Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Book Boyfriend {2}- Featuring Smoke from Aftertime

Ok so I love this weekly meme at Missie's (because it makes me feel like a single teenager) but I don't get to do it very often due to schedule conflicts and my picky nature....however I just finished a book that blew my socks off and Missie is having a kick butt giveaway!! Ive been sick these last few weeks with a double ear infection which caused a ruptured ear drum (what mom gets ear infections????) and major needless to say I feel icky and everything sounds under water and its driving me crazy!! Now you ask what does this have to do with my book boyfriend? Well because of this under the weather past few weeks, I've been able to get a ton of reading done (now my reviews I need to write pile is looking kind of scary) and during this time I met Smoke the zombie killer from Aftertime.

So this week my book boyfriend go's to:

~SMOKE from: Aftertime by Sophie Littlefield~

Smoke aka Edward Schaffer

~My Smoke is being played by Colin Egglesfield~

"What did that cost?"- Cass
"I just, you know, stopped by and gave the ladies a taste of what they wanted, and they showered me with earthly goods".....Pg. 245

Smoke has dark hair with sun streaks, a muscular build, a sensuous large mouth, a rugged appearance due to the zombie Apocalypse and intense blue eyes.

Loves deeply but few see it. Has a gritty side that remains mysterious until you really get to know him. Has a temper but only when provoked stands up for his beliefs no matter the consequences, is a magic man (please use your imaginations) puts himself in danger to help protect people and has a soft spot for women and children...a true hero.

Smoke unbuttoned his shirt, taking his time and watching her watching him in the moonlight. He slid it off and folded it and laid it in the chair. Then he took off his belt and boots and socks and dropped them to the floor. He got in bed next to her, slowly, carefully, leaving an expanse of white sheet between them. He propped himself up on an elbow and gazed at her and she couldn't help it, she sucked in her breath and felt her skin grow hot.......PG. 128

Fun Facts:
When Smoke isn't shooting zombies in the head, running for his life, saving damsels in distress, punching someones lights out or causing riots for standing up for his beliefs, you can find him reminiscing about the good old days, kissing with so much passion it blows you across the room, starring intensely to communicate things with his eyes or using his ripped tummy to traumatize women....(Cass in particular)

"Im not afraid," Smoke said, and he reached out a hand and closed it over hers, but he didn't come any closer, he kept the distance between them-a gulf he wouldn't cross, a moat he would let her stay behind. "Im not afraid of you and I don't believe you have anything evil inside you. I could kiss you now and I wouldn't be afraid. I want to kiss you"--.
Pg. 130

Did you hear that bang? That was my jaw hitting the floor, seriously it should be illegal to look that good. Now of course Colin would have to scruff it up big time to play Smoke but in this case a little dirt will only make this man look better....Want to meet Smoke? Then you have to read Aftertime.....

Colin Photo Credit:(CC)- PNP/, HRC/, JDH/JCP/


  1. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comNovember 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM

    He sounds hot and I LOVE that name.

  2. *sighs* What a guy!

  3. ...methinks i need to get my hands on this book...

    Here's PiF's.

  4. oh to be single again. Need to check out this book asap if he looks like that :) Hope that you feel better.

  5. I saw this book at my library. Had no idea a hot guy was involved! I think I'll have to check mean the book out.

  6. Blahahaha! Love the fun facts section. I want to be blown across the room by his kiss!

    Smoke...what a sexy name. I own this book, and now I have a great excuse to read it! Thanks, T!

  7. Felicia the Geeky BloggerNovember 9, 2011 at 12:54 PM

    Whoa Wait......a zombie book I haven't read. Going to Amazon to put it on my TBB list!

    (C.E. is just plain ole hot)

  8. Jajajaja Smoke sounds smokin howt! And it's a Zombie book too, going to my TBR right way and I will be reading this very soon :D

  9. First of all, his name is Smoke. Win. Second of all, I need this book immediately and must fast forward to page 128 while wishing I could trade places with Cass:)

  10. *fans self* he sounds A-MAZING, love that first quote.

    My book boyfriend

  11. This book's been sitting on my shelf forever...I really need to read it!! Thanks for reminding me why I wanted it! yay smoke!! :D

  12. Haven't read this, but those quotes are making me want it! Smoke sounds so sweet! Great pick!

  13. Melissa (Books and Things)November 9, 2011 at 4:43 PM

    Oh love the personality! I need to read these books! And the fun facts.. LOL so great!

    Really love those arms and that smile! *melts*

  14. Man I probably shouldn't have read this post while sitting at my desk at work. This is... awkward. Smoke is smokin'! Sorry for the lame joke, couldn't help myself.

  15. Bookish BrunetteNovember 9, 2011 at 7:52 PM

    Ooooh *SWOON* dude!!I so need to read this one!!!

  16. Sophie LittlefieldNovember 9, 2011 at 9:07 PM

    you guys have all made my day :) I'm so glad you like Smoke!

  17. mrs_laura_koehlerNovember 10, 2011 at 9:29 AM

    I totally need to get in on this fun. So need to do this soon :) Great pick haven't read this book yet but the boy toy sounds yummy! Also hope you feeling better. Ive been MIA latly too. Been really busy.

  18. Adding this one to my tbr pile too! Yummy!

    Reading Lark's Book Boyfriend

  19. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)November 12, 2011 at 7:10 PM

    *drools* Why have I not picked this book up. Smoke, you can be my new love. We can kill zombies together and have passionate kisses in between the hordes. I so need to read this book...N.O.W.


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