Friday, October 16, 2009

Green by Ted Dekker

Green by Ted Dekker

At Last . . . The Circle Reborn The story of how Thomas Hunter first entered the Black Forest and forever changed our history began at a time when armies were gathered for a final battle in the valley of Migdon. Green is a story of love, betrayal, and sweeping reversals set within the apocalypse. It is the beginning: the truth behind a saga that has captured the imagination of more than a million readers with the Books of History Chronicles.

But even more, Green brings full meaning to the Circle Series as a whole, reading as both prequel to Black and sequel to White, completing a full circle. This is Book Zero, the Circle Reborn, both the beginning and the end. The preferred starting point for new readers . . . and the perfect climax for the countless fans who’ve experienced Black, Red, and White.... an apocalypse destroyed Earth during the twenty-first century. But two thousand years later Elyon set upon the earth a new Adam. This time, however, He gave humanity an advantage. What was once unseen became seen.

It was good and it was called...Green.But the evil Teeleh bided his time in a Black Forest.Then, when least expected, a twenty-four year old named Thomas Hunter fell asleep in our world and woke up in that future Black Forest. A gateway was opened for Teeleh to ravage the land. Devastated by the ruin, Thomas Hunter and his Circle swore to fight the dark scourge until their dying breath. (Goodreads)


The Circle Series is a retelling of the Bible. Dekker takes you through the seven C's of Creation: creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, Cross, consummation or an easier way to say it: Creation, The Fall, Christ, Grace and Tribulation. Instead of reading about children or talking warrior animals this is a modern day telling pulled through a post apocalyptic earth. Dekker takes twenty first century atrocities including bio-nuclear war and twists it with science fiction and time travel. Ted is one of my favorite authors so of course cracking open this long awaited prequel was a big deal for me, so imagine my surprise when I got to about chapter eight and became unsure of where things were going and frustrated that nothing was making sense. Most annoying was Thomas, my favorite character Thomas was acting like a big wuss boy and I was thinking stop all this baby crying and get up and kick someones butt please. This was not the warrior I loved in Black, Red and White! This was not the passion filled young guy I saw turn man.

Thankfully though with a BANG I was thrown into the thick of the story and things started pulling together, characters were connected and my jaw was hanging on the floor! From about chapter eleven its nonstop until the end and while Thomas lacked some of characteristics I loved in the previous books, I still kinda heart him. And on that note, Ive heard much criticism of this book because Dekker used Vampires to represent the dark servants of Teelah, but seriously his vampires make great for the demons they protray. People need to chill out its Christian fiction about the concept of the Bible....not a rewriting of the Bible itself....geez....

If you dive into this world do it in the right order. Either start with Green and follow the series or start with Black ending with Green. For my experience follow the books in this order.

Black, Red, White, The Project Showdown Series: Showdown, Saint, Sinner, The Lost Books which include the six YA series, Chosen, Infidel, Renegade, Chaos, Lunatic and Elyon, (For those of you who have read Black, the Lost Books take place during the time when Thomas was asleep and in the mid-earth for fifteen years) then Green......either way the books all connect to each other and in Green all the characters finally get closure....or should I say their beginning.

5/5 Christian Fiction, Apocalyptic-Time Travel


  1. I love the Circle books, even though I must admit it took some arm twisting by a family friend to get me to read them to begin with. But I agree with you completely Thomas is the best warrior character I have read. I can't wait to read Green, but I kind of want to reread the other books before reading it.

  2. I too read Black, Red and White a few years ago, and somehow I had no idea this was coming out! Time to add another one to the wishlist me thinks...or let my Mum know so she can get it for me for Christmas!

    Thanks for sharing! I found your blog through Book Blogs.

  3. Come stop by my blog, I have an award for you!

  4. It's your lucky day, you got an award from me too at:


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