Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Spotlight - Kimmie Thomas and Giveaway

Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight, a feature all about author love. This week I have the pleasure introducing readers to:

Kimmie Thomas

Kimmie will be sharing with us readers and bloggers...(which hey we are all in our own way aspiring authors) staying motivated and inspired to write......

Encouragement to the Aspiring Author
-by Kimmie Thomas

I am frequently asked why I decided to write a book. I always enjoyed reading in a wide range of genres and often found myself writing short stories or poems in my spare time. When I think about it, I've always been a writer. I've maintained a journal all of my life. On a daily basis I use my writing as a way to relax and stay focused.

Another question I am asked by aspiring authors, is whether I can help them write their novel . I always feel bad because the actual writing of a book is usually a solo job or at least it was for me. There are something's that a new or aspiring writer can do to make the path a little smoother. The most important piece of advise I can offer is to write, write, write. Here are some additional tips that will help a new writer.

1. Use a outline. Writing is like taking a road trip with the family. It is a long and tedious ride that involves a lot bathroom breaks and you watch the scenery as it passes by going to your intended destination that seems to take forever. Like a road trip, your outline should plot out the story from beginning to end. The writer should have a clear idea of how the story would end. You wouldn't pack your car for a family road trip, get in and start driving without knowing where you were going would you?

2. Know your characters. Each of your main characters should have a written bio, including a full name, address, occupation, marital status, hobbies, friends, general physical description, good qualities, bad qualities, motivations, etc. If you don't know your character how will the reader.

3. Write what you know. It is always easier to write about what you know. Sure you can research any topic and write about, but will your readers actual feel you passion for it. Real life is much stranger than fiction, tell the reader what you know. There is always passion in what you know and believe.

4. Keep your writing relevant. Be careful to stay on task when you write. It is easy to wonder off the path while writing. Make sure that what you tell the reader is relevant to the story. Always ask your self is this relevant and would the story still move forward without this information. If you answer yes, copy and paste that information some where else, but delete it from your current story. Save it for later. You may be able to use it later.

5. Find a good editor. It is true you only get one chance to make a good impression. There is nothing worst than unedited work. It is always a good idea to have a professional editor review your work before submitting it a publisher.

Most editors will give you a sample edit. This is very important because you need to make sure that you and your editor are compatible. Also be sure the editor you choose is familiar with your genre.

6. Join a writing group. I belong to several writing groups. I have found it helpful and motivating. It helps to know that you aren't the only person with writers block and that there are other writers have problems with plot twist too.

7. Don't give up!! My first piece of advise is still my best piece of advise. Write, write, write. Keep writing. Never throw anything away. You never know when your creative juices will go into overdrive and propel you forward. You may find your self picking up a short story you wrote years ago and weeks later find you have produce a best selling novel.

Kimmie Thomas is native Detroiter living with her husband and children. Her experience as a psychiatric nurse has given her the ability to create characters that display common personality flaws. She writes when she not working as a teacher and a nurse. To find out more about Kimmie or to learn more about This Side of Crazy visit

~Thanks Kimmie for the great adivice and best of luck to you and your new book!!


Today I have a copy of Kimmie's novel This Side of Crazy for one of my readers. Everyone is welcome to enter and a winner will be drawn Jan 25, 2011 and contacted by email. Please leave a link to email or a way to get a hold of you.



  1. This book sounds really good, I would love to read it.
    [email protected]

  2. Sheila (Bookjourney)January 15, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    I loved reading this. Thanks! [email protected]

  3. o.O love this giveaway!
    if this is international enter me please!!

  4. Danielle @ Romance Book JunkiesJanuary 15, 2011 at 11:16 AM

    This book sounds great and just what I need. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  5. Great advice for aspiring writers!

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  6. Sounds like a great book! :)

  7. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comJanuary 15, 2011 at 6:02 PM

    Awesome post!
    (not an entry)

  8. Wow great words of advice! Thanks for the contest also!

    sophiayunjin @ gmail . com

  9. Chinese visa ExtensionJanuary 18, 2011 at 2:03 AM

    Such a fun review. I liked all the pictures you have added. I can not wait to read it. It is on my list for 2011 DAC also.


I love comments!! Thanks for taking the time to do so. Warning: Spam and trolls will self destruct.

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