Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Saturday Spotlight with Casey Keen and Giveaway of Saved by the Spell

Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight, a weekly feature that shines the light on Indie and Debut authors. This week I have the pleasure introducing readers to:

~Author of the Anna Wolfe Series~

What’s Brewing? Branding & Why It’s Important for Authors
by Casey Keen 2013

Branding. We've all heard of the word, but what exactly does it mean and why is it so important, especially for authors?

What is It?

Branding is a promise. A promise to your fans/customers that you and your brand (product) are different than the rest; that your brand is spectacular, interesting, etc. and everyone should use, read, buy, etc.; your branding signifies who you are and how people perceive you.  

Why are you Different?

So, what does branding have to do with writing? Everything. Authors, you may have written an amazing self-help book or a paranormal novel, but who cares? There are THOUSANDS of authors doing the exact same thing. Why makes your story/plot different? What does your writing offer the readers?  These questions are extremely important when promoting your book. You need to stand out in some way, whether it be from your writing technique or storyline.

Branding on Paper.

So, where do we go from here? Simple. From business cards to your website, everything should be buttoned up with a thread of similarity woven into each. Do you write ghost or paranormal stories? If so, your brand should reflect this in some way, whether it be in color, graphics or wording. Consistency is what builds your brand over time. People begin to recognize it, in turn, recognizing you.

Here are some tips for your branding process:
  1. Logo. Get one and slap it on everything! A logo can be your initials, icon or look.
  2. Tagline. Create a tagline that will grab your readers attention or draw them in! It's one statement (or line, hence the name).
  3. Messaging. What is your brand trying to communicate with your readers/customers?
Consistency & Integration

Be consistent with your brand-from the way you respond to e-mails to your website's wording! Integrate your look and feel into EVERYTHING that revolves around your novel/product.
  1. Marketing. Make sure your brand's standards are reflected in everything from promotional items to stationary. Your colors, logo, font, etc. should always be consistent. 
  2. Deliver. Don't lie about your offerings or brand promise! Keep the promise and you will build a strong client base in no time!

Best Witches!

Casey Keen was born in Philadelphia, PA and grew up in the suburban outskirts of the amazing city. She loves anything paranormal and/or supernatural. The city is an awesomely haunted place! This healthy paranormal addiction has provided Casey with the motivation to write her first book, “I’ll Be Damned.”

Casey graduated from Drexel University with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and is currently working on the Anna Wolfe Series.


Today Casey is giving away one eBook {Smashwords-version of choice) to a lucky winner! To enter please just fill in the form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Two worlds in danger.

A Grand Witch behind bars.

A stunning Werewolf and a devilishly handsome Warlock’s pursuit for her affections.

You think you have it bad? Grand Witch Anna Wolfe awakens to find herself imprisoned by Micah, the Prince of Darkness. Micah’s on a quest for world domination—and it’s not just the Netherworld that’s in danger. The human world is threatened as well. Now, it’s up to Anna to escape from Micah's clutches so she can locate The Scholars and an ancient book before both fall into the wrong hands.

With a fiercely loyal Werewolf and immensely powerful Warlock by her side, what can go wrong? 

A lot apparently. 

If fighting off the Prince of Darkness wasn't enough, Anna’s emotions are a whirlwind, as she battles between what fate demands and what she actually wants.

Thanks Casey for being on the spotlight today!! To find out more about this author check out:




  1. Great advice! Thanks :)

  2. Melissas Eclectic BookshelfOctober 19, 2013 at 4:57 PM

    No doubt it is critical...and consistency is one of my pet peeves...9err...when it is lacking I mean! lol) Great covers!!!

  3. Cute cover

  4. I got so many new authors to look up and have tons to read now. Thanks :)

  5. Thanks everyone! I am glad you enjoyed my post and cover :)

  6. Thanks everyone! I am glad you enjoyed my post and cover :)


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