Friday, July 3, 2009

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

What a delicious read!!! Romance and Zombies....lots of tenderness and the creeps mixed in. I actually came by this on accident, I was intrigued by the cover wondering why this girl looked so sad and what kind of teeth were in this forest with her. My first thought of course had to be werewolves....but I was so wrong.

I'm not usually one for the whole zombie nightmare thing, they tend to be boring lots of moaning and groaning with slow walking, but somehow they always get you and eat your face off.

Ryan's Zombies are super creepy, all that staring and waiting and eating and waiting and not getting lost and just waiting for you....ugh I shudder to think of being trapped with no way out and the hungry never leave, never browse around zombies who wait to get me.

I liked Mary (our books hero) she is so sure of her course and never gives up believing that there is life outside of the village and the fence that holds them in, but.....the only thing that really ticked me off about her was all the pining over Travis and then her actions once shes with him. Overall though a really good read.


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