Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday Bites - Twilight Re-Read 1-5

Twilight Chapters 1-5
1. First Sight
2. Open Book
3. Phenomenon
4. Invitations
5. Blood Type

So first things first, this is my third time reading Twilight and I must say the magic happened the first time around. I still really love the story but reading it feels different to me, perhaps due to all the hype surrounding the books, or perhaps what the actors in Hollywood have done to it, Im not sure..


1. Have you ever had to start over in a new place, like Bella did in Forks? This new place could be a school, job, or town... just something with a new setting. How easy or difficult was this for you?

Ive started over plenty, the hardest was when I was a sophomore in high-school. Things weren't all rosy like Bella's first day. People starred at me but nobody really talked to me and there were no guys flocking circles around me to ask for my number. Being married to a military guy has caused many moves, those thankfully have been very easy.

2. Do you picture the actors from the movie as the characters in the book while you are reading?

No! I see none of the actors (not even Edward) as any of them, yet I cant help but compare the book now to the movie personality's...{ I like the book people better}....I think the actress that plays Bella has a prickly edge and lacks the sensitivity that book Bella had. There are so many things they added to make Bella more tough and tossed alot of who Bella was out the window. Bella's vulnerability and take care of you personality was what made her character grow throughout the series, movie Bella bosses Edward around, its like they missed the whole point that Bella was completely obsessed with him.. I guess that says I like Stephenie Meyer better than the Hollywood screen writer adapting the novels.

3. What are your first thoughts on meeting Edward in Bella’s Biology class? At first he was annoyed by her presence, but then after a week away he returns & finds him self very interested in her. Do you think this helped or hindered the storyline?

Re-reading this scene and answering a question about it is hard because I already know Edward.. but I remember originally thinking ok this is the vampire and he is trying not to kill Bella and out of this will be a torrid romance. I think having him struggle in the beginning helped the storyline, it gave the couple that doomed forbidden feel.

4. Out of the secondary characters Bella meets at school, who is your favorite and why? (I am referring to the humans, not the vampires in this question)

Probably Mike- only because he was the fun flirtatious highschool boy.

5. There is a lot of dialogue between Edward and Bella in these first few chapters that I feel played a major role in developing their relationship. What are some of your favorite quotes? or moments?

I loved their first initial conversation. I think that's why the movie scene ticked me off so much. I love the obvious tension they have going on and I think my favorite part of that whole "building-up" was the conversation they have in chapter 5, after he brings her home from school. I thought that part was pivotal in the relationship.......when he carried her to the office, yeah that was romantic.....


And he was. Interesting…and brilliant…and mysterious…and perfect…and beautiful… and possibly able to lift full size vans with one hand. (pg. 52)

If you want to join, get next weeks questions and read along find out all the info HERE!


  1. Yani {AvidReader}July 4, 2011 at 10:13 AM

    I don't think I could agree with you more on everything you said about the book vs movie. That is why I am loving this re-read because I am back with the original Bella and Edward I love!

  2. mrs_laura_koehlerJuly 4, 2011 at 10:16 AM

    I agree with you that they took a lot away from Bella in the movie. I think her personality and emotions in the book (frustration, anger) made it so much better. I love that she isn't so passive towards Edward like she is in the movie. (exp. when she thought about ramming his Volvo with her truck.) Just really miss that from the movies, the depth in her.
    Great answers!!!

  3. lisa [the nerd]July 4, 2011 at 10:41 AM

    I love the quote you chose to wrap it up! It shows the sarcastic side of Bella that, as with other things you mentioned, are missing from her character in the movie. Thanks for sharing and rereading along!

  4. The Book VixenJuly 4, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    I like the characters in the book better than the actors selected to play them as well, but now it's hard to not picture RobPat as Edward and KStew as Bella. Taylor Launtner was a great casting for Jacob ;)

  5. Amy @ bookgoonieJuly 4, 2011 at 3:13 PM

    It is harder to read those tense scenes because we know he is a vampire BUT in real life we would probably calling him a prick. Love the quote.

  6. Ginger @ GReads!July 4, 2011 at 3:52 PM

    I completely agree with you! The movie does not hold up to the first book, at all. It irritated me how Edward and Bella fell in love within the first 5 minutes in the movie. Where was the confusion and tension leading up to that??!!

  7. Joy Tamsin DavidJuly 4, 2011 at 10:29 PM

    The cast for Twilight was nothing like how I pictured them in my head, but after the movie came out I was unable to read the books again without seeing the actors.

    I think the first biology scene in the book was sooo much better than how they portrayed it in the moview. RPatz totally overacted the smell scene, he kinda ruined it. It should have been much more subtle. He made it seem like Bella had B.O.

    Did you ever read Midnight Sun on Stephanie Meyer's website? There was such great insight into what Edward was thinking at the beginning in that manuscript. Too bad she never finished it.

    I was disappointed they left out the scene of Bella getting sick from the prick of blood in science class and when Edward took her to the nurse. I always thought that was a sweet scene.

    Fun convo! You guys are gonna make me want to re-read this again.

  8. Nic @ Irresistible ReadsJuly 5, 2011 at 3:03 AM

    The only character I picture is Edward as Robert Patterson and that is only on re-reads since I read the book before the movie. And Mike is one of my favourite secondary characters too :)

  9. I moved around a lot too when I was younger. It makes me sad that I don't have any childhood friends like some of my girlfriends do. Some of them have known each other since Kinder.

    I think book Edward is way hotter than movie Edward. JS.

    Have you read Midnight Sun? I really wish SM would have completed it. I love Edwards POV of their first convo. :)

    Fun answers, T! I haven't re-read Twilight in a long time. After all the fanfic I've read, I don't know if I could. LOL

  10. Jasmine (The Reading Housewives)July 5, 2011 at 9:52 PM

    I totally agree with the book to movie thing...I like all the book characters SO much better!

  11. mrs_laura_koehlerJuly 5, 2011 at 11:14 PM

    Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Also new follower.

  12. @Nic- Ok so Robert P is very nice to look at but I think he plays Edward to softly with all the whisper whisper nonsense....

    @Joy- Oh my gosh that cracked me up in the movie- the scene was done so terrible!! He looked like he was going barf not kill....

    @Missie- I read Midnight Sun and I loved it better than Twilight. Edwards version is much more intense. I hope Ms. Steph decides to finish it...PLEASE STEPH PLEASE!!

    @Ginger- grrr that was the problem I had with Twilight...there was no tension, they meet, they kiss and then the movie is over...


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