Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Secret to Lying by Todd Mitchell

The Secret to Lying by Todd Mitchell

Release Date- June 2010
Candlewick Press Hardcover, 368 Pages
Review Copy

Book Synopsis

James was the guy no one noticed — just another fifteen-year-old in a small town. So when he gets into an academy for gifted students, he decides to leave his boring past behind. In a boarding school full of nerds and geeks, being cool is easy. All it takes is a few harmless pranks to invent a new James: fighter, rebel, punk. Everyone’s impressed, except for the beautiful "Ice Queen" Ellie Frost and the mysterious ghost44, an IM presence who sees through his new identity. But James is riding high, playing pranks and hooking up with luscious Jessica Keen. There’s just one thing awry: he’s starting to have vivid dreams of being a demon-hunting warrior, a thrill that is spilling over into dangerous and self-destructive acts while he’s awake. As he’s drawn deeper into his real-life lies and his dream-world conquests, James begins to wonder: What’s the price for being the coolest guy around?   (GoodReads)


High school sophomore James arrives at the American Science and Mathematics Academy boarding school (yes we are finally seeing a YA dork academy and not the gothic, creepy one normal to this genre) looking for a fresh start and a new life. James takes the opportunity to reinvent himself to the students. Instead of the nobody he was, he claims “rebel outsider” whom spent the majority of his time as a freshman, street fighting and stealing cars. Of course this places James in the ranks of drool-worthy stardom amongst the herd of nerds at this school and it’s not long before he stands out as a true rebel. While James finds some quick pleasure in the lies and friendships based upon his faulty exterior, inside he is a very sad and confused guy. Disturbing nightmares begin to take a toll on James as fantasy begins to mix with his reality. Sword fights in the dream land become real razors in the bathroom. Teachers, students and friends try to reach out and help James but addicted to his own destruction, he aimlessly tosses away one relationship after the other.

Mitchell’s use of the dark dreams and paranormal demon fighting were as I understood it- used metaphorically to link James mental turmoil in wanting to be that someone and the self-destruction of his cutting together. I understand why these elements were used but I felt it almost didn’t fit in with the coming of age story delivered. Not that this was a bad thing, but had it been left out it wouldn’t have been missed.

The Secret to Lying was a surprisingly humorous and almost heart breaking look into a young man’s mind of low self esteem and self-discovery. Todd Mitchell’s writing was fantastic, I felt he sincerely knew how to talk to the young teen, but was also able to pull me (a woman no longer a teen) back to a time in my life where James was highly relatable and recognizable. James is the average teen, and what I liked about this book even with the tad bit of paranormal flair on the side- he remains average. Never does James launch into this unbelievable super-hero of a guy but becomes the super-hero of overcoming real life issues. The ending for me was very heartfelt and left me with a sense of hope for the future life of this character.

Personal Sidenote-

One of the funniest and most relatable chapters in the book for me was when James goes shopping with his mother. She was a highly annoying woman and reading through the –put these pants on James, wear this sweater James, brought back irritating flashbacks of the women in my life at the age of 15, who were trying to dress me into the images of what they believed me to be. By the time my mother, step- mother and aunt finished, I resembled a bonafide dork with really bad hair!! I had a lot of angst rise up in me during this time- deeply from the fact that I never felt I had an outlet to express myself as an individual.…….


While I loved this book- there are many mature themes in the content. I was saddened by how casual sex was used but also reminded how casual sex was in my train of thought at that age.

Violence, drinking, swearing and the issue of cutting and anorexia are all touched on- recommended for the mature teen/ adult.

4/5- YA Coming of Age

Thanks to Candlewick Press for Review Copy 


You can Pre-order Your Copy at Amazon

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

The Iron King by Julia Kagawa

February-2010 by Harlequin Teen
Paperback, 363 pages
A Blog with Bite YA Selection
Purchased from Amazon

Book Synopsis- (Goodreads)

Meghan Chase has never fit in at her small-town high school, and now, on the eve of her 16th birthday, she discovers why. When her half brother is kidnapped, Meghan is drawn into a fantastical world she never imagined--the world of Faery, where anything you see may try to eat you, and Meghan is the daughter of the summer faery king. Now she will journey into the depths of Faery to face an unknown enemy . . . and beg the help of a winter prince who might as soon kill her as let her touch his icy heart. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series.

Memorable Quote

I touched the place where his fingers had brushed my skin, giddy and terrified at the same time.

“Careful human…………Do not lose your heart to a faery prince. It never ends well.

Pg.178 (stated by Grimalkin)


So let’s talk about one of the best YA faerie novels out there.

Superb writing, amazing plot, defined characters and easy to fall-in-love-with princes and that’s just the beginning of this original highly enjoyable read.

Meghan’s story begins with the backdrop of the usual average gal making her way through high school amongst the rich and snobby-she has no friends besides the company of Robbie another loner who lives nearby. With the ache of loneliness surrounding her The Iron King actually starts off a bit gloomy.

Gloom quickly turns into scary, as Kagawa’s descriptions slowly pull the reader into a dark side of the fae and its counterparts. Meghan defiantly knows things in the world aren’t right when Ethan her cute little brother rips his stuffed bunny’s head off and mistakes her leg for a drumstick.

Enter Robbie- who rescues Meghan from the leg-eating monster that is actually a changeling standing in for the real Ethan who has been kidnapped and taken into faery world. Robbie informs her that he is actually a faery named Puck (the Puck!) who was sent by her Faery Father Oberon of the Summer Court, to be her protector and take her back to Nevernever when the time came. And the time certainly has come for Meghan Chase.

On a mission to rescue Ethan, Robbie and Meghan head into Nevernever and embark on an adventure sure to pull you in and under its spell. On a race to save her brother, Meghan is thrown some bones to chew on- one she’s trapped in Oberon’s Court – the Summer Queen (Oberon’s wife) has a huge grudge against her and of course falling in love with a winter prince out to kill you could dampen anyone spirits.

I loved every minute of The Iron King and thought Kawaga’s brilliant mind brought all of us “Faerie fans” a unique and entertaining story. The world created in this story felt like Alice in Wonderland to me, and perhaps it’s because I just saw the movie so it wasent hard to picture the similar worlds, only Nevernever had a much more sinister feel than the whimsical aspects of Wonderland. Highly recommended to all of those who love the Fae and the magical world of fantasy.


The Iron King contains elements of frightening fantasy, violence and mild adult content. Suitable for the mature teen and adult.

5/5 YA Faeries

BWB Discussion Questions:
1. What did you think of the feud between Puck and Ash? How do you think that might play out in the next two books? I loved the feud- it gave the book the "boy fighting over girl aspect". For sure a love triangle but Im hoping Meghan ends up with Ash.

2. Favorite scene or line from the book? Could you relate to any of the characters? I think my favorite scene was when Ash and Meghan dance and talk face-to-face for the first time. I related to Meghan on a girl level- but I think my favorite character had to be Grimalkin- he cracked me up!!

3. With whom did you identify with the most? And Why? For sure Meghan, and only because she was going through normal reactions. I liked her because she was a strong character but so graceful.

4. Did you find the concept behind the Iron King- being a technology fueled modern day faerie- original or unbelievable? Very Original!! I thought the concept was new and fun.

5. Kagawa used a lot of mythical faeries in The Iron King, such as King Oberon, Queen Mab and Puck. Which fae from myth would you have liked to have seen added into the pages of The Iron King besides the ones she used? None- I think the use of mythical fae is a toss up- I don't have any one's I favor.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Recap (3) News and Great Finds

What a great week for awesome discoverys and lots of awards.


I recieved The Splash and Stylish Blog Award from Shantel at Book Nerds Are Pretty Too.

I also recived the Honest Scrap Award from Marce at Tea Time With Marce.
You can read about my ten honest things here.

And lastly but not leastly- I recieved the Lovely Blog Award from Marjolein at Marjolein Book Blog.

-Thanks girls, awards make me happy and always make my week lovely!!!!

New Blogs

Check out these new blogs and support these girls by stopping by and saying hi.

Marjorlein at Marjoleinbookblog and Shantel at BookNerds are Pretty Too.

Great Find

So maybe this is old news to some of you...but I discovered such a great website called Pandora this week.

Pandora is a internet radio station where you can explore music and create your own stations. Just drop the name of one of your favorite songs or artists into Pandora and  it will scan its entire world of analyzed music new and old, well known and completely obscure - to find songs with interesting musical similarities to your choice. The site has two options a free membership or a paid. I choose the free membership for now which allows 40 hours of free music a month. The funpart is creating your own radio stations. So far I have a Paramore Radio and 30 Seconds to Mars Radio. An entire site dedicated to my favorite bands and songs!! I love it!!

This week Im reading-

Darkborn by Alison Sinclair
For the Darkborn, sunlight kills. For the Lightborn, darkness is fatal. Living under a centuries-old curse, the Darkborn and the Lightborn share the city of Minhorne, coexisting in an uneasy equilibrium but never interacting. When Darkborn physician Balthasar Hearne finds a pregnant fugitive on his doorstep just before sunrise, he has no choice but to take her in. Tercelle Amberley’s betrothed is a powerful Darkborn nobleman, but her illicit lover came to her through the daytime. When she gives birth to twin boys, they can see, something unheard of among the Darkborn. When men come for the boys, Balthasar is saved by the intervention of his Lightborn neighbor—and healed by the hands of his wife, Telmaine. Soon he finds himself drawn deeper into political intrigue and magical attacks, while Telmaine must confront a power she can no longer keep sheathed in gloves, a power she neither wants nor can control.

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Incarceron -- a futuristic prison, sealed from view, where the descendants of the original prisoners live in a dark world torn by rivalry and savagery. It is a terrifying mix of high technology -- a living building which pervades the novel as an ever-watchful, ever-vengeful character, and a typical medieval torture chamber -- chains, great halls, dungeons. A young prisoner, Finn, has haunting visions of an earlier life, and cannot believe he was born here and has always been here. In the outer world, Claudia, daughter of the Warden of Incarceron, is trapped in her own form of prison -- a futuristic world constructed beautifully to look like a past era, an imminent marriage she dreads. She knows nothing of Incarceron, except that it exists. But there comes a moment when Finn, inside Incarceron, and Claudia, outside, simultaneously find a device -- a crystal key, through which they can talk to each other. And so the plan for Finn's escape is born ...

Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen

It was the summer on Vliet Street when we all started locking our doors...
Sally O'Malley made a promise to her daddy before he died. She swore she'd look after her sister, Troo. Keep her safe. But like her Granny always said-actions speak louder than words. Now, during the summer of 1959, the girls' mother is hospitalized, their stepfather has abandoned them for a six pack, and their big sister, Nell, is too busy making out with her boyfriend to notice that Sally and Troo are on the Loose. And so is a murderer and molester. Highly imaginative Sally is pretty sure of two things. Who the killer is. And that she's next on his list. Now she has no choice but to protect herself and Troo as best she can, relying on her own courage and the kindness of her neighbors.

Hand of Fate by Lis Wiehl

Hand of Fate begins with a suspected terrorist attack, when outspoken radio talk show host Jim Fate is killed by poisonous gas while his show, "The Hand of Fate" is on the air. In the ensuing panic, downtown Portland is evacuated and FBI Special Agent Nicole Hedges is trapped in a high-rise building. Crime reporter Cassidy Shaw is the only journalist brave enough to report from the scene as chaos overtakes the streets. And federal prosecutor Allison Pierce ends up rescuing a toddler separated from her family and taking her to one of the city's overwhelmed hospitals. In the days following Fate's murder, the three colleagues and friends team up to uncover the secrets behind it - and reveal a few secrets of their own.

Happy Reading.................


Friday, March 26, 2010

Evolve by Nancy Kilpatrick and Various Authors

Evolve-Vampire Stories of the New Undead
A Blog with Bite March Feature
Edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Written by Various Authors
Paperback 256 pages
Publisher: Edge Releasing September-2010
Review Copy

Book synopsis:

New Vampires have evolved, and they are coming for you! Kelly Armstrong, Tanya Huff and twenty-two other dark fantasy and horror writers come together to re-imagine the future of vampires in this new collection of all-original short fiction – one of the most unusual and original vampire anthologies ever assembled.

Memorable Quote:

The moon, he says

let us fly there, build our own dark cities on its unseen face, rest in its comforting shadow.

Taken from Let In The Night by Sandra Kasturi --- pg.14


In the opening pages Nancy Kilpatrick introduces us to the book, Im not one for back- flips on intros and forwards, but I actually found myself loving Nancy’s. There was so much great information on the history of entertainment Vampires, after reading the introduction I felt I had received a crash course on books and movies 101.

I loved that the beginning opened with poetry and the end closed with yearning for more.

Evolve contains 24 bloody snippets of tantalizing stories to water your mouth. The authors who share with us little tastes of their work defiantly brought different flavor to the modern day vampire. You can find a bit of everything in these stories including musical, sadistic, depressed and hard core vamps. You can stumble upon the sexy, ugly, tough and weird- and not only do the stories contain creepy elements but also new ideas that give the vampire genre a fresh face.

My favorite story by far was Sandra Wickham’s Mamma’s Boy (a freaky little tidbit of a human woman giving birth to her vampire child) coming in at a pithy four pages I wanted so much more – I’m hoping Ms. Wickham takes this story and makes it fabulous!! Not to say I loved every story some were very confusing and weird- for instance- The Drinker by Victoria Fisher which left me with more questions than interest or Colleen Anderson’s An Ember Amongst the Fallen which left me more disturbed than intrigued by Buer’s character, he was a confusing nasty.

Overall I enjoyed the entire collection, it was just enough to pique my interest but not fully form in depth thoughts on the stories or authors. For sure I’m interested to read more about Zoe in Kelly Armstrong’s Otherworld Series and interested to check out more of the other authors work including Tanya Huff and Jerome Stueart.


Evolve contains various stories of blood, murder, mayhem, sex and language-suitable for adult readers.

3.5/5 Vampire Anthology

Thanks to Hades and Edge Publications Inc. for Review Copy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Here Burns My Candle by Lizz Curtis Higgs

Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs
March 2010, Waterbrook Press
Paperback, 454 Pg.
Review Copy

Book Synopsis-

September 1745

Edinburgh is a bustling city of fifty thousand inhabitants. Tongues are wagging over the impending arrival of Charles Edward Stuart—the young pretender to the throne—and his Highland army. Scotland, though bound by English law, is thick with Jacobites, who support the restoration of James and the overthrow of King George II.

Safely ensconced in their well appointed rooms overlooking the High Street are the Kerr’s of Selkirk. Landed gentry from the Scottish Borders, the Kerr’s have called Edinburgh home for a decade, all but abandoning their quiet country estate in Selkirkshire, turning their back on the simple folk of the Borders in favor of Edinburgh’s heady mix of culture, commerce, and political intrigue.

A mother who cannot face her future, a daughter who cannot escape her past.
A timeless tale of loss and redemption, flickering against the vivid backdrop
of eighteenth-century Scotland.  (GoodReads)


Lady Marjory Kerr is a widow of substantial means, whose life is defined by her place in society and catering to her grown sons, Donald and Andrew. The men both well known in gentleman society have married well and enjoy the simple life in the walls of luxury.

Elisabeth who is married to Donald, happily enjoys her marriage and adores her husband. In the midst of a pampered life style Elisabeth does harbor some problems. Marjory prefers Janet, Andrew’s wife and finds that approval and friendship don’t come easy with her mother-in-law. Easy to understand-the women have extreme differences- Elisabeth worships pagan moon gods and Naomi worships God from the Bible. Also Elisabeth has painful family secrets she’s hiding and begins to fear that her beloved husband has a wicked weakness for beautiful young maidens. Elisabeth of course hits the nail on the head about Donald, who in the opening of our story is a low-down dirty dog with his cheating ways.

When Elisabeth finally confronts Donald about her fears and shows him evidence to prove the indiscretions, he finally comes clean. Surprisingly once confronted, Donald truly feels remorse and guilt washes over him so intensely that he confesses in a letter all his indiscretions….(yikes, I would hate to get a letter like that, I’d be like ok where does the tramp live) But not Elisabeth who’s character is noble- doesn’t rush to beat the maidens down, but handles herself with grace and humility. I think Donald deeply loved Elisabeth but his lusty ways kept him from true intimacy with her. It’s not until after he goes off to fight in a war that he changes his ways and longs for that intimacy he should have had long ago. And right when change enters his heart and Elisabeth opens hers back up does death- the mighty destroyer- intercede.

With the death of both Donald and Andrew, the women are left unprotected, shunned from society and facing grave danger. Bound by marriage and tragedy, the three Kerr women will soon be forced to depend upon one another.

If you are familiar with Naomi and Ruth’s story from the Bible then of course this story’s outcome will be predictable. Here Burns my Candle delivers an intriguing look at the back story of how Ruth and Naomi’s journey began.

History Lesson

Ruth is my favorite woman out of the Bible. Her character is one to be admired. So for all of you who don’t know the story of Ruth here is a brief rundown.

During the time of the Judges- an Israelite family —Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their sons Mahlon and Chilion—immigrate to the nearby country of Moab. Elimelech dies, and the sons marry two Moabite women: Mahlon marries Ruth and Chilion marries Orpah. The two sons then die and Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem. She tells Orpah and Ruth to return to their mothers, and remarry. Orpah leaves; however, Ruth says, "Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.

So together the two return to Bethlehem during the time of the barley harvest, and in order to support them, Ruth goes to the fields to glean. The field she goes to belongs to a man named Boaz, who is kind to her because he has heard of her loyalty to her mother-in-law.

Later, Boaz and Ruth get married and have a son named Obed. In the genealogy, we learn Obed is the descendant of Perez the son of Judah, and the grandfather of King David.


Exquisitely written and the fictional take on a Bible story mixed with Scottish history gave a very well known character much drama and depth. For any of you who love the historical timepieces this is a perfect addition to add to your shelf.

Adult content centers on infidelity, violence and war, but remains suitable for most readers including mature teens.

4/5 Historical Romance

Thank you to Waterbrook Press for Review Copy, to purchase click here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sneak Peak at Thief Eyes...................CANT WAIT!!!

Thief Eyes by Janni Lee Simner - Releases Apil 27, 2010.
The latest YA fantasy book from the author that brought you Bones of Faerie.

I normally don't do a Waiting on Wednesday (started at Breaking the Spine) but could not pass up the chance to share an awesome book!!

Book Synopsis:
After her mother mysteriously disappears, sixteen-year-old Haley convinces her father to take her to Iceland, where her mother was last seen. There, amidst the ancient fissures and crevices of that volcanic island, Haley meets gorgeous Ari, a boy with a dangerous side who appoints himself her protector.

When Haley picks up a silver coin that entangles her in a spell cast by her ancestor Hallgerd, she discovers that Hallgerd's spell and her mother's disappearance are connected to a chain of events that could unleash terrifying powers and consume the world. Haley must find a way to contain the growing fires of the spell—and her growing attraction to Ari.

Janni Lee Simner brings the fierce romance and violent passions of Iceland's medieval sagas into this twenty-first-century novel, with spellbinding results.

About the Author

Janni Lee Simner first became fascinated with the Icelandic sagas—and with the woman whose uncle said she had the eyes of a thief—during a visit to Iceland. Standing in the rift valley of Thingvellir with a battered copy of Njal's Saga in her backpack, she realized the characters she was reading about had walked the same ground. As the wind blew around her, she sat down and wrote the opening scene of Thief Eyes.

Janni lives more than four thousand miles from Iceland in Tucson, Arizona, where the hot, dry desert weather is about as unlike Iceland as one can get and still be on the same planet. She's also the author of four books for younger readers and more than thirty short stories. Janni is currently working on the sequel to her first young adult novel, Bones of Faerie. (Amazon)



Monday, March 22, 2010

Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott

Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
Simon Pulse- 2007 Hardcover, 170 pg

Book Synopsis:

Once upon a time I was a little girl who disappeared.
Once upon a time my name was not Alice.
Once upon a time I didn't know how lucky I was.

When Alice was ten, Ray took her away from her family, her friends -- her life. She learned to give up all power, to endure all pain. She waited for the nightmare to be over. Now Alice is fifteen and Ray still has her, but he speaks more and more of her death. He does not know it is what she longs for. She does not know he has something more terrifying than death in mind for her.

Haunting Quote

I want to lie down on the bench then, or better yet, on the grass, rest on something living and see if I can hear the dead underneath. But I can’t because then people will look and Ray doesn’t like looking, wants me silent, his little ghost girl.

Pg. 96

Review--- PG-13 Warning this is a graphic review not suitable for everyone.

Living Dead Girl is “Alice" a fifteen-year old girl kidnapped on a school field trip when she was ten. Her captor, Ray, has sexually and physically abused her every day since he kidnapped her. The reader willing to enter Alice’s haunting story endures Alice’s everyday life with Ray. The sexual abuse is tortuous and hard to read through- even though the scenes aren’t explicitly graphic- the reader has no problems connecting the dots.

Then we starve with Alice as Ray rations out food and only allow’s her yogurt every day. Alice is kept in an anorexic state so she won’t begin her period or develop. The consequences for periods- terrorizing beatings- the consequence everyday- rape. Alice is raped and sexually abused multiple times a day, it basically consumed the entire story and makes the reader so raw with emotion we are twisted with thoughts wanting to see Ray dead or see Alice die, just to stop this madness.

Consumed with fear, hopelessness and starvation from food and love, Alice losses all aspects of herself, she seriously is a living dead girl. With her spirit crushed and her soul literally dead, she begins to see the world through hate filled eyes and some of the thoughts she has, the ideas of hurting others become downright hard to read.

Alice's has multiple opportunities to escape, to tell someone- but Ray has brainwashed her to a point where she is a walking prisoner. She truly believes he will kill her parents if she escapes. Alice just wants him to kill her with the kitchen knives so the nightmare will end. Unfortunately Ray’s plan doesn’t end with a knife- but ends with Alice kidnapping a new girl, who can be trained with Alice’s help- the scary part, Alice wants too, so he will stop raping her and start raping a new girl. Alice at one point thinks- Ill even hold her down for him if the pain will just stop. That is the most horrifying part of book, because we the reader know that there is nothing left for Alice- even if she did escape, what would her life look like? Not that I completely wanted to throw in the towel for Alice, but it was disturbing for me to think that- that this beautiful girl was broken down into a dead soul. How in the world could she ever be reborn? Scott's writing is gripping and thought provoking. She is such a brilliant writer and connects us with Alice so immediately that you are heartbroken for this fictional character who could be your next door neighbor.

After finishing Living Dead Girl I felt a heavy burden on my heart. For a mother reading this story it’s unbelievably sad and breeds fear in the heart of a parent. I almost never want to let my precious children go, but living in fear is unhealthy and what I can take away from a story like this is to be more vigilant in what my kids are doing and where they are at, whether it be out with me or at school. The truly scary aspect of this book is the fact that it can happen and has happened. We’ve seen it and yet we know nothing of it. Even more frightening is when we do nothing to stop it.


Living Dead Girl is a written nightmare that I found difficult to read. Should teens read it? I don’t know- I think it’s scary in a sense that has nothing to do with the bogey man under your bed, but the real bogey man around the corner that rapes, destroys and kills.

Highly-severely- sexual and the language is graphic, content and overall feel of the book is very disturbing and I would only recommend this to the adult/mature teen ---or one capable of handling this content. Alice’s story is not one easy to shake off.

3/5 - YA- Kidnapping- Abuse

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Recap (3) News and Giveaways

Blog News

I had a bit of a slow week but I did finally open a Twitter Account....(thanks Rach) come follow me HERE!
I don't know what Im doing yet, but hopefully soon I'll catch on.....


Also this week I posted a contest for a chance to win Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris- a practical guide for teens to live by. Im picking a winner April 1, 2010- so don't forget to enter.  Also if you didn't know already Emily at What Book is That has been hosting a charity event at her blog this month to help raise money for the troops overseas. All comments at her blog= money. Also Im donating a copy of Another Faust by Daniel & Dina Nayeri for the top commentator of the month. So hurry over to Emily's and enter for your chance to win!! 

Awards and New Blogs 

Thanks to Jackie-from Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories and Kelsey from The Door to Wonderland for awarding me the Beautiful Blogger....you made my week a bit more beautiful! If you haven't checked out these gals blogs- be sure to head over and say hi!!
This Week Im planning to Read:

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick------Abandoning her worldly life, traveling to a remote Wisconsin town in the dead of winter, trusting her future to a man she had never met - such was Catherine Land's new beginning. But there was an ending in sight as well, an ending that would redeem the treachery ahead, justify the sacrifice, and allow her to start over yet again. That was her plan." "For Ralph Truitt, the wealthy businessman who had advertised for "a reliable wife," this was also to be a new beginning. Years of solitude, denial, and remorse would be erased, and Catherine Land, whoever she might be, would be the vessel of his desires, the keeper of his secrets, the means to recover what was lost. That was his plan." Set just after the turn of the twentieth century, A Reliable Wife is the story of these two people, each plagued by a heart filled with anger and guilt, each with a destiny in mind. But neither anticipates what develops between them - the pent-up longings that Catherine discovers in this enigmatic man and the depth of her own emotional response; the joy Ralph experiences in giving Catherine the luxuries she has never known, his growing need for her, and a desire that he thought was long buried.

The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan-------Gabry lives a quiet life. As safe a life as is possible in a town trapped between a forest and the ocean, in a world teeming with the dead, who constantly hunger for those still living. She’s content on her side of the Barrier, happy to let her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast while she watches from the top of her lighthouse. But there are threats the Barrier cannot hold back. Threats like the secrets Gabry’s mother thought she left behind when she escaped from the Sisterhood and the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Like the cult of religious zealots who worship the dead. Like the stranger from the forest who seems to know Gabry. And suddenly, everything is changing. One reckless moment, and half of Gabry’s generation is dead, the other half imprisoned. Now Gabry only knows one thing: she must face the forest of her mother’s past in order to save herself and the one she loves.

Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris----Sookie Stackhouse is a cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana, but she keeps to herself and doesn't date much because of her "disability" to read minds. When she meets Bill, Sookie can't hear a word he's thinking. He's the type of guy she's waited for all of her life, but he has a disability, too--he's a vampire with a bad reputation. When one of Sookie's coworkers is killed, she fears she's next

An Absence so Great by Jane Kirkpatrick-----While growing in confidence as a photographer, eighteen-year-old Jessie Ann Gaebele’s personal life is at a crossroads. Hoping she’s put an unfortunate romantic longing behind her as “water under the bridge,” she exiles herself to Milwaukee to operate photographic studios for those owners who have fallen ill with mercury poisoning. Jessie gains footing in her dream to one day operate her own studio and soon finds herself in other Midwest towns, pursuing her profession. But even a job she loves can’t keep painful memories from seeping into her heart when the shadows of a forbidden love threaten to darken the portrait of her life.

Have a Great Week and Happy Reading!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Recommend Me (8)

Recommend Me is a weekly event hosted by Kate at The Neverending Shelf - in which participants will pick one of their all time favorite reads to share. This could be a book that your read yesterday or years ago.

To play along, grab a favorite read and tell us about it. You can include your thoughts about the novel, its
summary, your favorite memory related to the novel...the possibilities are limitless

This Week my pick is: I Am Not Esther by Fleur Beale

Book Synopsis: Imagine that your mother tells you that she is going away. She is leaving you with relatives whom you have never heard of-and they are members of a strict religious cult. Your name is changed to a biblical one, Esther, and you are forced to follow the severe set of social standards set by the cult. You don't know where you mother is, and you are beginning to lose your own identity.

My Thoughts

I read this last summer and it reminded me of a powerful woman here me roar book- Beal's engrossing novel peers into the restricted world of the Children of the Faith, a rigidly traditional and completely fiction look into a Christian denomination.

Kirby has never known any family aside from her impractical mother, Ellen. When Ellen abruptly makes plans to fulfill her lifelong dream of working with refugees in Africa, she sends Kirby to live with her estranged brother,Caleb and his wife. Once arriving, Kirby is renamed Esther for religious reasons and of course Kirby flips at the name change, restrictions are forced on her style of dress and hair. The goals for women are to grow up and marry early while haivng lots of children.....

I’m recommending this because... number one- it was written very well and number two it’s a great fiction story. It obviously stemmed it's roots based upon the Pentecostal religion, which is a denomination of Christianity. There is the whole holy movement out there, which involves women looking like Goodwill tomboy models, but for the most part the book isn’t a true representation of the Pentecostal religion. This heavily leaned towards more of the cultish type religions, where scare tactics, burning in hell and women treated as slaves are the norm.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris Review & Giveaway

Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris                                                           

March 2010
Publisher: The Doubleday Publishing Group
Format: Paperback, 176 pg.

Review Copy
Book Synopsis:
You want to do hard things. But you don’t know where to start.You are changing the world around you. But you are tired and burned out. You feel called to do the extraordinary for God. But you feel stuck in the ordinary.Do Hard Things inspired thousands of young people around the world to make the most of the teen years. Now Alex and Brett Harris are back and ready to tackle the questions that Do Hard Things inspired: How do I get started? What do I do when I get discouraged? What’s the best way to inspire others? Filled with stories and insights from Alex, Brett, and other real-life rebelutionaries, Start Here is a powerful and practical guide to doing hard things, right where you are.


Start Here was inspired by a blog that two sixteen year old brothers came up with. They named it The Rebelution in the sense that taking the words rebellion and revolution to mean something new for the teenager. Start Here is basically a challenge to any teenager out there struggling with identity in Christ or trying to find their voice in this big world. It’s also a call for change. The main focus in the book is telling teenagers that they have do indeed have a voice and that their actions can change the world. I loved reading through some of these kids’ ideas and the amazing things they did to step up. I also liked it because it was written by teenagers encouraging other teenagers. Sometimes a parent or adult can give advice to a teen and they roll their eyes, but have that same advice come from another teen or friend and sometimes they will listen…..even change……..

The book entails inspirational stories about different teens from all over, who decided to help someone, stand up for someone or just be brave and do the right thing. My favorite story was Charity’s- a teenager who through hard work crochet and had people around the world donate handmade hats to send to orphans overseas during Christmas time.


Well written and broken into sections so it’s easy to read through and understand. Its practical outlook and hard but simple things to do make it easy for any young person or adult to apply this to their lives.Recommended for all ages.

4/5- YA- Inspirational Living

Thank you to Random House for Review Copy for info on purchasing click here.

You can find out more about Alex and Brett Harris’s popular blog: TheRebelution


Thanks to the greats at Random House I have one copy of this to giveaway. I would love for a teen to win this (but I can't monitor ages on the internet) so here are the rules.......anyone can enter....but you have to answer this question.

Why do you want to read Start Here?

I will pick a winner April 1, 2010.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Want to Win a Kindle?

Head on over to Misty Taggart's site to vote for your favorite book trailer. Each voter gets an entry for the grand prize giveaway- A KINDLE! Hurry- midnight (PST) March 23, 2010 deadline.

This is easy...watch the book trailers and vote for your favorites........

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
March 2009, Viking Juvenile
Hardcover, 282 pages

Book Synopsis:
Lia and Cassie had been best friends since elementary school, now eighteen, they are no longer friends. Despite their estrangement, Cassie calls Lia thirty-three times on the night of her death, and Lia never answers. As events play out, Lia's guilt, her need to be thin, and her fight for acceptance unravel in an almost poetic stream of consciousness in this startlingly crisp and pitch-perfect first-person narrative. (Goodreads)

Memorable Quote

Dead, rotting daughters leave a bad smell that won’t come out no matter how hard the cleaning lady scrubs. My parents bounced the blame back and forth, bouncing Lia bean, sick starving Lia bean, what is wrong with her, it’s all your faultfaultfault.

Pg. 138- Lia’s thoughts on being admitted to rehab


-Disturbing is the first thought that comes to my mind-

Without question this is a dark novel, having nothing to do with the paranormal world, Wintergirls is a sharp and intense look at the eating disorder anorexia and the disturbing -nobody wants to really talk about- world of cutting.

The winter girls are Cassie and Lia. Cassie a young girl who literally vomits herself to death is used in past memories and has her story told through Lia’s perspective. Lia who has just left rehab (for anorexia) and has just learned of Cassie’s death invites us readers into her terrifying and delusion filled mind as she slowly starves herself. Cassie’s ghost metaphorically haunts Lia to encourage her death and restlessly torments Lia’s minds with questions…”why didn’t you pick up the phone, why didn’t you help your friend…when are you joining me”. If reading through the weariness of her starving body crying out for food and the guilt she feels over Cassie’s death isn’t bad enough then we watch Lia cut and mutilate her body.

It takes awhile to figure out the trigger button which caused the disorders but as the story unfolds you can pin point precisely what lead to this self-destruction. Number one: Lia’s parents- I know I’ve stated countless times I wish parents were portrayed in a more positive light in YA fiction, but sometimes the reality is –some parents just drop the ball. Lia’s parents have year’s worth of baggage and marital problems, her father had multiple affairs on her mother which eventually lead to divorce. Now remarried he has a new daughter and Lia bonds with Emma right away but has the typical “get out of my face” stepmother issues. She has a volatile relationship with her mother, who is over-worked, over stressed and terribly worried about her daughter’s disease. Even with the parental failures they love Lia and want to help her but the damage was done so early in her childhood dark bondage already began its ugly pull in her mind and heart. Secondly: Friendship with Cassie compounds those issues, due to the fact that Cassie is a bulimic and perhaps is even more messed up than Lia. The two when still very young make a promise to each other that they will be the skinniest girls in the school, thus setting disastrous habits for each other’s future.

Throughout most of the story Lia’s words are crossed out, giving the reader the truth behind the actual thought that does comes out, words are still legible but we know she’s fighting against them. The use of italics, font size and repeating the same word over and over reflects her distorted mental handle on life. Anderson’s writing is unique to say the least, with its rich and powerful sentence structure; I felt that the book was talking to me and not me reading it.

Ultimately, the end does deliver a positive message about fighting the demons of this disease. Although reading the thoughts of this girl slowly starving herself to death is heartbreaking and almost physically hurt me to read it, I gained tremendous insight to the inner workings of what a person with this disease is going through. Just the thought of girls with these issues going to chat rooms to encourage each other and cheer other's puking on is a sobering thought. At the same time though when I finished Wintergirls I felt relieved that my love of food and living is in a healthy place.


I think every teenage boy and girl alike should read this book. Not only teens but I think parents should read this too. As a parent and never knowing anyone who has struggled with cutting, anorexia and bulimia it was and can be an insightful tool on this touchy subject matter.

This is not a fun read or entertaining, it’s hard, it’s gripping and it’s unforgettable!!

4/5- YA, Eating Disorders

Monday, March 15, 2010

Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder

Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder
January 2010 by Simon and Schuster
Hardcover, 412 pages

Book Synopsis

Restless souls and empty hearts.
Brooklyn can’t sleep. Her boyfriend, Lucca died a year ago, and now their friend Gabe has died of an overdose. Every time she closes her eyes, Gabe's ghost is there, waiting for her. She has no idea what he wants or why it isn't Lucca chasing her through her dreams. Nico can’t stop. He’s always running, trying so hard not to feel the pain of missing Lucca. But when he begins receiving messages from his dead brother, telling him to help Brooklyn, emotions come crashing to the surface. As the nightmares escalate and the messages become relentless, Nico reaches out to Brooklyn. But neither of them can admit that they're being haunted. Until they learn to let each other in, not one soul will be able to rest. (GoodReads)

Memorable Quote

I go by myself to see Lucca.
Ma will be too loud, wailing for him to come back, as if Heaven will hear her cries and do as she says.
Yellow Daises tell me Brooklyn’s been here.

His flower girl.

I brought nothing.
Just myself.
Seems fitting.
Feels like that’s all I’ve got anymore.

Pg.7 (Nico’s thoughts at Lucca’s grave)


Haunting, beautiful and pretty much close to perfection...................................

Chasing Brooklyn is by far one of the best YA books I’ve read this year. Schroeder’s words were so haunting to me it left me with chills. The writing (verse, poetry writing) sentence structure and prose was exquisitely beautiful and brought forth so much emotion I was able to connect to Nico and Brooklyn and seriously immerse myself in their sad world. When I feel the characters emotions and I’m crying with them……that is a sign of a talented writer!! I read this in one sitting, and I was very raw after but happy when I finished.

So much death and grieve has fallen upon Brooklyn’s high school. Jackson (a character from a previous book) died after a terrible diving accident. Then, a year ago, Brooklyn's boyfriend, Lucca, died in a terrible car crash, and most recently, Gabe, the driver of the car, killed himself after he couldn't take the guilt of Lucca's death for another day.

Brooklyn is in a pit of despair and can’t seem to bounce back after Lucca’s death. She no longer draws and spends too much time writing letters to Lucca that will never be sent. Soon after Gabe's death, Brooklyn begins having terrible nightmares where Gabe chases and torments her. She can't figure out what he wants and the dreams are becoming more horrific as the days go by.

Meanwhile, Nico is being visited by his ghostly dead brother Lucca. Nico starts receiving the same messages over and over again - "Help Brooklyn" -but Nico doesn't know how to help Brooklyn so he does the only thing he can, and attempts to build a friendship with her. He decides to ask her to join him prepare for an upcoming triathlon, hoping the work-outs and the challenge will help her deal with Lucca's death.

Through their friendship and their own separate grief the two form a bond much unexpected. They both waver away from this thinking that betraying Lucca will destroy them further but little do they know what destiny has in store.

Chasing Brooklyn is a story of grief and loss and all the dark things that creep out when one is suffering tragedy. It’s also about the beauty and hope of healing and finding the greatest power to overcome…..love……


Mild language, intense grief and darkness dealing with suicide and death, I would recommend for the mature teen and up.

5/5- YA – Grief, love, ghosts and beautiful writing

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Recap (2) News & Challenges

Well I know I said I was done joining challenges this year but when you find such great one's- I just can't help myself!!!

I joined the Non-Fiction 5 at Trish's Reading Nook

The Rules:
1. Read 5 non-fiction books during the months of May - September 2010

2. Read at least one non-fiction book that is different from your other choices (i.e.: 4 memoirs and 1 self-help)

I also signed up for Kate's (The Neverending Shelf) Clear-away-the-clutter-Read-A-Thon. which Im looking forward to....more reading=more reviews..........

Also this week I recieved The Beautiful Blog award from the lovely Amanda at Daydreams and Wanderings and from the lovely Lily at Lily's Bookshelf. Thanks Girls........

Blog to Check out

If you haven't already, A fun new blog you all should check out is
Katy's blog  at A Few More Pages

This Week Im planning to read:

Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah

Meredith and Nina Whitson are as different as sisters can be. One stayed at home to raise her children and manage the family apple orchard: the other followed a dream and traveled the world to become a famous photojournalist. But when their beloved father falls ill, Meredith and Nina find themselves together again, standing alongside their cold, disapproving mother, Anya, who even now, offers no comfort to her daughters. As children, the only connection between them was the Russian fairy tale Anya sometimes told the girls at night. On his deathbed, their father extracts a promise from the women in his life: the fairy tale will be told one last time - and all the way to the end. Thus begins an unexpected journey into the truth of Anya's life in war-torn Leningrad, more than five decades ago. Alternating between the past and present, Meredith and Nina will finally hear the singular, harrowing story of their mother's life, and what they learn is a secret so terrible and terrifying that it will shake the very foundation of their family and change who they believe they are.

House Rules by Jodi     Picoult HOUSE RULES is about Jacob Hunt, a teenage boy with Asperger’s Syndrome. He’s hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, and like many kids with AS, Jacob has a special focus on one subject – in his case, forensic analysis. He’s always showing up at crime scenes, thanks to the police scanner he keeps in his room, and telling the cops what they need to do…and he’s usually right. But then one day his tutor is found dead, and the police come to question him. All of the hallmark behaviors of Asperger’s – not looking someone in the eye, stimulatory tics and twitches, inappropriate affect – can look a heck of a lot like guilt to law enforcement personnel -- and suddenly, Jacob finds himself accused of murder. HOUSE RULES looks at what it means to be different in our society, how autism affects a family, and how our legal system works well for people who communicate a certain way – but lousy for those who don’t.

 The Iron King by Julia Kagawa

Meghan Chase has never fit in at her small-town high school, and now, on the eve of her 16th birthday, she discovers why. When her half brother is kidnapped, Meghan is drawn into a fantastical world she never imagined--the world of Faery, where anything you see may try to eat you, and Meghan is the daughter of the summer faery king. Now she will journey into the depths of Faery to face an unknown enemy . . . and beg the help of a winter prince who might as soon kill her as let her touch his icy heart. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series.
And last but not least although this is not book related I always feel that I read better when my nails look great....(:P)  I found a fabulous new color in O.P.I's Hong Kong Collection called Suzi Says Feng Shui, the beautiful blue spring color is fancying my tootsies and nails at this very moment.......

Happy Reading........

Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost

First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
A Blog with Bite Adult March Feature
Avon Mass Market Paperback, 371 pages

Book Synopsis:

The night is not safe for mortals. Denise MacGregor knows all too well what lurks in the shadows - her best friend is half-vampire Cat Crawfield - and she has already lost more than the average human could bear. But her family's dark past is wrapped in secrets and shrouded in darkness - and a evil shapeshifter has marked Denise as prey. Now her survival depends on an immortal who craves a taste of her.

He is Spade, a powerful, mysterious vampire who has walked the earth for centuries and is now duty-bound to protect this endangered, alluring human - even if it means destroying his own kind. Denise may arouse his deepest hungers, but Spade knows he must fight his urge to have her as they face the demon nightmare together... Because once the first drop of crimson falls, they will both be lost.


Well this was my second Jeannine Frost book and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. I know I might have missed out on big back stories but I felt as a new reader, it wasn’t hard to put things together and enjoy the story for what it was. I’ve only read Halfway to the Grave so yes some spoilers are in First Drop of Crimson, but nothing that would stop me from reading the previous series.

After the murder of her husband almost a year ago, Denise Macgregor has done everything to distance herself from the paranormal world. But when evil rears its ugly head and Denise is left with a major branding problem she'll have to call upon friends she never planned to see again. Desperate for help and with Cat and Bones on the other side of the world, Denise's only hope comes from Spade, a master vampire and previous character from Frost’s prior books. Spade who at first is reluctant to get involved in the tangled mess that is Denise, quickly changes his tune when the sparks between them begin to fly.

Spade can't imagine the way his life will turn upside down as he begins to search for the missing family member, Nathaniel, who is responsible for Denise’s family ordeal. Not only is he protecting her from a demon, but he also discovers Denise is suffering PTSD over the death of her husband. Only as the two travel to Europe in search of answers do they discover how dangerous Denise’s situation is and how much alike they really are.

The story shifts between Denise and Spades perspectives and although Denise seemed whinny at times, with her mixed feelings and self-doubt, Spade made up for her as the dynamic character. The romantic aspects between the two of them developed very nicely and by the time we get to the climatic point of their relationship, the reader and the a-hem characters are defiantly ready.

This is smut with a capital S…but I loved it. I thought the mix of good writing with suspense, paranormal and humorous side characters brought an enjoyable read for any PR lover or newbie into the genre.

And for everyone who has read this………………………This one’s for you Denise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4/5- Paranormal Romance

BWB Discussion Questions

1.Denise and Spades chemistry sparks more than a firecracker on the 4rth of July. Did you like the chemistry between them and did you feel the development of the relationship work?
I thought the development was just right! The timing made sense, they both needed a bit to fall-in love and nothing felt rushed or unbelievable. They for sure had hot chemistry but after a while Denise with all the oh, maybe he likes me got on my nerves.......

2.Have you read the Cat & Bones series? Denise is such a different (wimpier) character than Cat... did that make a difference to you? I read the first one, and hate to admit, I thought it was borderline cheesy. Denise is whinny but I think she showed to be a tough gal in the end of the book.

3.LIGHTNING ROUND. Identify your top three favorite PNR series. "There are too many!" is not an answer. Neither is more than three. Name the top three. Ready.....go!
I really liked this book- Id say my favorite PNR so far........I also liked The League Trilogy by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld.

4. Sizzle or Fizzle?     Sizzle for sure!!

Currently Reading.....