Monday, July 25, 2011

Twilight Reread- Discussion #4

Twilight Re-Read #4
Chapters 16-20

16. Carlisle
17. The Game
18. The Hunt
19. Goodbyes
20. Impatience

Discussion Questions
Provided by Yani@Secret Life of an Avid Reader

If you where in Carlisle position, do you think you would have been able to fight off your vampiric urges? Would you ever bring someone into that life, as he did with Edward and Esme?

Ok so just being honest- I tend to have an addictive personality. I smoked cigarettes for years, quitting was one of the hardest things I've ever done...BUTTTT the most rewarding too. Im addicted to coffee, diet coke, vampires, lip gloss and mascara, so Im pretty smart when I say I don't drink, smoke, do drugs or anything that could become an addiction...I even try to avoid brownies, needless to say had I been Carlisle I would of ate the first person who stopped by. 

For part two of the question, I think I would have turned Edward and Esme considering they were dying and excuse me but Edward would have never needed Bella had I turned him, he would of been all in- Tina-rapture, soooo I guess its a good thing that Carlisle found him and not me.(lol)

We are introduced to Edward's playful side in these chapters, before he gets all manic about the new vampires, I think we have a better picture of who he is. If you had to describe him in 5 words, what would they be? Good and Bad qualities, whatever you like!

Intense, Sarcastic, Overboard, Romantic and Gentlemanly

While re-reading I have been taking notes: observations that I have come across re-reading and comparisons to the movie. One of my notes deals with page 383, in which Edward screams at Alice there is no other option. The first time around I didn't get that he meant the future that Alice saw for Bella as a vampire (because we obviously hadn't gotten to that part), but now that I know the whole story I see that is what he meant... Has this happened to you? Do you have any examples of things that are clearer now or things that you have realized while re-reading? 

Well...the one thing that I have noticed because I read Midnight Sun, it kind of seems like SM left certain things vague because she knew Edward was going to have his own story to share. I guess the biggest thing in the book is how intense and crazy freaking out Edward is in the book about James coming after Bella, he is like a crazy man and I don't think I really saw that in the first time reading.

We haven't talked about this yet, but I think the idea of your human gifts amplifying in your vampire life is interesting (Jasper's control of emotions, Edward's mind reading), what do you think your gifts would be? 

Ohh I love this question!! Well Im naturally a very guarded person, one that doesn't give to much information until you know me, of course I just admitted to the dangers of addictive personality but Im normally a very private person. I think I would have the ability similar to Bella's to block people from having any control over me and just because it would awesome, I would make people do bring me a soda and give me a foot massage!! Oh yes Im loving the thought of that superpower!!

We are coming to the end of the book, what has been your opinion on this re-read? First, when was the last time you read it? Second, do you feel you like it more, the same, or less this time around? 

I feel I like it the same, of course the magic of reading Twilight is no longer there I do enjoy and remember how much this book meant to me while I was reading it the first time. Right after I finished Twilight I re-read it so this is my third time through the book since a few years ago. Reading it this time has not been the same but its still a great story that I will always love.


  1. Link up your answers at The Reading Housewives of Indiana


  1. Jacinda (The Reading Housewives)July 25, 2011 at 8:27 AM

    I'm addicted to coffee and anything else that contains caffeine!

    Gentlemanly! :)

    I'm loving that superpower as well!

    Love the graphic! I'm really LOLing!

  2. Amy @ bookgoonieJuly 25, 2011 at 9:03 AM

    I guess there is good reason for Edward to be freaked out over James. But on the reread, I was thinking "woe Nelly". Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jasmine (The Reading Housewives)July 25, 2011 at 10:12 AM

    I agree about it not being the same but still loving it. This was my third time as well!

  4. thelibrarianreadsJuly 25, 2011 at 10:54 AM

    Haha, You and Edward would have made a beautiful couple. Also, I agree about Edward going crazy with the James situation. Everyone else seemed calm and ready to deal with the situation. I'm not sure I noticed how intensely he reacts in my earlier reads. Chalk it up to being slightly over my Edward crush...and more aware of the rest of the story!

  5. How do you manage to avoid brownies! LOL I would have to put up a fight for Edward! ;)
    Intense- good one!
    Midnight Sun opened my eyes to a lot!

  6. I don't know how you try to avoid brownies Tina, I just can't do it. If they're there, I have to eat them:) And I think maybe Stephanie should write a side story where Edward is in Tina-rapture, I would absolutely read that!

  7. Joy Tamsin DavidJuly 25, 2011 at 11:36 AM

    LOL @ Tina rapture!

  8. mrs_laura_koehlerJuly 25, 2011 at 12:17 PM

    Girl I am addicted to pepsi, Vampires, books, and chocolate. But I still feel like I would surpass that if I had to hurts someone because I can't stand hurting people etc.

    I agree about the whole freak out with James. But I kinda try to think about it from his point of view he knows exacally what James thought and we don't get that inner monologue of what James think only how Edward reacts from it. My husband is not the jealous type at all but he is protective and he would have reacted similar to Edward Im sure. Or just attacted him right My husband would be a scary Vampire. Kinda like Edward in a way that he is both sweet but can be scary if need be.
    Great answers girl.

  9. LOL!

    Edward and Tina sitting in a tree!

    Love it. Just the possibility that the story could have been so different. I often imagine that I could have been Jasper's Maria. We would have been epic together. LOL

    You crack me up, T! Thanks for the Monday morning smiles.

  10. mrs_laura_koehlerJuly 25, 2011 at 12:51 PM

    Whats funny is my hubby does open up doors and is all gentlemanly...... when he wants to be. Which is more often then not I am a real lucky woman. Also he was my highschool sweetheart :) Glad you found your own Edward. Everyone needs an Edward.

  11. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)July 25, 2011 at 1:05 PM

    Love the comments and I should reread this book since reading edwards thoughts about him yelling.

    Great answers

  12. The Book VixenJuly 25, 2011 at 1:08 PM

    I'm liking your chosen superpower!

  13. SweetestLittleBookwormJuly 25, 2011 at 3:09 PM

    TINA-RAPTURE!!!! Love love love it.

    Also, gentlemanly. I loved that about him in Twilight, but I loved it even more in the later books when he kept being so old-fashioned about getting married and stuff. I just thought it was really neat and refreshing. And it made him waaayyyyy sexier!!!


  14. No reading of Twilight will ever be like the first one - which is good in some ways, because I read half of it in an ice-cold bubble bath. :) But it always has a certain magic for me.

    Gentlemanly is a great word for Edward!


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