Friday, May 18, 2012

Blog Tour: Guest Post & Giveaway with Genevieve Graham

Today Im thrilled to welcome Genevieve Graham to the blog for a guest post and a part of the Sound of the Heart Blog Tour.

Crossing Over by Genevieve Graham

In the beginning there was FICTION. And lo, the world so loved fiction that it became splintered among the masses.

Those who followed their hearts read ROMANCE.

a novel or other prose narrative depicting heroic ormarvelous deeds, pageantry, romantic exploits, etc., usuallyin a historical or imaginary setting.

Those who desired puzzles read MYSTERIES.

a novel, short story, play, or film whose plot involves a crimeor other event that remains puzzlingly unsettled until thevery end: a mystery by Agatha Christie.

Romance, of course, occurs at any time, anywhere. To accommodate that, the literary world embraced Historical Romance, Contemporary Romance, Futuristic Romance, even Erotic Romance.

Mysteries branched into Crime Fiction, Detective Fiction, suspense, thriller, and various other forms of WhoDunIt.

Other genres emerged, including Action/Adventure, Horror, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Westerns, Inspiration … and Paranormal.

Now the literary world had something new upon which to chew! Genres which had previously been limited to the ‘possible’ now swung open to reveal a treasure trove of the ‘impossible’. This new genre embraced the true concept of “fiction”, meaning the reader was forced to open their mind to a world they might not otherwise consider. Readers were introduced to vampires, ghosts, monsters, psychic phenomenon, time travel, and more.

What happens when Paranormal is married to Romance? We may be swept into the monumental struggle of a non-human entity in love with one of us, battling obstacles thrust in their path.

What about Paranormal with Mystery? Perhaps a ghost seeking to solve his or her own murder?

Now go farther. Explore the concept of Historical Paranormal Romance Adventure. That’s what you’ll discover in my novel, “Sound of the Heart”.

✔ Historical : The first thing you’ll notice is that the story occurs in the 1700’s. Read a little farther and you’ll see the history is accurate, brutal, and real.

✔ Paranormal : Then Dougal will tell you about the gift he has: the ability to hear other men’s thoughts and even to see into the future.

✔ Romance : You will fall in love with Glenna, just as Dougal does. You will watch their love grow from something totally unexpected into something neither can live without.

✔ Adventure : Dougal must battle for his life when he loses Glenna, then joins the army so that he can travel to the colonies and search for her across the endless land. Glenna is enslaved, put through hell, but she vows to live on, to find purpose in her life. And when she escapes … well, suffice to say, Adventure is a major part of “Sound of the Heart”.

I think most readers have a favourite genre. I love Historical Fiction, but when Diana Gabaldon threw in Time Travel, I was hooked. How wonderful it can be to mix and match. Take the best features of each, blend them together, and sample the results.

Do you have a favourite genre? Would you dare mix it with something new?

* definitions from

~Thanks Genevieve for stopping by, personally my favorite genres are romance, dystopian and contemporary.....Im always up for an adventure though and would love to see things mixed up!!


Today you can enter for your chance to win a copy of Sound of the Heart. To enter please just leave a comment. Open to US and Canadian residents only. Winner will be drawn at the end of the tour. 

Dougal MacDonnell, a fierce warrior from the Highlands of Scotland, is able to hear the thoughts of other men and dream how the future will unfold. Devastated by the loss of his family during the Battle of Culloden in 1746, he fosters a deep hatred for the English. But when Glenna, the love of his life and a Scottish outlaw, is captured and shipped overseas, Dougal is forced to join an English army made of vanquished Scots. Now fighting on the side of his sworn enemies, he embarks on a journey that will take him across the seas to the colonies. There he will risk everything for the chance to find his true love.

Find out more about Genevieve and a full blog tour list HERE!



  1. Historical Paranormal Romance Adventure you say? That sounds like something I would adore! Paranormal romance (adult or YA) is my very favorite genre, and historical novels are growing on me more and more, so bring on Sound of the Heart! Thanks for the guest post Genevieve and Tina!

  2. There's a lot going on here for sure, but the historical background is very interesting to me being of Scots heritage myself and having visited Culloden battlefield. An interesting if difficult time.

  3. The book sounds very interesting.



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