Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Impossible by Nancy Werlin

Impossible by Nancy Werlin

Lucy is seventeen when she discovers that the women of her family have been cursed through the generations, forced to attempt three seemingly impossible tasks or to fall into madness upon their child's birth. But Lucy is the first girl who won't be alone as she tackles the list.

Lucy who is oblivious to the curse upon her family has always believed her mother is insane. A constant thorn to her side and embarrassment that only her foster parents and her oldest friend Zach know about. Troubling encounters further revel to Lucy that Miranda (her real mother) is deeply disturbed and Lucy wants nothing to do with her. A horrid event occurs in Lucy's life which changes everything and she is slammed into the mystical world of The Elfin Knight, a mysterious stranger who marks his place in the story with darkness. His character radiates evil right off the pages, a dark and twisted gentleman who disguises himself in beauty.

From a hidden letter, Lucy Scarborough learns of melodramatic, crazy insane, but true things” about the circumstances surrounding her birth, her subsequent pregnancy, and why therapy won’t be much help against an ancient fairy’s curse. Everything the Elfin Knight has cursed the women with and how to out beat him is learned from a song passed down to each daughter called "The Scarborough Fair". (The author herself based the book off the lyrics and study of Simon and Garfunkel's 1967 version of the song, which after research discovered it was a very old song dating back to 1670 somewhere in Scotland with links to folklore and evil elf's.)

The shame she once felt for her mother turns into a fierce determination to save her and save the unborn child growing inside her. With the help of her foster parents and a surprising love that can conquer all evil she goes about to accomplish the Knights impossible tasks. Hopelessness and fear tug at the corners of Lucy's mind but her determination and courageous spirit refuses to fall into the trap of madness as she holds on to the bonds of love that will give her the strength to overcome the curse and free her ancestors.

What a spellbinding magical read. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly read another YA brilliant author I stumble upon Nancy Werlin. I loved how this work of realistic fiction lightly salted with folklore spun its magical tale on me. Although the book touches on rape the story itself doesn't focus on Lucy's or the other women's tragic events but how love and hope heals. The story also of course deals with the issues of mental illness and schizophrenia, but because the realism is so perfectly intertwined with the magical you will be guessing at what to believe thinking: "Is Lucy really nuts or is she really being stalked by an evil Faerie Lord"?

The characters in the story where well developed and believable. The writing was fantastic and I loved every second of the adventure I went on with the Scarborough women. I also liked the writing style and how it flowed together through not only Lucy's point of view but Zach's and the Elfin Knights without feeling choppy or shifting from the different perspectives.

My favorite Zach quote.....“We’ve formed the Fellowship of the Ring when really we should’ve all just gone on medication”.....this being said after him and Lucy's foster parents decide to believe in the curse and help Lucy accomplish her three tasks. Zach brings a bit of lightness and humor to the story but overall it is a very dramatic emotional read.

Impossible to put down and Impossible not to love!!

5/5 YA Realistic Fiction, Folklore (for the mature teen/adult)


  1. Jessica (BookLover)September 9, 2009 at 6:36 PM

    I also enjoyed this book! I like the quote you included in your review. Zach was such a good character--I developed a litle crush on him while I was reading this book. :)
    Great review!

  2. This sounds great. Gonna have to check it out. Phew, my TBR list is getting longer and longer!!!!

    BTW since everyone seems OK with the name and book, the BLOG WITH BITE info is now up on my page. Check it out and tell me what ya think!

    Link >>> BLOG WITH BITE

  3. I loved this book, too. Always nice to have a couldn't-put-it-down read.

  4. I have an award waiting for you at my blog!

  5. Great review! I'm loving the sound of this, and can't believe I haven't wishlisted it yet. (Will fix that *now*!)

  6. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteSeptember 17, 2009 at 4:29 PM

    Yours is the second positive review I've seen on this. I'll have to get it now! thanks!


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