Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Veracity by Laura Bynum

Veracity by Laura Bynum
January 5th 2010 by Pocket
Hardcover, 384 pages

Book Synopsis

Harper Adams was six years old in 2012 when an act of viral terrorism wiped out one-half of the country's population. Out of the ashes rose a new government, the Confederation of the Willing, dedicated to maintaining order at any cost. The populace is controlled via government-sanctioned sex and drugs, a brutal police force known as the Blue Coats, and a device called the slate, a mandatory implant that monitors every word a person speaks. To utter a Red-Listed, forbidden word is to risk physical punishment or even death. But there are those who resist. Guided by the fabled "Book of Noah," they are determined to shake the people from their apathy and ignorance, and are prepared to start a war in the name of freedom. The newest member of this resistance is Harper -- a woman driven by memories of a daughter lost, a daughter whose very name was erased by the Red List. And she possesses a power that could make her the underground warriors' ultimate weapon -- or the instrument of their destruction..........(Goodreads)


What happens when we give up our freedoms for safety? What happens when the government comes in and makes basics decisions for its people? What happens when people fear its government and not government  fear its people? ........Veracity begins in the near future, a pandemic- one created by the government of the time with the help of the national media spread hysteria throughout the country, bringing all its citizens under total dictatorship with the use of fear and warfare. After thousands are euthanized a new way of life is easily swallowed by the unknowing citizens, who willingly give up their freedoms for security.Quickly they lose all aspects of democracy and all basic freedom to live life.

The novel is told through the voice of Harper, a telepathic who can sense ones fears and emotions and is a key figure in the current government. As Harper weaves us through her past, present and the days leading up to the breaking of her slate, there is never really a time of peace for her. We the readers go through one horror to the next, a simple day is laced with fear, murder and constantly looking over one's shoulder. With a daughter whose name has been red listed and taken away and a colleague murdered by the same people she works for, Harper's life is about to be thrown into a rebellion of gigantic proportions.

Veracity is a world of horrific reality and freighting possibilities where every citizen born is required to have a device implanted in their necks (slates) that is controlled by a central mainframe computer which censors certain words that cannot be spoken. All written literature has been confiscated and at anytime the government can choose to ban certain words placing them on a red list. The government with the help of paranormals like Harper can keep track of every citizen, their whereabouts and ultimately every aspect of their lives. By using a controlling army citizens refer to as the blue coats, they enforce the rules and are at liberty to punish citizens anyway they see fit including the most popular….rape…but also use methods of torture and death.

This is a very disturbing book; the violence is so graphic and heartbreaking and holds an almost twisted edge of reality, think Nazi, Germany or Stalin and Russia. Just the thought of a society that uses soldiers to rape women by punishing them should make your stomach roll and I know there are places in this world where government is totally out of control. Despite the disturbing aspects, Bynum has written a hauntingly amazing novel that showcases a cast of powerful characters and mind boggling questions of possible futures. Veracity in one word is...chilling  and left me with profound questions about the freedoms that are being threatened in our own society.


Veracity contains graphic and disturbing content including: rape, sexuality, graphic violence, torture, grief, fear, paranormal elements, dystopian themes including dictatorship and civil liberties, graphic language, social and moral commentaries. Recommended to adult readers.

4.5/5- Dystopian


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)June 15, 2010 at 6:13 PM

    interesting book--might add to my reading pile.

  2. Peaceful ReaderJune 15, 2010 at 10:29 PM

    This sounds like a chilling look into the future. I might give it a try even though I'm not good with reading a lot of violence.

  3. This looks like a good one!

  4. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)June 17, 2010 at 9:25 PM

    I have this book on my shelf. It sounds like such an interesting read. I am going to have to pull it out and in the stack again.

    Thanks for the great review.

  5. I'm so glad you liked this book- I read it for a tour back in January and have been gaga for it ever since. It's shaping up to be one of my favorites of 2010. Great review!


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