Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Ode to Hot Assassins...and Giveaways at The Blog with Bite!!

This week is Assassin Week over at The Blog with Bite, we are featuring Award Winning Author, Monica Burns, and her paranormal romance, Assassin's Honor. Ms. Burns has graciously offered up one copy of her book to giveaway on Blog with Bite. Read more about Assassin's Honor, watch the trailer and then enter the giveaway over at the BWB!


An Ode to Hot Assassins

I thought Id share with you my favorite book to movie assassin....hands down, Jason Bourne!!

Matt Damon is as hot as sizzling bacon in these movies.....but actor aside, if you've read the books by Robert Ludlum not only is Jason a hot character, but he's an easy guy to fall for. He's brave, strong and overall wants to be a good guy. Not only does he kick major ass but he also loves intensely.......The movies are awesome and the books are even better, if you want to see Jason on more adventures you can continue his story and meet others like him in the books.

The scariest assassin from book to movie for me was Anton Chigurh (played by Javier Bardem) from No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy. His sociopath nature was enough to make your skin crawl. Truly a scary man who craved violence and enjoyed killing people, yet is described in the book as an extremely good looking exotic man. I for sure recommend the book over the movie, but both are good.

Photo Credits- Matt Damon - The Bourne Identity- Universal Movie Still 
No Country For Old Men- Miramax Movie Still


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)May 20, 2010 at 2:56 PM

    What about Jean Reno -- in the professional.

    Or little Nikitta-Bridget fonda version or the TV series..

    Love me some matt damon

  2. Egad...Anton was freaky. I think it was the hair cut.

  3. Now see, as a writer I can get this Anton fellow. I like twisted characters. They're cathartic. *grin*

  4. Felicia the Geeky BloggerMay 20, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Did you see Keri Russell and Will Arnett talking about their love off all things Bourne:

    It was great :)

  5. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comMay 21, 2010 at 9:50 AM

    I LOVE me some Matt Damon/Jason Bourne :) SO hot!


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