Monday, May 14, 2012

Married With Zombies...A Read Along Event

I don't know if you've noticed the badges around, but we're doing a special read-a-long in June for Married With Zombies by Jesse Petersen! Why is it special you ask? Well, besides the fact that we are special (too much?) it's going to be a Scavenger Hunt Read-a-Long. Kind of like when we were kids but with more swearing and the zombie apocalypse. So, go get the book and join us for a month of fun and prize packs that may make you pass out with the awesome.

Scavenger Hunt Schedule:

Week1: Chapters 1-5 (June 1st) - Jen @ In the Closet With a Bibliophile
Week2: Chapters 6-10 (June 8th) - Ashley @ The Bookish Brunette
Week3: Chapters 11-15 (June 15th) - Loretta @ Between the Pages
Week4: Chapters 16-20 (June 22nd) - Tina @ Tina's Book Reviews
Week5: Chapters 21-26 (June 29th) - Missie @ The Unread Reader

Prize Pack 1:

Prize Pack 2:

Prize Pack 3:

Prize Prize Pack 4:


1. Must have a blog or outlet to participate in the answering of questions (if you don't have a blog, GoodReads will work or any place you can post up your pictures/answer to the questions and people can visit.) For all those who don't have one, they are free to open and you can close it whenever.

2. You must answer all the questions on your site.

3. This read-a-long is a scavenger hunt, it WILL INVOLVE PICTURES. We'll be posting things you have to find around your house, from the book and you'll NEED TO TAKE A PICTURE of yourself with said item and post it up.

4. There will be 4 items to find every week and 1 question to answer.

5. After posting up your pictures/question, make sure to link your DIRECT URL into the linky of that weeks hosting blog.

6. Visit all of the other linked up participants and leave comments.

7. Everyone who signs up for the read-along and participates each week will be entered for a chance to win one of three prizes. Best part: there will one winner per prize!

8. International participants: The giveaway is open to you as well (as long as The Book Depository delivers to your country).

Wanna join us?

Visit any of the participating blogs above to sign up and head on over to Jen's at In the Closet With a Bibliophile to grab the first set of Scavenger Items for week one!

About the Book:

Married With Zombies (Kindle)
Married With Zombies (Mass Market Paperback)
Living With The Dead #1
Jesse Petersen

A heartwarming tale of terror in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Meet Sarah and David. Once upon a time they met and fell in love. But now they're on the verge of divorce and going to couples' counseling. On a routine trip to their counselor, they notice a few odd things - the lack of cars on the highway, the missing security guard, and the fact that their counselor, Dr. Kelly, is ripping out her previous client's throat.....Meet the Zombies. Now, Sarah and David are fighting for survival in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But, just because there are zombies, doesn't mean your other problems go away. If the zombies don't eat their brains, they might just kill each other.

Attention participants:

If you have CAPTCHA on your blog, please consider turning it off (even for the day) to help make commenting simple and fun for everyone. If you need instructions on how to turn CAPTCHA off, visit this post: CAPTCHA: How to Eradicate Evil.

Grab a button and sign up! 




  1. YEAH SCAVENGER HUNT!!!! This looks like it's going to be amazing ladies, I wish I could join in but June is a bit crazy for me. I look forward to following along though and I heart all of your faces like whoa:)

    1. Taking pics of myself for this is freaking me out....LOL

  • Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)May 14, 2012 at 11:05 AM

    I think it's going to be fun. Now if I could just get back into blogging. I feel like I fell off a freaking cliff and I'm trying to climb back up it. Hopefully vaca will help me feel better. LOL! I do love the new bloggie design, T.

  • Missie, The Unread ReaderMay 14, 2012 at 3:43 PM


    We've kind of become unstoppable, huh? And I love it. I use my blogging as my "book club" outlet and these read-alongs have only inspired more fun! We are AWESOME!!!

  • Bookish BrunetteMay 15, 2012 at 9:32 PM

    I am all kinds of EXCITED!!!! YOU guys ROCK my face off!!!


I love comments!! Thanks for taking the time to do so. Warning: Spam and trolls will self destruct.

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