Monday, July 18, 2011

Twilight Reread- Discussion #3

Mondays Bite- Twilight Re-Read
Discussion #3- Chapters 11-15

11. Complications
12. Balancing
13. Confessions
14. Mind Over Matter
15. The Cullens

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think the name "Twilight" for this book is fitting with the story? Do you think a better name could have been chosen? What about the series and the names as a whole? 

I think the titles were pretty genius, seeing how each phase in a cycle of a day matches pretty perfect with the central theme in each novel. Twilight, that time when day merges into night and becomes a mixture of both, represented Edward and Bella so well. They being two different spectrum's coming together in a beautiful array of light. The next best one for me was the Breaking Dawn title, just in sense that everything was new, life was just beginning and with dawn comes a new morning. All the themes of life and death and starting over were pivotal in creating the closure of Bella's story. ...Geez that all sounds wayyy to deep.

2. On this re-read, what’s your favorite part of the book? Is it the vampires, setting, plot, characters, Edward, or something else?

Guess what guys?? Its still Edward, I cant help it, the character seriously fascinates me. He is so multi-layered, yet so simple. Although I am appreciating the build up of the forever romance coming. 

3. Edward shows his stalkerish/controlling tendencies during these chapters for the first time (at least Bella is aware), did this bother you the first time you read Twilight? Does it bother you now that you’re re-reading it? Should Bella be more worried about it? 

So the first time I read Twilight, I really didn't notice this as creepy behavior because it seemed kind of innocent when Bella finds out. Although reading it now and after reading Midnight Sun (the partial draft) It was defiantly creepy. Even though Edward had no weird intentions, he was still struggling not to kill her at this point. in reality, if a guy wants to stalk you and watch you sleep, big RED flags on a future romance. How terrifying would it have been for Bella to wake up in the middle of the night and see a dark shadowed man watching her? I know I would have peed my pants! And how embarrassing, what if Bella farts in her sleep? LOL- for fiction though, and knowing Edward the way we all do, I don't think Bella should be concerned, we all know how it ends.

4. Do you find yourself, during or after reading another paranormal/supernatural book, comparing it to Twilight? If you do, why do you think that is? Is it because it’s popular or because it’s just a book that makes an impact? 

Im so guilty of this!! I couldn't read books like Need or most of them that had the love triangle with similar plots and not have it fail in comparison to Twilight. I was so Edward shell-shocked , no other fiction-guy could measure up, I got over it after awhile but it was hard to stop comparing. Every time an author writes "he smiled his crooked smile", or anything referring to a smile I immediately think: Oh you totally jacked that from Bella. However I have found a few new YA guys that compare...guys like Peeta and Marcello and Ash and Adam, wow did I just say I had trouble with this? HAHA.

5. Bella is introduced to the Cullen Family in chapter 15, who is your favorite Cullen and why? 

Oh I love them all. If I have to pick a favorite Id say Alice, mainly because she has a cool superpower and seems like a true BFF. I also think she has the most interesting back story. Steph M doesn't give us much, but I think she could seriously write an entire book about Alice. What happened, what her childhood was like, how she managed to survive in that mental hospital...her and Jasper's first few months finding the Cullens. Oh I would read it for sure!

*My favorite scene in this set of chapters was the meadow scene, I loved Edward and Bella's first kiss and second and third, there wasn't enough romance in the movie version, it was to mopey and to intense of a first kiss for Edward, I wish it would have been more developed like in the book, but oh well.

~So the picture I used in question 3, I found on google, with no copyright attach so thanks to whoever created it...LOL!! But the actual company who sells the wall decal can be found at Etsy along with the original photo of product.

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  1. I loved your deep answer for the different titles:) And when I first read Twilight, I can honestly say I didn't think he was being a stalker, I just thought he was watching out for her. Looking back on it, it was probably a bit creepy, but like you said, we know how it ends and he just loves her:) And you made me snort with the farting in her sleep comment. That would be embarrassing:)

  2. Ginger @ GReads!July 18, 2011 at 9:13 AM

    Oh my goodness!! hahaha I love the Edward de-cal. That is too funny. But SO true! I guess if you think about it, a dark man hanging out in your bedroom, watching you sleep IS super creepy. And lol @ the fart in your sleep! haha

  3. Once again I love your answers! I love the Edward decal, too funny! Alice is my favorite too!

  4. Amy @ bookgoonieJuly 18, 2011 at 9:27 AM

    If the Edward decal would eat heavily into my book lack of budget, I would so get it. Greatness!!! Love the concern for Bella's need for bodily function privacy. If you get a chance, stop by
    Amy @

  5. Yani {AvidReader}July 18, 2011 at 9:44 AM

    My favorite thing on the re-read is Edward too! :)

    Also, in your Edward comparison answers, who is Marcello? And I am reading Iron Fey now!

  6. mrs_laura_koehlerJuly 18, 2011 at 10:26 AM

    You are to funny girl.. what if she farts in her sleep.... hehe that is true though. I guess Edward wouldnt say anything if she did hes to much of a gentleman. That decal is too cool but i would prob wake up in the middle of the night forgetting it was there and start screaming. I compare books too, i try not to but its hard when you really fall in love with a book. My recent compare was the goddess test. I absolutly love your answers, some are similar to mine :)
    O by the way you do get some of Alices back story in the companion.

  7. SweetestLittleBookwormJuly 18, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    That decal is hilarious! I love it!


  8. Oh! Look at this place! I like it, T.

    Okay, I have to agree with all your answers. Edward just captured my heart right from the beginning and I never though of him a creepy or a stalker until everyone started dissing him for it. LOL

    The book titles are genius and I love the Cullens, too! I'd definitely be up to reading their individual stories and I really hope SM revisits the idea of completing MS.

  9. Jasmine (The Reading Housewives)July 18, 2011 at 1:42 PM

    I definitely think that Alice has the coolest power, too...And yes, this time around Edward is much creepier, but I love love love Midnight Sun too!

  10. The Book VixenJuly 18, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    That Edward wall decal cracks me up!! I think it would scare me if I were to wake up in the middle of the night seeing that shadow on the wall though.

  11. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)July 18, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    I'm an Alice Fan too and always been an edward girl too.

    Love your answers on this reread.

  12. Ok everyone- Marcello is the hotness in The River of Time Series by Lisa Bergren, if you haven't read really should your missing out...;)

    @Jasmine- I loved Midnight Sun, I mean I think I liked better than Twilight...Edwards version has much more depth.

    @Missie- You like??? :D I had Rach give me a revamp, just change the columns around...I love it...!!

    @Jenny- I aim to go deep...thinking that is...:)

    @Laura- that decal would scare the poop outta me, Id have a heart attack....for real....

  13. Jacinda (The Reading Housewives)July 18, 2011 at 5:42 PM

    Edward is a popular answer for #2 :)

    Bella farting in her sleep!!! I can't stop laughing!!!

    That crooked smile always reminds me of Edward!

  14. lisa [the nerd]July 18, 2011 at 6:36 PM

    there are definitely some steamy scenes that i adore in these sections! i'd probably pass out too, if i'm being honest.

  15. thelibrarianreadsJuly 18, 2011 at 9:56 PM

    Haha, for question #1 you thought you were too deep...I found a quote that supported it all! I know that Meyer didn't think it fit as well as some readers to but I agree with you...I've always loved how the titles all fit together and the ideas they represent. All very apt.

    And love the edward wall decal photo! hilarious ;)

  16. Melissa (i swim for oceans)July 18, 2011 at 10:58 PM

    Your thoughts on the titles were amazing! I wish I loved this series, but alas, I'll just love the discussions :)

  17. Joy Tamsin DavidJuly 19, 2011 at 7:16 PM

    If Bella resembles my husband in any way at all, she definitely farts in her sleep. LOL, but in a few books she won't have to worry about that sleep thing anymore.

    OMGosh, chiming in about Marcello!! Go read him everyone, he gives Edward a run for his money.


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