Monday, December 21, 2009

Movie Cast Mondays

Movie Cast Mondays is a Meme created by Natalie over at Mindful Musings

Want to join in the fun? Anyone can play! Here are the guidelines:

1) Create your own cast for an upcoming book-to-movie adaptation OR pick a book you'd like to see be turned into a movie and choose a cast.

2) Post the book title, author, and summary.

3) Try to pick at least 3 of the main characters to cast.

4) Grab the button please!

5) Come back and link to this post so everyone can check it out!

So Heres my pick this week!

Lament by Maggie Stiefvater

Book Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Deirdre Monaghan, a gifted harpist who regularly plays for weddings and other events, has the kind of stage fright that makes her physically ill before a performance, which is an inauspicious way to start a romance; but while vomiting before a competition she meets a gorgeous boy who comes into the restroom to hold her hair. He is Luke Dillon, a flautist who proceeds to accompany her in a truly stellar performance. As four-leaf clovers start appearing everywhere, Deirdre develops telekinetic powers and encounters strange, unworldly people who seem to bear her ill will. Her best friend, James, also a talented musician; her beloved grandmother; and her mother all are in danger, as Deirdre is targeted by the queen of Faerie. Deirdre eventually discovers that she is a cloverhand, a person who can see the denizens of faerie, and Luke, not the only immortal who has her in his sights, is a gallowglass, an assassin assigned by the queen of Faerie to kill Deirdre but who falls in love with her instead.

And my Picks:

Garrett Hedlund as Luke
Anton Yelchin as James 
Camilla Belle as the Queen
An Indie unknown as Deirdre

How fun was that.....?? So what do think of my choices?


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)December 21, 2009 at 11:15 AM

    I can Anton as James--good picks

  2. Natalie (Mindful Musings)December 21, 2009 at 1:16 PM

    I haven't read this book yet (though it's sitting in my TBR pile), but I love Garret Hedlund. I've never heard of Victoria Justice before, but she has a kind of ethereal beauty to her. I like it. Thanks for participating! :)

  3. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteDecember 21, 2009 at 1:25 PM

    Great picks! Love the smirk on the James character. He was my favorite. I like this idea. We've got to put together a post of this. Thanks for the fun!


I love comments!! Thanks for taking the time to do so. Warning: Spam and trolls will self destruct.

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