Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Saturday Spotlight with Beverley Allen and Huge Giveaway of Jabin and the Space Pirates

Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight, a weekly feature that shines the light on Indie and Debut authors. This week I have the pleasure introducing readers to:

~author of Jabin and the Space Pirates~

Confession and Motive
by Bev Allen -2012

Confession first.

Despite the title, this is not a kid’s book. It’s aimed at the older YA/adult reader, but having said that, it is about a boy called Jabin and there are most definitely pirates, really mean nasty ones.

(CC) Pirates-Great Beyond
A couple of reviewers have remarked on the level of violence. I've tried not to describe it in graphic detail, but I've not pulled any punches either. Violence is frequently sanitized; the reality is brutal and vile.

Sex is implied rather than described, but again, there is some harsh reality.


Was that the sound of feet running away? Is anyone still out there?

In the hope someone is still reading/listening I’ll try to explain the why (see motive).

BTW, there’s a lot of fun stuff as well, at least there is if you enjoy a little action adventure and some dastardly political plotting. And there is, of course, the usual beautiful slave girl and lots of soldiers… I like soldiers.

Motive Second.

I wanted and needed to write about self-esteem and how it can be taken away from children and just how damaging that can be. I hate bullies and I hate what bullying does to the victim.

I don’t just mean the school yard thug, I mean the adults who unknowingly or deliberately undermine a child’s confidence in themselves.

Yes, you’re right, I’m writing from experience. You can end up like an old fashioned tea cakes, a crisp shell of shiny chocolate on the outside, but marshmallow on the inside. And it takes very little to break the shell and expose the softness within.

These days my chocolate shell is re-enforced by a wonderful husband and two great kids, but I’ve not forgotten how the centre was made, or who was responsible, but love is the greatest of all repair kits.

It’s hard to tackle stuff like this in the present without having to deal with a lot of very grim reality, but set on an imaginary world sometime in the future, I felt I could deal with it all and a few other things like religious and political intolerance.

And I also wanted to write a rip roaring adventure story full of adventure and soldiers because I thought it would be a lot of fun..

The book has “scific” tags, as well as “fantasy”, but if you like your Sci-Fi packed full clever techno stuff and your fantasy full of magic and really cool clothes, it’s not going to deliver, but I can offer you a “ripping yarn” where the baddies are bad and the good guys win…eventually.

I fell in love with my first soldier outside Buckingham Palace. He was a Coldstream on guard and I was four.Later I fell in love with reading and writing and then with scific and tales of high adventure. Later still I married a military historian and he conducted me on guided lecture tours around many a battlefield and many a museum Despite this, or maybe because of it, I never lost my love of all things military or of adventure stories."Jabin and the Space Pirates" is a result of all this. Other published work includes a short story in a SFX Pulp Fiction Anthology and a Dr. Who story published by Big Finish.


Thanks Bev for being on the spotlight today, your book seems very out of the box!! 

Want to get inside that box? Well today we are having a huge giveaway!! Up for grabs is 2 Paperbacks and 10 eBooks of JATSP. US/Canadian winners can enter for paperback or eBook. Everyone including international winners can enter in for an eBook. Just fill in the copter!!!

Having lost both his parents, Jabin has been adopted by his austere and spiteful uncle and aunt who live in the space colony of New Wales which is riven with religious and political rivalry, and prey to the vicious maraudings of pirates whose cruelty and greed are beyond all imagination.

When Jabin volunteers to surrender himself to a pirate raiding party to save a friend, he does so believing that nothing can be worse than his current suffering.

However, he is soon to discover that things can always get worse when the stakes are high, the rewards are vast and slave labour is there for the taking.

When the King of New Wales is assassinated, the colony threatens to collapse into total anarchy, leaving the pirates free reign to mutilate, kill and profit as they will, but the forces of law and order sent out from Earth are getting ready to fight back, and Jabin could have a vital part to play in the ensuing war if he can only stay alive.

Find out more about Bev at Goodreads.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Ooh Peter Pan!

  2. Pirates of the Caribbean

  3. I loved it, it's a top story written in a way that keeps you hooked.
    It amazed me when I read some of the reviews, they were so negative, magnifying minor issues and presenting them as proof of the book's failings.
    I loved it, simple as that, and I'm a 45 year old man, lol.

  4. Melissas Eclectic BookshelfDecember 3, 2012 at 8:35 PM

    "It’s hard to tackle stuff like this in the present without having to deal with a lot of very grim reality, but set on an imaginary world sometime in the future, I felt I could deal with it all " <--- this is a great quote!


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