Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Year in Blogging

Reflecting on a Year of Blogging

I can’t believe it has been a year since I stated this adventure called a book blog. This year has been very fun and much more than I ever thought. Writing reviews started off as a experiment to help me formulate words and sentence structure, not only was I wanting to talk about books but I was wanting to stimulate the creative juices floating around in my head. I was so raw when I first started, I mean I didn’t even come up with a spiffy name to title my blog just boring Tinasbookreviews simple and to the point. I look back at some of my first reviews and want to smack myself for the sheer stupidity of them. Six months into it, I think I started improving, especially with formatting my reviews, learning the ins and outs of the blog community and gaining wisdom about copyright laws. I'm still learning new things but being wise about content and pictures on the web, copyrights and linking sources makes me a better blogger. A year in and I’m happy with my blog name and thrilled with my blog design and layout....(thanks Rach....:) 

Teetering with the idea to focus solely on one genre in the beginning really didn’t work out for me. I contemplated dedicating every review to YA but my blog as you can tell is very eclectic. I enjoy so many different genres and styles that I could never box myself into one certain type of book. I tend to read tons of dystopian literature as well as a high majority of YA and paranormal (hello vampires)…but my range of books is limitless. So carrying on I will do the same and focus on books I like in all genres.

I feel I’ve really grown as a writer (writer of reviews) and have finally found my voice in my own little corner of blogosphere. I’ve defiantly grown as well in my discernment. Novels provoke such strong emotion from me and being able to articulate those emotions without attacking, bashing or kissing an authors butt and relating them to a blog reader in a positive or say professional way took some time. My absolute most harsh review (inspired by Parajunkee’s post on bad reviews) over the year went to Shelter Me, I was absolutely livid when I wrote it and although looking back I could have been more professional about it, I wouldn’t change how I felt or what the book provoked out of me………Read it HERE if you dare…………

At the same time though I’m really proud of a few of my reviews and feel they stuck out as some of my strongest. Writing reviews have helped me write some short stories of my own and really discover the love I’ve always had for writing itself. Besides a few nasty emails and Robert Pattinson calling me a nerd with a blog..(lol)  my overall experience has been wonderful. My blog has become a huge part of my life, something I highly enjoy but at times find very overwhelming balancing with family and a life outside of books. Has anyone else ever gotten to this point----overwhelmed and on book burnout? I still love it though and as of now have no plans to stop blogging. Hopefully someday I will get my own work published but for now I’m enjoying being a blogger, reviewer and reader. I look forward to continuing on with my blog and helping host the Blog with Bite, my sister blog and paranormal outlet.

My Favorite Reviews This Year




The Dark Divine


The Secret to Lying

The Worst....(please don't judge me...:D)

Rebel Angels



  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)June 29, 2010 at 11:39 AM

    congrats and wow I've known you for that long. You are awesome and your writing has grown along with your voice. Happy Anniversary to you.

  2. I always enjoy reading your reviews Tina - and I'm not just saying that because I'm family :-)

    Keep up the great work!

  3. Jenn (Books At Midnight)June 29, 2010 at 12:07 PM

    Happy blogoversary! Lol, my starting reviews are horrible too... Exactly the "characters good. writing good. read!" and that was about it. I can definitely see the improvement and keep up the awesome work! :D

  4. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comJune 29, 2010 at 12:13 PM

    Great post :)
    Happy birthday/anniversary :)
    It's always nice to reflect back :)

  5. Addicted Book ReaderJune 29, 2010 at 12:38 PM

    Happy One Year Blogo! Your worst reviews aren't too bad : ) Mine were horrible in the beginning but have come a long way since then lol.

  6. Helen's Book BlogJune 29, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    Happy one year Blogoversary! I am so happy when I hear how much other people enjoy book blogging. I am like you, I cannot stick to just one genre.

  7. James Garcia JrJune 29, 2010 at 6:37 PM

    Tina, having only been doing this for four months, I just want to congratulate you on hitting the year mark! Thanks for reviewing, thanks for sharing, and continued success to you.

  8. Congratulations on a great year!
    I love all your reviews, but thank you for including your favorite ones :D
    I'm off to go take a look!

  9. Natalie (Mindful Musings)June 30, 2010 at 12:31 AM

    Congrats girl!!!!! :) Here's to another great year!


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