Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunshine by Robin McKinley

 Sunshine by Robin McKinley
-Borrowed From Library

Sunshine is kidnapped by Vampires one night while talking a midnight walk and meets Constantine a vampire while both being held captive in a ballroom.

Then starts a little game between him and Rae who are both chained to walls that involves staring, mind games and temptation. During this ordeal she has a flashback and remembers her grandmother's lessons at the lake about magic gifts and saves herself and the vampire, giving them a unique and disturbing bond..

Sunshine was a very interesting story, I don't think I've read anything like McKinley, she has a taste and spice completely her own. Rae (Sunshine) I liked from page one, I could just see her in that bakery kneading dough baking her cinnamon rolls and going through the mundane of life. Hers seemed simple enough but Rae knew there was something else. Deep down her life wasn't just yummy treats and Monday night movies at moms. Jumping into this world was a lot more creepy and the vampire Constantine was much darker then most vampires Im drawn to. Con for the most part is a background character but he was my favorite in the book, he was pivotal in the story told from Sunshine's perspective.

The book was good in a sense that I liked the whole vampire slayer weird love story, but it was bad in the sense that I got really confused at the end...did anyone else think what in tarnation is going on when they were walking through the tunnels and other worlds and fighting vampires and everything was crazy!! The writing was hard to make sense of during that bizarre chapter of the book. Otherwise the ending left me wanting more. No sequel or continued story's have been planned I guess the author left it in the minds of the readers to wonder what becomes of Constantine and Sunshine.......

A great mix of humor, dark romance, mystery and thrills.

4/5- Adult PNR- Vampires

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