Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another 2010 Reading Challenge!!!!!

Dystopian Fiction Reading Challenge 2010

Well I have joined my third and final book challenge for 2010.....Im excited to add the dystopian genre to my Horns and Halos and 100+ reading challenges. So Thanks to Rachel over at Parajunkee's for hosting this awesome awesomeness!!

Here's some highlights for the challenge.....(you can read more at Parajunkee's)
Im shooting for the 20 mark, but you can choose 5-20.
Did I mention 20 somethings get a chance at a prize....woot....

dys·to·pi·a (dĭs-tō'pē-ə)

An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.

Here are features of Dystopian Fiction:

•Post-apocalyptic setting, usually there is the background story of natural disaster, revolutions, war, climate change, some kind of devastating event that changed society

•Dystopians are normally future based

•A difference in the standard of living than what we enjoy in today's society. This can be a poorer standard of living, as in The Hunger Games, or sometimes a more materialistic environment, like such in Brave New World and Uglies.

•Dystopian fiction typically elaborates on the darker society trends that effect us today. Usually the reader can identify things within our own society that could lead to this future terrible state.

•Within the plot of a dystopian fiction, the protagonist usually will try to escape or bring down the society that restricts them

Some great titles I read last year that you should run out and get...
1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
2. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
3. Unwind by Neal Shusterman
4. The Compound by S.A. Bodeen
5. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

If you'd like to sign up head over to ParaJunkee's


  1. Oh wow Tina...this looks like a fabulous challenge - thanks for the headsup!


  2. I might have to try this one. I didn't realize how many of this type I have but I've already read 3 of the 5 you listed for examples. Thanks for the info and good luck!


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