Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater:

Music prodigy James Morgan and his best friend, Deirdre, join a private conservatory for musicians. James' musical talent attracts Nuala, (James tells us she pronounces it Noooola) a soul-snatching faerie muse who fosters and feeds on the creative energies of exceptional humans until they die. While Nuala compelled to make a deal with James who will steal his life is left confused and finding herself falling in love with the very boy who she is to claim. James is terrified of Nuala….at first….but after composing beautiful music together they both realize they have mutual admiration for each other. Haunted by fiery visions of death, James is drawn to the songs of the Thorne King and realizes that Deirdre and Nuala are being hunted by the Fey and plunges into a soul-scorching battle with the Queen of the Fey to save their lives and so much more………

This series, beginning with Lament which introduces us to James through his best friend Dee's story was a wonderful book, but I just fell in love with James so much that Ballad is now my favorite of the two. The story is told through James and Nuala’s perspectives, and it flowed beautifully. If you didn’t read Lament first Dee might have seemed like a cold and distant character but her torture over losing Luke was so apparent I couldn’t help but feel depressed with her, but also was whooping with James who tremendously grows up in this book and then some. The always poor, poor James forever pinning over the heartbroken and intense Dee, is finally……FINALLY able to see past his unreturned love for her and opens his heart to true love and endless possibilities.

Holy whimsical Wednesday....I can't say enough how much I loved this book. I can’t begin to say how much I love Maggie Stiefvater.....(please Maggie have coffee with me because I want to pick the brain of your awesomeness) The beautiful writing is so creative, she makes James so witty that you love him even if he is supposed to be arrogant...It just works for him. He is the type of character that you just can't get enough dialogue from! I was laughing through most of this because James is so hysterical and Nuala (funny and witty herself) was a perfect match for James and the two complemented each other well!

Like with all of Ms. Maggie’s writing thus far, each chapter wove poetic and haunting words. Her characters have so much depth they are hard to forget. I mean taste this little nugget from the King of the Dead:
I keep the dead and the dead keep me. We are cold and dark, we are one and we are many, we wait and we wait so sing the dead; So sing I, grow, rise follow……………….
Cernunnos’ music was beautiful but creepy dark and goose bump worthy, thinking about his big antler head and the dramatic and eerie words that he sang made me shudder just a bit.

Also, I loved that Maggie (because a lot of YA author’s adult characters are all bone-heads or so background you never get to know them) wrote in a fantastic adult character named Sullivan. I loved that he was able to connect with James and had maturity and wisdom that comes with living longer than a teen, but is also able to use his maturity and wisdom to help kids and be “guidance” to them. I loved who Sullivan was and absolutely love what this author did to his character. I want a book all about Sullivan Ms. Maggie!!!!!!

I dont want to put to much info in my review because I truly feel you need to experience all the oh's and ah's and gasps for yourself.Don’t miss out on this wonderful and mesmerizing new author. Due to language and content I’d recommend this to the mature teen and adult.

5/5 YA Faeries, love, poetry, beauty, creepy………almost as brilliant as Shiver……..I could on and on…….

This review is a part of the Blog with Bite selection for December


  1. YES YES YES!!! Loved your review, and TOTALLY agree - I am also participating and will get my review up tomorrow, but OMG I totally agree about Lament, Ballad and Maggies writting! :) AWESOME STUFF!!!

  2. Great review! Gotta admit you've got me intrigued! Will be adding to my TBR list!

  3. I haven't done my reading with this book. I also haven't read Lament. so I'm like who is Luke? and yes, what's up with Dee, etc... I am beginning to adore James and Maggie Stiefvater's writing style.

    Great review.
    I'm off to read my copy now...

  4. ...MY NAME IS ELENI AND I AM A BOOKAHOLIC...December 2, 2009 at 6:28 PM

    Nice review, I love Maggie's writing but I still haven't read this series yet, I own them but haven't gotten around to reading them, I <3 Shiver though, I'm going to pick it up soon!

  5. Thanks for the review! I've read Lament and liked it alot, and I have heard so much about Ballad, it makes me giddy that you liked it so much as well!

  6. I got like 2 seconds left of the book! I'm soo lovin' it. I haven't read Lament and still love it. Your review rawkd! "I want to pick the brain of your awesomeness" had me rolling.


  7. Hi Tina! Thanks heaps for joining the challenge - although I noticed your link comes to your blogpage rather than a specific post about the Horns and Halos challenge? Are you able to post about the challenge and then put your name on the list so that other people see what you're going to be reading?


    Also, i'll be doing a post soon which will have another Mr LInky on it. This is for each of your individual reviews to link to, so that epople can come and read your reviews. So I'll let you know when that's up as well :)

  8. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteDecember 6, 2009 at 10:37 PM

    I really enjoyed your review. I love Maggie's writing but I didn't like the book as much as you did. You always are so eloquent in giving your opinions. Thanks!


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