Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog Hop and Follow Friday Time 11/4

Its time for the blog hop and follow Friday...
This week's question comes from Vicki who blogs at The Wolf's Den:
"What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"

I loved Jennifer's (crazyforbooks) comments on this weeks questions and agree that I have more followers on my blog that I don't really know that well or who comment. I'm not perfect in this area either, its impossible to comment on the 300 or so blogs I follow and while I try to support everyone...its hard keeping up. I love the challenge though to find one new blog and become a true follower...:D

Ive lost some follows and its of course a bummer, but if I cant be honest in my reviews or speak how I really feel, well then that makes my blog fake and impersonal. As for un-following....yes Ive done it, usually with blogs that are no longer active after three or so months, I once stopped following a group of blogs for some blog bashing that was going on and one for making fun of Christians, otherwise though I love all the blogs I follow, I just need to work on being a better commenter!!!

Its also Follow Friday at Parajunkee's (one of the coolest blog designers out there...)
This weeks question: Who are your favorite authors?

Oh my goodness this list could go on for ages....but Id say my top favorites are:

Alice Hoffman, Ted Dekker, The Bronte Sisters, Maggie Stiefvater, Nancy Werlin and Neal Shusterman

~Have a great weekend and Happy Reading~


  1. Hi Tina!
    Following you from Parajunkee's friday follow, and I like the format of your blog--clean design, and very accessible :-)


  2. Hi, tina! old follower here. just hopping by from the hop and ff. :)

    Have a nice weekend!

    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  3. One really does have to wonder who (if anyone) reads their blog! But as long as you love writing it I think thats all that really matters. :)

    Just hopping through! I'm a new follower and I would love it if you would follow me back.

    Julia @ <a href="</a>

  4. I'm an old follower dropping by to say hi. Great answers to the questions for this week!

  5. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)November 5, 2010 at 9:06 AM

    Yeah I wonder about commenting on all the blogs I do follow and leaving comments on all the active ones too. Happy friday.

  6. Hi Tina! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm an old follower here as well but I wanted to say have a great weekend! As a random side note, I wanted to say I adore your header, it's gorgeous. Oh, and I can't wait to see what you think of The Betrayal of Maggie Blair, I really want to read that one!

  7. Great answer! i don't understand where all this guilt is coming from, that people feel terrible about losing a follower or that they wouldn't ever stop following someone else.

    it's not a big deal, blogging should be a quality, not quantity. it shouldn't be a popularity contest.

  8. I have to second the comment about how adorable your header is! Wow! I agree: I would be most likely to stop following a blog if it was no longer updated (or if it started to get mean-spirited).

  9. I'm always a little bummed when I lose followers but make every effort to
    turn every lost follower into a learning experience so I can improve my

    On the flip side, I only stop following people when they give me a reason to
    such as being totally off message or being too controversial in an negative,
    over-the-top way.

    Happy Book Blogger Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  10. Melissa (Books and Things)November 5, 2010 at 12:13 PM

    Just stopping by to say Hello! I'm already a follower!

    You have a great blog.

  11. Natalie (Mindful Musings)November 5, 2010 at 2:57 PM

    Hey Tina! I haven're read Neal Shusterman before, but some of his books look pretty interesting! I might have to give it a shot!

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  12. Leslie @ Under My Apple TreeNovember 5, 2010 at 3:31 PM

    Hi, thanks for stopping by. I'm not real worried about the number of followers but it sure is nice to have people stop by and comment if they like what I've posted.

  13. Thanks for stopping by on the hop! I love your layout and reviews.

  14. No part of the hop but HEY!!

  15. hi!This was a really magnificentsuper theme!
    I come from milan, I was fortunate to find your topic in bing
    Also I learn a lot in your theme really thank your very much i will come again

  16. Thank you, nice job! This was the stuff I had to have..


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