reading the book "it's just like being with you". I consider that a compliment. I believe if I remain real, touchable and pliable I will have few regrets in this life. There are times when I'll be typing away and start laughing over my own stories, or even cry at some of the sadness we've encountered. But when it's all said and done and I'm re-reading what I've written I sit back in awe. I know it is the Lord in me, because honestly I surprise even myself!

What are some of your favorite books?

Cindy: I am a Christian self-help junkie. My bookshelves are full of how to books on fixing this and that regarding the human condition. But I also like some science fiction as well.

What are you reading now?
Cindy: Actually I took a break from the self help books and I'm reading Frank Peretti & Ted Dekker's book "House" the only way out is in. It's pretty creepy, but I always liked Peretti's books like "This Present Darkness"

Do you see writing as a long or short term career?

Cindy: I would love for writing to be a long career. I believe I am just like everyone else, and I have common experiences. The only difference is, I cannot keep quiet about the faithfulness of the Lord and what He has done in my life. My long term goal would be to communicate that message in whatever setting that would reach the most people to encourage them and edify the Lord.

If so, what genre will you write in and can you share any future work or plans?

Cindy: I am currently working on a devotional that you can read on my web-site called The Hindsight Diary and I am working on a sequel to my first book because the story did not end on page 152...

...and there you have it!!!!

Thank you so much Cindy for your honest and great answers...
I hope you all check Cindy's book out and check her website out as well.


  1. Tina,
    Thanks for sharing this interview. I haven't read Cindy's book before ~ but now I want to check it out!! I really appreciate her heart for the Lord. I'm going to check out her website too. Thanks so much! :)

  2. This is Great Tina!! How exciting. Both the interview and the review make me want to read this. I better get it up on my shelfari list.

    btw... love the music on here. It's great reading/book music, but I have to tell you I cooked all day yesterday with this in the background. So great cooking music too! :-) talk to you soon friend...

  3. Excellent interview, after reading it, once again I feel you have truly and sensitivley captured the heart of my sister's work... bravo to you both. I hope this will encourage people to find this wonderful resource and get back in the game!


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