Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mini Reviews~Book Break-Ups and a Few in Between

Its time for mini~reviews, where I get out a few thoughts on a bundle of books I've read. 
Along with a few books here and there that are getting mini's today, I've decided its time to say goodbye to some series. Although breaking up with a book series that you once loved is hard to do, sometimes it just needs to be done.

Ruining Me by Nicole Reed
September 26, 2012- Indie Pub
eBook/149 Pages
Free on Kindle
Warning: Graphic Sex, Language

The arc of this story is about teen girl Jay who is shown in the beginning of this book as the popular girl turned tramp. We readers at first only see the tramp part, but of course that path is the basis of the past trauma in which our heroine has not faced yet, making the scenario the heart of the plot. As the reader we get to back track and put the pieces together as a tiny layer is revealed through each relationship she is teetering with. Half of the story is a love-triangle sex drama, but the remaining half is the past catching up and the horrific events that transpire.

I really liked the story-line,  I think it offered a very dramatic and pivotal plot on traumatic stress disorder, abuse, rape, abortion, all topics that have adverse reactions. However I had trouble with the presentation and the speed at which the novel progressed. The multiple love triangles did not work for me, I was annoyed with boyfriends B and C, but had very mixed feelings about boyfriend A, and when I knew which guy I wanted Jay to pick, the author shocks me with the most whacked up ending ever.

I would recommend this book but would caution picky readers, the book was riddled with grammar issues, dialog problems and the pacing went to fast leaving character development stilted. In the end Ruining Me offered a story with tremendous possibility in need of a little cleaning up and extra length invested into the story.

2.5/5- Contemporary Romance

Love in the Afternoon by Alison Packard
December 17, 2012  by Carina Press
eBook-245 Pages
Review Galley
Warning: Sexuality, language, violence

Kayla is super excited to be working on her first big project as an actress on TV's hottest daytime soap opera. It doesn't hurt either that her co-star is Sean Barrett, sexy man candy and son of a popular well known actor. When the two begin filming, sparks, chemistry and an intense on/off camera attraction begins causing each of their life to be turned upside down. While chemistry sizzles, Kayla is being stalked by a crazy obsessed fan and Sean is being pressured by his father to leave the TV industry and become the next big star in movies. Already hesitant to dive into a relationship due to trust issues, the two will face the drama even if it means getting the end they each don't want.

This was light, fluffy and just fun. I thought this might be cheesy considering the whole soap opera star thing...but I really overall enjoyed the sexy romance and the likable characters. I had a ton of laughs and little oh how romantic swoons. For a few hours of feel good reading I would recommend this to the lady's who love romance. I will for sure pick up the next one in the series.

3/5- Contemporary Romance

~Book Break-Ups~

The Goddess Test Series by Aimee Carter

I loved, loved the first book in this series, but after reading a few of the novellas and book 2, my love factor has run as dry as stale bread. What was cute for one book didn't carry over very well in the following installments.

Sorry Goddess Kate but you and I, yeah we are over.

The Morganville Vampires Series by Rachel Caine

I was once in love with this series, all the way to book 6. Something however happened in my little journey through Morganville, I became bored and sick to death of the killer cliff hangers. Basically over time I just lost interest in the characters who themselves have become dull and on a record of continuous unresolved issues.

Dear Claire, you're just not doing it for me anymore...its not you its me, while it was fun while it lasted, I can no longer hang on........goodbye.

The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel

I really, really, really liked book one in this series. I tolerated book 2, I disliked book 3 and I wanted to chuck book 4 out the window. Needless to say, Ever is one of most immature, indecisive characters I've read about.

Sorry Ever, but your back and forth has given me whiplash. I think I would rather watch monkeys eat fleas. Yup. Im done.

The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. 

I adored this series up until book 13. Lately I've noticed the pages are shorter, the story is lame and the love triangle has lost what it once had. I broke up with Steph at book 15 and really think the series should have ended 6 books ago. What was funny has become silly and a great character has become a has been. Throw in a crappy movie adaptation (Katherine Heigl-Blach!!) and you lose everything this fun series was.

Steph its time to choose between Ranger and Morelli, buy a good car and lock up grandmas gun. Your run was good but its time to say goodbye.



  1. Sometimes it's nice to break up with books. Lifts the dullness and overall crappy stories that you no longer have to subject yourself too. Too many other good books left.

    p.s. Ever annoyed the crap out of me and that boyfriend from the past of hers- Barf.

    1. lol-barf!! Well I still really love the first book, I just loathe the rest, and Im loathng my daughters 6th grade teacher for giving her these books to read, she came home and was like mom have you read these yet? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Needless to say she took them back and is waiting until 9th grade to read them.

  • I have broken up with the Morganville vampires and Stephanie Plum as well Tina! I loved the first 6 books of Morganville, but then I got distracted by other books and just never made it back. The Stephanie Plum books I think I made it all the way to 14 or 15 and loved their utter ridiculousness, but I got REALLY tired of the love triangle. Dragging a triangle out for 19 books is hard on readers I think, I need her to make a decision and stick with it. I was always Team Ranger, but I think it will be Morelli in the end.

    1. Yeah with Morganville I just lost interest and thought the story got dull. HAHA- Ive always been Team Morelli but Im just tired of the series, its just stupid now. Maybe when she finally writes the last book, Ill read it to see who she picks...:D

  • Melissas Eclectic BookshelfFebruary 20, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    Yay for the freedom to break up with series! I havebn't strated any of these...I so hate starting series...and am already in the middle of too many. I have the 1st Carter book on my shelf waiting...and have been thinking it might be better suited for a giveaway as I'm afraid to start the series!

    1. Carter?? Why is this not ringing a bell?? :D

      Im getting kinda frizzled out with the series books, too many to keep track off, to many have wayyy to long in between, I forget, lose interest or never have time to catch up...:( boooo

    2. Melissas Eclectic BookshelfFebruary 21, 2013 at 10:28 AM

      Carter=The Godess test books...and it definitely is so easy to lose track and interest!

    3. Oh I laugh at myself, I was thinking Carter was the name of the series not carter the author....hahaha, see what series have done to my brain!!!!

    4. Melissas Eclectic BookshelfFebruary 22, 2013 at 10:43 AM

      HA! It's a wonder you can make out any of what I say with all the typos! I blame it on having to sneak online at work and type fast!


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