Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mega Contest Time

Alyssa, Jake and Greg over at Teens Read and Write, are hosting a mega giveway over at their site!!
If you remember the last one, it was huge with over 30 winners!!
I didn't win (piece of poop) but lots of others did and maybe this time Ill get lucky!!
Hurry over and enter for a chance to win.


  1. Jenn (Books At Midnight)January 24, 2010 at 9:51 AM

    Ohh, thanks for the heads up! :D

  2. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteJanuary 26, 2010 at 1:13 AM

    Thanks for the shout out! Love having your support. We're so sorry you didn't win the last time but Good Luck in this one! I think we'll have even more winners!

  3. Piece of poop huh? Well I did nah nah nah! Cause I bribed them with avatars. LOL. ♥ Parajunkee

  4. oh, oh no play dirty with the avatars......;P


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