Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Moonstone by Marilee Brothers

Moonstone by Marilee Brothers, Book Synopsis: A tiny house trailer. High school bullies and snarky drama queens. Bad-guy dudes with charming smiles. Allie has problems. And then there's that whole thing about fulfilling a magical prophecy and saving the world from evil……Welcome to the sad, funny, sometimes-scary world of fifteen-year-old Allie Emerson, who's struggling to keep her and her mom's act together in the small-town world of Peacock Flats, Washington. An electrical zap from a TV antenna sets off Allie's weird psychic powers. The next thing she knows she's being visited by a hippy-dippy guardian angel, and then her mysterious neighbor, the town "witch," gives her an incredible moonstone pendant that has powers only a good-hearted "Star Seeker" is meant to command. (Product Description)

Allie's the small town girl who takes care of her mother, the house, the whole enchillada and everything else. Allie soon realizes she’s all but small in the big scheme of things. Its not everyday you can make a bull move backwards, hence saving your butt in the process but leaving you with a killer headache soon to be a third eye in your forehead......that being Allie's special gift and all.

I love stories of  slayers, the girl who thought she was the underdog turned superhero...so I was excited to start Moonstone which opens with a very light tone and is laced with humor that basically runs true through the whole story. I mean who doesn’t think landing in a cow pie face down laugh out loud fun? Allie is very funny, but at times she's so immature I really couldn’t connect with her or look beyond the stupidity of her character at points. The story was a very fast read coming in at 129 pages. It’s hard to say what I didn't like about it. Perhaps it was the plot that seemed to build and then fall flat. Or maybe it was the never flushed out characters. Most seemed to be just there, some held no real purpose and others just made you go what…who are you? Then there was the annoying ones like the MOM.....

I didn’t like the fact that Allies mother (another YA boneheaded parent) is mooching off relatives and the government. She puts everything on Allie and takes a backseat on life…heres an idea…get off your lazy rear-end- get a job and take care of your kid!!!!

We reach the ending of the story with a bit of fighting, a bloody mess and family drama. Case closed book done. I can tell you that the writing wasn't bad, it was very simplistic almost book candy…I’d say a nice Jolly Rancher but no Dove chocolate.

2/5 YA Paranormal
Thanks to Other Shelf Tours for my review copy.
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Tues, 11pm- PS.....in response to an author comment, I must disclose my E-book copy that I read and reviewed contained 144 pages, the story ended on page 129, then had author bio, and had an expert of another book, beginning with a vampire story. My apologies for posting vampires in my original "vampire sizzle comment" the death was actually not a vampire!!!


  1. Sounds like a fun book. I'll have to check it out.

  2. hmm.. I mite have to read this one ;)

  3. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)December 8, 2009 at 7:29 PM

    thanks for the candy analogy..Love the Dove candy..so I'll pass on this then. Thanks for the information.

  4. Lindsay's PhotographysDecember 8, 2009 at 8:24 PM

    I gave you a award at my blog, http://lindsayphotobook.blogspot.com/2009/12/awards.html

  5. Melissa (My World)December 8, 2009 at 10:13 PM

    This sounds like a quick read for passing the time. I don't think I would read it. I usually like a little more to my books in the plot and even the characters.

    Thanks for the great review.

  6. Jake Kirk@Teens Read and WriteDecember 9, 2009 at 1:49 AM

    Thanks for such an honest and insightful review! I love the candy reference. You are so funny with the 'another YA bonehead parent.' I appreciate your thoughts, Tina. Keep them coming!


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