Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Macabre May at The Blog with Bite

Photo Created by Parajunkee

This month is Macabre month at The Blog with Bite....If you didn’t get a chance you should check out the fabulous post today over at the BWB featuring Michael F. Stewart and some other horror authors who give commentary on the subject!!

To answer the question the post inspired, I wanted to share three story’s that scared the pants off me!!

1. The Stand by Stephen King

This took me FOREVER to read....only because getting to know the 500 characters took a lot of depth and energy. By far, with its multi-layered cast of characters and riveting story line that featured many aspects besides horror including- mystery, suspense, romance, dystopian and lots of action! The Stand is also on my top ten favorite books ever.

2. Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
 Tell me again why I read this? This book is probably the main reason why I won’t read demon centered books.....this was freaky in a hand basket and not your everyday horror novel. The fact that the main character slowly thinks she's going insane all the while the back characters are working evil mojo to make her think these things and then at the end when you find out who the baby is..........GAH....

3. It by Stephen King

I’ve been forever altered by Penny the Clown. I read this when I was in 9th grade and seriously had nightmares for months!!

What scares you in a novel.... join the conversation over at the Blog with Bite and also win a copy of featured author Michael Stewarts The Sand Dragon.


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)May 5, 2010 at 12:41 PM

    Those are all scary books and I agree about Penny the clown. Loved the stand..

  2. I've had watched IT years ago and it was damn scary!Then I tried to read his book, but I gave up after a quarter of it.It's scary!

  3. I can't really do scary...I'm a huge wimp. But I can do funny-scary, if the humor level is pretty high. Like in Zombieland, for instance. That's entertaining. And I find zombies pretty ridiculous, anyway, so they're my favorite 'scary' thing. Silly, eh?

  4. Not silly...Zombies are big walking numb chucks so its ok to Laugh at them while they munch on brains...:D

  5. I read IT when I was in 6th grade, and like the weirdo I was as a child, it didn't scare me at all. I thought it was thrilling. This was odd, because I did have a slight phobia of clowns because of my immature watching of Poltergeist when I was like 5. Thanks mom!

    The Stand, from also reading so young (tackled that one after It), I couldn't really relate to the human condition which is a big deal in the book. The constant dealings with death. Reading it so young, I couldn't focus on the death as was needed to scare. But really I don't find King as scary as most people. Some of his short stories, yup freaky, but I really got my socks scared off by authors like Dead Koontz. Wow some of the first books I read by him, Midnighters, Watchers, yowzers!

    Great post Tina. I've actually never read Rosemary's baby. Demon spawn, yack! Couldn't do that now. You don't like demons, I don't like anything centered around children/babies.

  6. Great picks! I would agree and add The Shining. I actually had to stop reading that book before I went to bed, it was just that scary! :)

  7. LOL- PJ, I forgot about the crazy laughing clown in Poltergeist...Im with you thanks mom and dad for letting me stay up and watch that one with you, as I peed my pants watching a tree eat a little boy and a mom swim with dead people skellies....!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lily- The Shining was very scary....most of SK's stuff scares me....the Pet Cementary one eecckkk!! I saw that movie and a month later I got really sick, the Dr. told my parents I may have spinal meningitis or whatever the sister had in that book, I started crying thinking OMgosh Im going to turn into that creepy sister in the back room.......lucky for me it was just infected tonsils!!


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