Thursday, September 3, 2009

My First Blog Award.......Yeah!!

My first blog awesome!! I won it for being Neighborly. I always love to make cookies for new neighbors...:D

So now I have to nominate some blog's...... I visit so many but here's my picks....

B-For Beautiful Jenny @ Takemeaway

I- For Informative Froggy @ Froggaritaville

N- For Neighborly Venetian@ Venetian Firefly

G- For Gorgeous Cindy @ Reflections

0-For Outstanding Alyssa @ Teens Read and Write

Thanks ParaJunkie for Nominating me......


  1. It's your lucky day! lol. There's another award waiting for you at my place!

    Mindful Musings Book Blog

  2. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteSeptember 3, 2009 at 2:55 PM

    Congrats Tina, you are a neighborly blogger! And thank you for nominating me. I'll have to get my worthy picks together and pass this on!

  3. Thank you is my lucky day 2 awards and finishing a great book.....maybe Ill buy a lottery ticket...(lol) Ill get this up tomorrow Ill have to pick my brain to pass on the Zombie

  4. Thank you Tina!! You have another on my blog too! hehe


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