Friday, March 4, 2011

Fridays Finest & A Bundle of Mini-Reviews

Hello its another Fridays Finest, a weekly meme hosted by A Bookful of Thoughts and lets quotes shine.

"Time is priceless, but it’s Free. You can't own it, you can use it. You can spend it. But you can't keep it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back."
— Audrey Niffenegger (The Time Traveler's Wife)

Fridays- Not so Finest- Mini Reviews

I have alot of books to review that Ive been avoiding due to my lack of pleasant feelings towards them, so I figured mini's would wrap them up nicely.

Trapped by Michael Northrop
Jan-2011 by Scholastic
Review Copy-ATWT

I think the premise offered an expectation that just didn't get met for me while I was reading it. Trapped had a middle grade feel with content not suitable for middle grade readers. I think the hardest part with Trapped was the main character Scotty he came across in the first half of the book as this cocky immature little boy. I couldn’t get the picture of a snot-nosed fifth grader out of my head. While the world building defiantly set the tone for a blizzard feel and the cover was clever, I felt the overall outcome lacked originality. So all in all Trapped had a great cover, an awesome premise, a presentation that fell flat and the writing which had  juvenile dialog and immature characters using really big words…..think children trying to act like adults.....2/5- YA Fiction.

Choker by Elizabeth Woods
Jan-2011 by Simon and Schuster
Review Copy-ATWT

This was weird and creepy. Choker actually has a very intriguing plotline, I guess the problem I had with it was I predicted the outcome and the twists by pg 70...As soon as that twisty little Zoe was sitting on Cara's bed with her violet eyes, I knew who and what she was....While still a good story it lost its mystery and a few hours with the main character was nerve wracking, due to the fact that she was a whiny push-over, never stand up for herself weakling……( it fits into the story believe me…)....not to be mistaken for its pretty cover, Choker was a twisted little book, just not for me...2/5- YA

The Vampire Diaries- Stefan's Dairy Vol.1
Ebook- Free from Library imagine my surprise when I sat down to read this and found out it was just a big recap of an episode I already watched!!!! I felt kind of jipped- like I was expecting this awesome new insight to Stefan and walked away not knowing anything new. The one thing different in this novel ( and on the show) was the way Stefan dies....I really like the original "death" of the brothers in the L.J Smith novels, and while this scenario fits in nicely with the show, I still prefer Smith's version. I love the Vamp D's  but I wont continue on with this series...its just a big money marketing ploy for fans of the TV Series.  2/5- YA-Paranormal- Vamp Challenge-

Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell
December-2010 by HarperTeen
Review Copy- ATWT

OK - so I couldn't even finish this one, it just wasn't for me and probably has to do with the fact that while I love YA, if its too juvenile I just cant relate to the characters. I joked with Natalie from Mindful Musings (as we had similar reactions) that I would refer you to her review and basically her thoughts sum it up.....!!!

DNF- YA- Paranormal


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)March 4, 2011 at 1:16 PM

    totally understand having bad books to read :) I have so been there.

  2. Leanna (Daisy Chain Book Reviews)March 4, 2011 at 1:40 PM

    Ha! All three of us (you, me & Natalie) had the same thoughts on Fallen Angel. I struggled to finish it!

    I guess what was going on in Choker about 50 pages in, but I still enjoyed it. very dark and twisted!

  3. Hi! I am a new follower of your blog. I always like to read other book review blogs! :)

    You can check out my blog at

  4. Oooh, I loved The Time Traveler's Wife! It had plenty of wonderful books. I think that the quote you chose would be the main quote of the book. It's abouut time :)

    And I'm currently procrastinating on the reviews I have to write, too. I just don't feel in the mood to write them...and they're pretty good books, too. Argh.

  5. I've heard Trapped was disappointing, and juvenile dialogue with immature characters definitely sounds like something that would be difficult for me to get through. Choker I've been looking forward to, I sometimes enjoy the twisted tales but I don't enjoy push-over characters so I might wait on it a while. Thanks for these reviews Tina!

  6. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comMarch 7, 2011 at 12:21 AM

    O that is a great quote. I didn't like this book (too crass for me and I couldn't connect with the romance) but it is a really quotable book :)

    Thanks for your tips and honesty on Choker and Trapped :)

  7. Yup. Exactly why I haven't read Trapped or Choker yet, nor do I plan too. I've read they don't really live up to the premise or the great covers, and if you agree then that really decides it.

    These mini reviews satisfy my curiosity plenty. Thanks T.

  8. Love, LOVE Time Traveler's Wife. I still need to read Choker, but the guessable twist seems to be a common complaint. :( Thanks for your honest reviews Tina! :D

  9. Computer LiquidatorsMarch 8, 2011 at 12:50 AM

    I didn't like this book crass for me & I could not connect with the romance but it is an quotable book.

  10. So sorry and sad to hear that about Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell! ;( It just looks so good.

  11. Natalie (Mindful Musings)March 10, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    Lol! Thanks for the linkage!

    I totally know what you mean though. Some books just aren't for everyone, I guess! I haven't read Choker, Trapped or Stefan's Diary, but I don't really plan to. I read The Time Traveler's Wife in high school, and I remember enjoying it, but I also remember it being kind of slow and it wasn't a "love" for me.

    Great post!

  12. Heh, great way to wrap up that feeling that you have books which haven't been reviewed yet ^.^

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

    New Follower ^.^


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