Monday, May 14, 2012

Book Review~ Providence by Jamie McGuire

Providence by Jamie McGuire
Kindle Edition- 370 Pages
Published: November 20, 2010

The world of Providence, which has always been sunny for Nina Grey, lurks of mist and shadows under happy skies. Sheltered by the love her father and the life of ease, Nina has never second guessed or even sensed the evil around her. Days go by, childhood happens, dances are had and college is attended, nothing can touch Nina in her happy place. But when her father passes away and the facade of the family's life is reveled, Nina is left to deal with the aftermath and learns that the demons who were after her father are now after her. What Nina doesn't know is that along with the darkness surrounding her there is also a man who is protecting her. A man who was once a child with her, a teenager with her and now an adult with her, who always in the shadows, has been watching over her and shielding her from a specific danger not of our world.

Jared, Nina's protector was born of a human mother and a father who was a fallen angel, making him a cross breed of both and automatically assigning him to a life of servitude, basically a guardian angel in human form who by nature will be bound to a human on earth. Like Jared's father who was bonded to Nina's father, Jared bonds to Nina and takes on the role of full time guardian when he is yet young himself.

Over the years of watching her grow, protecting her from danger and feeling her sorrows, Jared's emotional commitment due to his human side goes from one of obligation to one of love. After the deaths of the father's, circumstances become out of control and {in a moment of weakness}Jared makes the decision to reveal himself not knowing that Nina would in turn fall in love with him. Neither Nina or Jared can stop or fight the feelings that bring them together, however being a couple is huge taboo in the hierarchy of angels and a price will be paid for breaking those rules. Even without the threat of angel punishment, Jared is now more physically connected to Nina as the relationship draws closer to intimacy....every pain, every emotion, every desire Nina feels, Jared feels with her and if she dies, well he dies as well and that terrifies them both.

As the two discover more about her fathers dealings, its hard for Nina to buy into, even in Nina's doubt, even as she tries to ignore the truth sitting in front of her, she can no longer ignore the fact that her dad might not of been the man she once thought he was and no longer can she fight the inevitable fate that led her straight into Jared's arms. How can she give him up....even if it costs them everything........

Jamie McGuire's writing is like a warm cup of coffee, tasty to perfection. Each layer of Providence just got better and better as the plot grew thicker and the characters took more shape. I loved McGuire's take on fallen angels and half-breeds and absolutely adored the love story which developed both Nina and Jared's characters. While Jared was pretty much the stronger of the two throughout the entire story, as Nina tended to get on my nerves with her whiny, cries a lot selfish girl act and wish-wash emotions towards Jared {the classic string him on, string him off, string him on...string him off} does in the end try her hardest to turn a corner in the maturity department. With the dynamic of the relationship, it was interesting to see a secondary character carry the weight of the main character so effectively. Providence offered a refreshing twist of the overused love triangle, insta-love {due to the life long connection} and intense action for an outcome of a well worked audience pleaser, supplying what the romantic wants, swoons, gasps and a reason to shed a little tear. Despite its -insert annoying break up phase arc for ya drama- the story itself was very well rounded and highly entertaining.

Compared to McGuire's Beautiful Disaster, this felt more polished in character development, well edited and focuses on a more tender, less toxic relationship. I am for sure a Jamie McGuire fan, I can tell in her writing shes a romantic who loves happy endings and ever afters. I shall now stalk her blog, read all her books and say outrageously nice things about her and her hair......I truly believe with her raw talent and future book plans, McGuire is an author to watch. I would recommend this to readers who enjoy angel, fantasy or paranormal stories.


Recommended to mature teens {17&up} and adult readers. Contains: Sexuality and sensual scenarios, strong language, graphic violence, murder and alcohol use.

4/5- Paranormal Romance


  1. Missie, The Unread ReaderMay 14, 2012 at 3:47 PM

    Oooo! I've been looking forward to your review of this one for a while now because while I've read a lot of review for BD, I hadn't really seen any for this one.

    One thing is clear, McGuire seems to have a natural ability affect her readers, and that is what I value the most. Plus, I'm a romantic at heart, too, so I'm sure I'd connect to her work easily.

    Amazing review, T! I loved it.

  2. Angels and I don't get along almost 90% of the time..not sure if that's a reflection of my soul..I hope not! LOL! I do love the sound of Jared but I'm mostly worried about Nina. She already has me irritated after reading this review.

    Thanks for bringing this book to my attention, Tina. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise.

  3. While I'm not a big fan of girls who string guys along and waffle in the emotional attachments, it's good to know Nina does mature a bit by the end:) As long as they show some progress, I'm usually pretty forgiving of their flaws. Fantastic review:)

  4. *giggles* you had me at "amie McGuire's writing is like a warm cup of coffee, tasty to perfection." loved this reference.. I mean I love coffee and I am useless without it!!

    Plus, I do love Angel Stories and this one sounds actually pretty good! Haven't seen it before so thank you for reviewing it today!!

  5. Felicia the Geeky BloggerMay 16, 2012 at 8:51 AM

    You know this one would have never crossed my desk without this review. This does sound like something that I not only would love but something that would move me :)

    I am not a fan of the string a guy along BUT it sounds like the writing is enough for me to forgive it :)

  6. @Missie- I think you'll like Jamie, shes snarky and romantic and a bit naughty...CANT wait to hear what you think of BD!

    @Rummanah- I think you could handle the angel aspect in this one...its hybrids....:D

    @Jenny- I think you would like this one, its right up your romantic paranormal vibe thing....:D

    @Felicia- Try Beautiful Disaster first then this series.....:)I know you prefer adult novels so this one is more on the mature teen side.

    @Danny- LOL, well I find her writing so tasty, I could only compare it to coffee or coffee worked better! Hope you like the book if you read it...:)


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