Monday, August 31, 2009

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox, a fun weekly event hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren (Link on Sidebar) to see what we are all reading, buying and winning.

So this is my first mailbox post and Im still trying to work out the graphics on my blog. This weeks post will be a little boring but Im going to do it anyway....;D

I bought:
Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange
Girl Talk, by Julianna Baggott (For bookclub)

I borrowed from the library:
Lament by Maggie Stiefvater
Magyk by Angie Sage
Evernight by Claudia Gray

I won a beautiful copy of The Noticer by Andy Andrews from the publisher

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Lovely Bones

Another movie I cant wait for!! Based on Alice Sebold's book The Lovely Bone's. I read this a few years ago but I remember I enjoyed it. Very bizarre and weird, that's what I loved about it the weirder the better I guess for me!! The story is told through a little girl living in Heaven after she has been murdered. I thought this would have been a hard book to put into a movie but genius Peter Jackson took it on so I'm guessing this is going to be great!!!!!

(Be sure to pause music at bottom of page)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My First Blog Challange...

My First Blog Challange R.I.P check the info out at http://www.stainlesssteeldroppings/.

Peril the First:
Read Four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose.

Mystery.Suspense.Thriller.Dark Fantasy.Gothic.Horror.Supernatural
My four will be:
1. Her Fearful Symmentry by Audrey Neffinegger
2. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
3. Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
4. Talking To The Dead Bonnie Grove

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan (sequel to The Forest of Hands and Teeth)
I found this today after I checked out Carrie Ryans site , her blog lead me to Goodreads and thus I stumbled upon the cover for the book and the book synopsis.........
Gabry lives a quiet life. As safe a life as is possible in a town trapped between a forest and the ocean, in a world teeming with the dead, who constantly hunger for those still living. She’s content on her side of the Barrier, happy to let her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast while she watches from the top of her lighthouse. But there are threats the Barrier cannot hold back. Threats like the secrets Gabry’s mother thought she left behind when she escaped from the Sisterhood and the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Like the cult of religious zealots who worship the dead. Like the stranger from the forest who seems to know Gabry. And suddenly, everything is changing. One reckless moment, and half of Gabry’s generation is dead, the other half imprisoned. Now Gabry only knows one thing: she must face the forest of her mother’s past in order to save herself and the one she loves. (
I'm very surprised this is a future Mary and her daughter...hmmm I wonder who's baby it is? I'm hoping its Travis's daughter......YES that would great.....Can March 9, 2010 come any faster?
If you haven't read Ryan's first book The Forest of Hands and Teeth, I would for sure suggest you do...its a nail biting flesh feeling good time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner

Bones of Fairy by Janni Lee Simner

Book Synopsis:

The war between humanity and Faerie devastated both sides. Or so fifteen-year-old Liza has been told. Nothing has been seen or heard from Faerie since, and Liza's world bears the scars of its encounter with magic. Corn resists being harvested; dandelions have thorns. Trees move with sinister intention, and the town Liza calls home is surrounded by a forest that threatens to harm all those who wander into it.

Still Liza feels safe. Her father is strong and has protected their town by laying down strict rules. Among them: Any trace of magic must be destroyed, no matter where it is found. (Publishers Review)


This was a very interesting read. Not anything like the faerie story's that are so popular right now. The book focuses completely on Liza and what is left of the United States after the war with the Fairy and magic people. The aftereffects leave a taint on the society and magic in the air. Trees will eat you and thorns will choke you. Seeds will burrow under your skin and the rivers will call to you to go deep into its waters. Rather a dark and depressing tale, it stressed the devastation and aftermath of war. Liza is fifteen, lives in fear of her abusive father and has one friend, Matthew. Don't mistake this for a love story though. Matthew and Liza for sure have potential but romance isn't even on the horizon in this book. Very soft and quiet hints are made but nothing is concrete. Matthew after all does have his own secrets. Liza was a very well rounded character, shes a brave determined girl and has a courageous spirit. I easily liked her and watching her grow stronger throughout the story.

Part post-apocalyptic tale and part folklore makes Bones of Faerie a fantastic read, refreshingly different and has that Gothic feel that sucks you in to its mystery.

4/5 YA, Apocalyptic, Folklore

Monday, August 24, 2009

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Unwind by Neal Shusterman
November 2007 by Simon & Schuster
Hardcover, 335 pages

Book Synopsis

In a society where unwanted teens are salvaged for their body parts, three runaways fight the system that would "unwind" them. Connor's parents want to be rid of him because he's a troublemaker. Risa has no parents and is being unwound to cut orphanage costs. Lev's unwinding has been planned since his birth, as part of his family's strict religion. Brought together by chance, and kept together by desperation, these three unlikely companions make a harrowing cross-country journey, knowing their lives hang in the balance. If they can survive until their eighteenth birthday, they can't be harmed -- but when every piece of them, from their hands to their hearts, are wanted by a world gone mad, eighteen seems far, far away...(Goodreads)


The Heartland War rips the country apart, the worst war anyone has seen, started because of the abortion issue, Pro life and Pro choice Americans go to war against each other until a medical and scientific breakthrough of generating human body parts is discovered and the brilliant minds of science and government write the Bill of Life which makes all sides happy, and gives parents the right to send their children off to be harvested if they haven't met certain standards by the age of thirteen. Most of the rebellious kids or under achievers are selected for unwinding. Even worse the crazy religious parents who begin tithing their kids and raise them to be sacrifices.

....The Bill of Life states that human life may not be touched from the moment of conception until a child reaches the age of thirteen. However between the ages of thirteen and eighteen a parent may choose to retroactively abort a child.......(Intro)

If that didn't make you shudder well Id say you have watched to many horror movies. I got major chill bumps after reading the opening of the book hence The Bill of Life. I knew in those opening pages I was in for a gripping read.The story follows three kids Conner, Risa and Lev. All unwinds who are hiding from the government so they can turn eighteen and live free from the fear of being caught.They will face many dangerous situations; life on streets and finally an Arizona safe haven of fellow unwind kids on the run. A sense of community and freedom gives the kids hope but little do they know the evil lurking within the graveyard and where this last stop will take them.

Throughout the book the term unwinding and unwound is used but none of the kids really know what takes place or how the harvest camp works. When we actually get to a point in the book where an unwinding takes place it was awful and heartbreaking to read, my poor stomach was in knots during those pages. I think I was truly feeling the characters fear and utter hopelessness....not that I like feeling those things but that is fantastic writing when your so connected to the fate of the characters and feel emotion as something terrible happens to one of them, or to feel happiness when things work out. Conner was the character I most latched unto due to his quiet bravery yet his take no crap attitude. He's bold yet charming and I immediately wanted him to survive this book... my favorite Conner quote, who is screaming at the horde of kids surrounding him..." We Have a right to our lives! We have a right to choose what happens to our bodies"!! His character reminded me of William Wallace in Braveheart (teen style-with no blue face) a guy who just wants peace and to live a normal life but winds up being a leader and ultimately a hero.

I feel like I've been through the wringer after reading this very dark and disturbing tale. Written brilliantly with a powerful and haunting message. Gut wrenching yes, but one I would recommend.

5/5- YA-Dystopian

Friday, August 21, 2009

Author Visit and Interview with the Lovely Cindy Allen

I love talking with authors and picking the brain of a great writer. How exciting to post my first interview with the marvelous Cindy Allen author of I Thought I Heard The Lion's Roar.

Welcome Cindy to the site and thanks for taking some time to join me and share your thoughts with us.

Cindy: It's a pleasure to be here and thank you for inviting me....

What Inspired you to write this book and why did you choose to add so many personal touches?

Cindy:I always wanted to write a book, I just didn't have a story until now. Anyone who knows me, knows I always use an experience to expound on a point that I'm trying to get across. As Jim and I began to traverse our journey of downsizing, displacement and disillusionment, I knew there was a wonderful testimony coming forth on the faithfulness of God and I had to write about it. The personal touches were used because I wanted my story to be the real deal and to let others know it's okay to be human.

What if anything do you want your readers to walk away with?

Cindy: First and foremost I want the reader to know they can hear God's voice for themselves. If God will talk to this simple, blond headed middle aged woman, He will talk to you. It's not difficult to hear His voice, but you must believe that He will talk to you first, and then you must tune out the other voices to discern His above all others.

During your story you wrote about a time in your life when your family dabbled in the occult. Why do think this is so alluring to people?

Cindy: Everyone is searching for the missing piece of the puzzle in their lives. There is a God shaped vacuum in our heart that only He can fill. The occult is a counterfeit. And just as in counterfeit money, it looks and feels like the real thing to the untrained eye, but when you spend it and get caught (which you always do) it will take you where you never wanted to go, and leave you feeling empty and alone.

What was the hardest part about writing this book?

Cindy:The hardest part about writing the book was reliving the journey. There were many tears on my keyboard while I laid my heart out for all to see. I knew I needed to be vulnerable and real, so my life was laid bare for all to read the good the bad and the ugly about what Jim and I went through.

On page 83 you warn your readers to be careful who you listen to...(sound advice) what would you like to share to a person going through a similar situation dealing with unemployment?

Cindy: It is very important to know yourself. Each one of us is unique and God made us on purpose with a purpose. There are many voices out there that even though some are well intended, can steer you off course. Jim and I found that we had to be careful on whom we listened to and share our story with because many will want to give you advice out of their own experiences. This is not always bad, but what if it doesn’t apply and your experience is different than theirs? Often you can hear the voice of God through His servants, but it’s important to know the word of God for your life. The bible is very clear when it says "your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left." (Isaiah 30:21 Amplified)

Now some fun stuff....

Do have a certain writing style or any fun quirks while you write?

Cindy:My writing style is conversational. I write just like I talk. Many of my friends have said after reading the book "it's just like being with you". I consider that a compliment. I believe if I remain real, touchable and pliable I will have few regrets in this life. There are times when I'll be typing away and start laughing over my own stories, or even cry at some of the sadness we've encountered. But when it's all said and done and I'm re-reading what I've written I sit back in awe. I know it is the Lord in me, because honestly I surprise even myself!

What are some of your favorite books?

Cindy: I am a Christian self-help junkie. My bookshelves are full of how to books on fixing this and that regarding the human condition. But I also like some science fiction as well.

What are you reading now?
Cindy: Actually I took a break from the self help books and I'm reading Frank Peretti & Ted Dekker's book "House" the only way out is in. It's pretty creepy, but I always liked Peretti's books like "This Present Darkness"

Do you see writing as a long or short term career?

Cindy: I would love for writing to be a long career. I believe I am just like everyone else, and I have common experiences. The only difference is, I cannot keep quiet about the faithfulness of the Lord and what He has done in my life. My long term goal would be to communicate that message in whatever setting that would reach the most people to encourage them and edify the Lord.

If so, what genre will you write in and can you share any future work or plans?

Cindy: I am currently working on a devotional that you can read on my web-site called The Hindsight Diary and I am working on a sequel to my first book because the story did not end on page 152...

...and there you have it!!!!

Thank you so much Cindy for your honest and great answers...
I hope you all check Cindy's book out and check her website out as well.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Thought I Heard The Lion's Roar

Well I couldn't wait to post my review, Monday just seems to far please enjoy the review and look forward to Cindy's visit this weekend.....

We've all been there....that walk into the boss's office, the phone call that changed our lives, the knock on the door that turned life into a million pieces. In I Thought I Heard the Lion's Roar Cindy Allen writes about a devastating 17 month unemployment, feeling lost, feeling defeated and how her and her husband made it through.

I loved following Cindy through her story and being able to apply her advice to things in my own life. My favorite part of the book though was the love story between her and Jim and also seeing a glimpse of how she was raised. Her family living the country life were a happy family but there was always something missing in her parents life, they moved constantly and also dabbled into many different religions including many things of the occult. After a horrific event her parents soon became Christians and Cindy later as an adult accepted Christ. Although firm in her foundation, the insecurity of moving so many times and never strongly placing down roots always stayed with her. A huge goal in her life was to settle down live in her beloved state of Michigan and not be tossed about with moving boxes.

Then it happened, in the midst of a happy marriage, grown children and ministry work she got that life changing phone call, her husband lost his job- which proceeded to take them down a long journey of unemployment. Cindy's attitude and I quote.......

"You know, its always easier to trust the Lord when you have money in your bank account and things are going well. What choice did we have anyway? Bag it now, curse God and die? NO this was the time to walk the talk"......

That good attitude that Jim and Cindy always tried to hold onto soon led to confusion and anger and then led to feelings of despair. But instead of throwing in the towel and letting the lions win, Cindy grew closer to God and walked through the storm knowing there would be a break in the clouds. Constant prayer, harrowing job searches and interviews led them to some interesting situations and travels. I had a lot of laughs and a lot of Oh No's reading about the hormonal ups and downs Cindy went through and also what her poor Jim had to endure...not only with job loss, confusion and worry but also dealing with a hormonal sensitive wife. Girls you all know how that can be, I think we've all taken a ride on the crazy train with Cindy and unleashed at those closest to us.
Lions Roar shares some very personal and dramatic events. Cindy is exquisite and loving but shes also in your face with no holding back when it comes to her core values, her belief in the one true God, Jesus Christ and has no shame holding back her thoughts or opinions. A great mix of drama, advice and humor. Trolls, chocolate and hair raising statements are no stranger to this gal. Cindy's advice is sound and firm, yet encouraging. She always leads you back to relying on God's Word no matter the storm your weathering.

For a motivational and encouraging read this will lift your spirits and brighten your hopes to the sun that will set on your horizon.

4/5, Self-help, Nonfiction Inspirational

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jessica's Guide To Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

Jessica your everyday American seventeen year old girl always knew she had a past-adopted from Romania as a baby due to the death of her mother and father, shortly after was whisked away to the states to live with her vegan-environmental friendly parents.

Things change drastically for Jessica when Lucius, a Romanian Vampire Prince who was betrothed to her at her birth (eecckkk) comes to town to live as an foreign exchange student at where else, her house. To Jessica's (AKA The Romanian Princess Antanasia) shocked and bewildered mind finds out shes a vampire and a princess of royalty. The only princess left of her people. Lucius must win Jessica over so the pact can be sealed and the two vampire clans at war for centuries can finally have peace.

That's a lot to throw at a teenager and Jessica fights that reality in the beginning. Soon though Jessica does realize she has feelings for Lucius and deep down wants to accept being a vampire, but Lucius the always brooding, serious never has fun vampire becomes lured to the American lifestyle and the freedom of a life with no responsibilities.

The dialog between Lucius and Jessica was hilarious to the the point I was laughing out loud many times, Jessica's funny teenage banter verses Lucius Romanian gentleman was hysterical. From the start I loved both characters and wanted them to be together, the amazing tension Fantaskey builds was genius, I was yelling KISS HER, kiss her, BITE her already Lucius!!!

The lightness and humor sucked me in from page one. To my pleasant surprise the second half of the book lost most of its humor and became a dramatic intense read. The story that unfolds with Lucius was almost heartbreaking, although I did want to smack him around for the "dating phase" with Faith.....The ending was beautiful and closed nicely, I feel I can imagine the characters future but I would love to dive back into the world of Romania if mores to come!

An absolutely wonderful read, a lovely romance and fun plot.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Time Travelers Wife

My Favorite book soon to be released as a movie...CANT WAIT CANT WAIT....

Be sure to pause music at the bottom of page before viewing trailer

Currently Reading.....