Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Hop and Follow Friday....

Its time for the Blog Hop and Follow My Blog Friday...

Book Blogger Hop

This weeks question is:

"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"

Ok so besides a Kindle, which Im getting for Christmas and huge book shelf towering so high I need a latter....I would love to invest in a Personal Library Embosser, which would help when I lend my books out, so they can always be returned to the Library of Tina......

And its Follow Friday at Parajunkees

And this weeks question is:

If you have, or would have a daughter, what book would you want your daughter to read?
I have three daughters......I think one book I would love all three of them to read is Ella Enchanted, along with The Chronicles of Narnia, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables and The Little House Collection.

Have a great Weekend!!


  1. Chronicles of Narnia! Good choice. I didn't think of that one.
    Come see what's happening at GReads!

  2. Hi Tina, stopping by from the blog to say hi :)
    Great choices of books. Love Little Woman too. Such a good book.

  3. oooh, i really like the idea of that library embosser! i need an rfid one of those, because i can never remember exactly who i lent what to.

  4. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)October 29, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    tina- those are all great choices and happy halloween.

  5. Kathie @ Just a Happy HousewifeOctober 29, 2010 at 11:42 AM

    that embosser is a cute idea! stopping by from the hop (already following).

    have a great weekend! (my book blog)

  6. Oh you will love your Kindle, I got one last Christmas.

    I'm already a follower.

    Here is my post.

  7. Thanks for stopping by. I never thought of an embosser. I'm also extremely jealous that you're getting a Kindle for Christmas!

  8. Hopping by to return the visit--I already follow. :-) A library that sounds incredible. I want one too, now!

  9. Great idea - a personal book embosser.

    My answer can be found here - I also have a giveaway going on.

  10. Tribute Books MamaOctober 29, 2010 at 4:28 PM

    I found your blog via Follow Friday. I've shared "Little Women" with my daughter.

  11. Hello!Found you through FF.I'm your newest follower!
    Have a nice weekend :)

    Anna @Books to Brighten your Mood

  12. Hey! Just hopping by! I'm your newest follower. I always look forward to Friday's and and excuse to discover new book bloggers. Have a great weekend!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  13. Natalie (Mindful Musings)October 29, 2010 at 6:43 PM

    Oh, all of those are great picks! Though (as I'm sure you noticed), Ella Enchanted with have to be my favorite! But I read all of those as a kid. Great choices!

  14. Nic @ Irresistible ReadsOctober 29, 2010 at 9:15 PM

    Your blog is gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by mine.

    I am a new follower :)

  15. Found you through the Follow! Your blog is beautiful--I love the butterflies and swirls :)
    I'm a new follower!

  16. I love the Little House books. And the Anne books too.
    Hopping through!

  17. Hopping by from Follow Friday. I am following you and would love it if you follow me back at


  18. I'm your newest follower. Come stop by Crazy Book Slut maybe you will want to follow back?!??!

    Have a great day!

  19. Just hopping by and enjoying your reviews. I'm a new follower (on twitter too.) Hope you can check out my blog!

  20. Found you (late) via the hop! Really enjoying your blog so far. I'm a new follower :)

  21. Howdy,I just read your blog work here, and I loved you are standing up with great information!
    Good Work,stay safe


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