Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Great Weekend and No Movie Review!

So I went and saw Harry this weekend....and it was great! Kind of depressing and **cough** the kissing scene was uh-a  bit uncomfortable watching with the kids...(which my daughter leaned over and  informed me..was not like that in the book)  it was good overall and Im really excited to see the last one in the summer. Im going to admit something.....I haven't read the Harry Potter books, Ive always meant to, I just haven't found the time to do so. I know, I know how can I call myself a does makes me think about my blogging and time again. When is the last time you bloggers out there have read a book just because you wanted to? One of my resolutions for 2011 is reading the entire Harry Potter collection and also reading all my TBR piles just sitting here at the house. I could read for a year and not have to buy one single book, if I would just make a commitment to read the books I own.....also on that note I think Im ready for big heavy reads this winter, I want a challenging suck my brain in book read....any suggestions for a good epic one?

So This week Im reading

Have a great week and Happy Reading



  1. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comNovember 21, 2010 at 4:39 PM

    An epic read? Good question. Have you read Beautiful Creatures? I've heard its good.

  2. I haven't read the Harry Potter series either! I totally need to get around to it.... Maybe I should make a resolution about reading the series too! Then it might actually happen....

  3. I've read both of the books on this post. Very different books, but I really liked them BOTH. Also, I consider The Passage, by Justin Cronin an epic book that I've read recently. It's an "end of the world, how are we gonna survive" book, but there's a lot more to the story. My review is here if you are interested.

  4. I haven't read Harry Potter either! But I can't wait to hear what you think of Delirium, I've got it pre ordered. A book I loved this year, Before I Fall.

  5. Can't think of an epic read off hand but You will I think enjoy the whole series of Harry Potter , so much more detail are in the books , in fact a few spots where they switched things around from the books to the movies.

    I can't wait to see the latest installment of Harry Potter, not sure if I will be though. Might be waiting til DVD comes out.

  6. The kissing scenes were ridiculously awkward.

    My friend and I left the theater in silence and as we walked I burst out, "So...that scene... was really awkward." and she was just like "... yeah...." and we dove back into silence. So weird and the scene just WOULDN'T END.

  7. Ooh, I can't wait to see HP. And reading that series is an epic read.

  8. You won't regret reading the Potter books! They are pretty epic, but I'm not sure what else I'd recommend. Happy reading!


  9. Thank you very much. Very useful information

  10. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)November 21, 2010 at 10:57 PM

    still need to see Harry potter #7..and I did read the series , I haven't reread it. Thats on my pile to read both those books.

    I have to add my books into reading pile or not do reviews on all books or Its not enjoyable to me.

  11. Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)November 24, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    Good picks!

    I read books 1 -4 so I'm a bit behind but I don't care. I've seen the movies. I love the movies and i LOVED this new one. i wanted all of Hermonie's sweaters. They were fabulous! And Ron is adorable.!

  12. I am soooo looking forward to watching the movie!!! Trust me once you start the books, you wont want to stop. They're like 1000x's better than the movies! :P

    Also, I am so jealous that you have a copy of Delirium! I am jonesing to read that one! Enjoy! :)


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