Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Saturday Spotlight with Phillip Hall and Giveaway

Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight, a weekly feature that shines the light on Indie authors. This week I have the pleasure introducing:

~Author of Memories of the Dead~

Hi Phil, welcome to the blog, please tell us a little about yourself?

Professionally speaking, I’m a contracted systems administrator and network administrator for a large, multinational corporation. But that’s just my day job; at night (and when I steal a free moment or two) I live my stories out in my head—and then I write them down. It’s a leftover from all my pen-and-paper RPG playing, and comes in pretty handy as well!

I live in Iowa with my wife, and she is the reason I write anything. It’s really all for her, I just let other people read them, too. She’s my muse.

When I’m not at work or writing, I’m pretty much what most people would call “a vegetable”: just sitting around the house relaxing. I love movies and have a collection of hundreds of DVDs and Blu-Ray films – ranging from classics from the 1940s and the newest good stuff I can find. I use movies as a way to describe how I write: I imagine each scene of my stories in my head as if it was filmed. This gives me a great deal of information, and tells me where I need to fill in the blanks. Sometimes there’s even a soundtrack to help set the mood.

What inspired you to write Memories of the Dead?

My wife stays at home, and many times she was bored out of her mind. I started what eventually became the first chapter of Memories of the Dead as something for her to read while I was away. Each week, I would upload a chapter to my Facebook for her to read; and the story changed and grew as I was writing it. Over the months it took to write, more and more of my friends were reading the tale as well. They’re the first “fans” I have; but the real reason is, as always, my wife. Thirteen months later, the book was finished. When people read it they need to keep in mind that, really, Memories of the Dead is just a long love-letter for my wife. I may be the author, but the story belongs to her.

If you could pick a song that fit the mood of your book what would it be and why?

Strangely, while working on Memories of the Dead, there wasn’t any particular music that I used for inspiration or even thought about. The story itself was treated organically, and unfolded the way it needed to. I may be the author, but Memories of the Dead really wrote itself. I don’t know if it even needed me! So, to answer the question, I’d have to say “none.”

What three Indie books you would recommend to readers?

EVERYTHING! Every indie book that sells is another person that realizes a good book can come from anywhere, not just the traditional publishers; but I would like to point out The Serpent in the Glass by D.M. Andrews. He’s a great guy and the story is a lot of fun.

What would you like readers to walk away with after reading your book?

That there is magic in the world, you just need to look with better eyes.

Can you share any future plans?

Currently, I’m working on another novel, called MINIMAL, which is a big departure from Memories of the Dead. Whereas Memories of the Dead is a fantasy story, MINIMAL is a contemporary crime/thriller. It’s slow going, and it’s a story I’ve wanted to tell for a long time, so I want to make sure I get it right. It’s nowhere near finished, but we’re getting there! Beyond that, I’m just learning, writing, and having fun...and hoping that people like my work.

I write as a dream; but to pay the bills, I work as a Systems/Network Administrator.

My first book, "Memories of the Dead," is dedicated to my wife, my late mother, and my friend, Ree Soesbee.

Thanks Phil for being on the spotlight today, how cool that your wife is your muse! Wishing you the best with your future books and vegetable endeavors.....;)


Today Phil is giving away one copy of his book Memories of the Dead. To enter please leave a comment by Sept 29.

Locarno, when he was a boy of sixteen, was envious of vampires: they were elusive, immortal, strong, and powerful. But that was when he was foolish and young; and now, knowing what he knows, he understands that they are nothing but a plague upon humanity—a disease that needs to be removed. He despises them because of the things they did, and continue to do, to the unknowing populace: treating humanity like nothing more than cattle. And for that, they must be destroyed. This, his private journal—his memories—left for those who may find and read it, is a living record of the time when his destiny was first intertwined with unspeakable evil.

Find out more about Phil at Goodreads and Facebook



  1. What a great interview.

    I like how you view your story as a movie. My favorite books are ones that I can *see* happening in my mind.

  2. The book sounds intriguing.


  3. Awesome interview. I can totally relate to living out stories in the mind. Worlds that are so vivid, I working as well on transcribing them to words.


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