Saturday, September 26, 2009

Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis

Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis

Moonlight can totally change your life. And it all starts so simply. You. Him.

The moon. You're toast. .....Okay, so maybe Shelby has made a few mistakes with boys lately (how was she supposed to know Wes had "borrowed" that Porsche?). But her stepmother totally overreacts when she catches Shelby in a post-curfew kiss with a hot senior: Suddenly Shelby's summer plans are on the shelf, and she's being packed off to brat camp. It's good-bye, prom dress; hello, hiking boots. Things start looking up, though, when Shelby meets fellow camper (and son of a rock star) Austin Bridges III. But soon she realizes there's more to Austin than crush material—his family has a dark secret, and he wants Shelby's help guarding it. Shelby knows that she really shouldn't be getting tangled up with another bad boy . . . but who is she to turn her back on a guy in need, especially such a good-looking one? One thing's for sure: That pesky full moon is about to get her into trouble all over again....(Goodreads)


Never Cry Werewolf was a very light and fast read I think it took me a couple hours to bite through. The overall idea was a little typical and not much of a paranormal edgy story as it was light and had a sense of humor. Shelby our book hero was a smart and a funny character. Austin was a strong character as well but you didn't really get to see much of him as a person. I think Davis' writing style in its simplicity was fun and easy to read. And the plot itself was entertaining enough to keep me engaged in the story.

What I liked: Shelby's sense of humor and Austins appeal.

What I didn't like: The Issues taken so lightly

Step families are a hard issue and stepmother and daughter relationships can be a very difficult road to travel...(trust me) but not all stepmothers are evil, some are gracious and loving and really want the best for the child. Sometimes adults can overlook and not take the heartbreak of a child in a blended family serious. Also the entire matter of brat camps, reformation camps is a serious subject and I didn't jive with the lightness of these issues. Shelby had no real reason to be at the camp other than the fact that she was sent there so her parents could dance around the town without her. Kid has problem send her off to someone else...check....then she can be surrounded by other designer obsessed kids...check....and then she can fall in love with a werewolf...check check.....So in my respectful opinion the story was cute for Jr. High but the issues were to serious to be made so light.

Overall subject matter aside it's a fun read for young teens 12-15 and werewolf fans.

3/5 YA Romance

Discussion Questions

Q#1 - What do you think about stereotypical characters? Do characters like "Honey bun" - the evil stepmother & Shelby - the teen acting out, bother you, or are you accepting of them?

Teens do act out. Its in our nature as human beings expressing ourselves to rebel against the system (I sound like a punk rocker) even when that system is parents. Now depending on parents whether they be bone heads or level heads makes a huge difference on how kids are behaving acting and dealing.

Q#2 - How did you feel about the immediate attraction and relationship between Shelby and Austin? Do you think it worked in this story or not?

Yes and no, I think it was a bit rushed like OK boom romance but it was also predictable we knew once Shelby got passed the fear he was going to be her dream boat!

Q#3 - What did you think about the attempts the camp staff made to connect with Shelby? Were they at all effective? Did the staff have a point in their position on her personal life?

This is actually the one area I thought the book was a bit serious, the staff did try but I think they based it off wrong perceptions.

Q#4 - What is your opinion on parents who send their kids to reformation camps - the ones who need to be "reformed" and the ones who don't?

WOW...don't get me started, some of these kids this is a last stop before jail or detention centers. Unfortunately though a lot of parents are lazy and don't want to deal with serious problems their children are having.

Q#5 - Do you wish there would have been a bit more mystery regarding Austin being a werewolf, letting us get to know his character first and then the big reveal?

YES....I would have loved more Austin and less Prada.... 

Q#6 - Do you think this novel has enough momentum for a sequel? There was some hinting at the possibility (the scratch), do you think this would be a good follow-up? 

Any book can be a follow up! I hope Heather does write a sequel and "go there" on more daring and serious topics.......


  1. I do agree upon everything you said on your review... the storyline becomes more and more mundane and redundant that I seriously can't read further on. A lot of the books I read sometimes contain "a twist" but apparently there isn't a twist or anything of that sort. It's either the characters are too shallow and stereotypical or the overall storyline is just really boring and cliched. I went to a bookstore to check out some new releases and saw the book never cry werewolf and read the synopsis. I didn't like it just because I can presume what will be the resolution and end result of the character's life. It gets too tacky at times.

  2. Hey- thanks for the comments over at my blog!

    I think a lot of my issues with this book stem from the fact that the paranormal genre, whether it be for YA or adult readers, has a lot of really excellent authors and titles now, which make mediocre offerings really stand out. I think if I'd read this book a year ago I would have liked it more because I wouldn't have read some of the excellent stuff I've read since then.

    I'm so excited that Covet is our next title!

  3. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteSeptember 27, 2009 at 2:27 AM

    I have a younger friend who would love this. I liked the way you did the discussion questions. Nice touch!


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