Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Saturday Spotlight- Amber Robinson & Giveaway

Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight, a weekly feature that celebrates authors and the books they write. This week I have the pleasure of introducing readers to........


Author Bio: AMBER ROBINSON is an ordinary woman seeking to bridge the gap between the needs for justice and balancing family, work, and service. Her life’s passion is to write and advocate for children with Compassion International. She speaks to groups who want to incorporate justice pursuits in simple, practical ways. She is an imperfect Christ follower and reluctantly optimistic.

Amber began this journey when chronic illness forced her to reevaluate her priorities. She networks with leaders in the justice movement as well as ordinary people with limitations in time, resources, and energy but long to make a difference.

About the Book

Mercy Rising
August 1, 2010 by The House Studio

Through The Sinai Experiment explore how God's people have been shaped and formed by the commandments and discover how God is leading us- just as he led a poor, weak people out of slavery and into the Promised Land.
Amber Robinson is the author of Mercy Rising, Simple, Practical Ways to Live Justice Everyday. This book is designed for women on compassion overload. Human devastation seems unending with media coverage of flooding, earthquakes, malaria outbreaks, and starving children. We ask, “What can I do to make a difference? What does this really look like while raising a family, managing endless responsibilities, and living life? Amber gives a normally heavy subject a unique twist. Real women’s stories, humor, practical tips, and a large dose of hope touch the hearts of her audience. Her style is fast-paced, engaging, and interactive so audience’s precious time is well-spent. She is well versed in these issues serving 7 years with Compassion International as a Child Advocate as well as contact with the poor during her formative years and in a college internship. Topics include:

• Compassion International

• At Home (Busy Women, Moms, Homebound, etc.)

• Shopping (Small Change, Big Difference)

• It's Just Business

• Space Invaders (Invite Others In)

• Away from Home (Take Others With You)
After reading this book, Ive walked away knowing its a practical guide to apply to my life and show me ways that can help impact my community, change lives, especially towards people who are in need. I think many of us believe that the small things we do really wont make a difference, so we don't do them. Even in the chaos of life with being a mom and wife, I can help a child through Compassion, I can give to a local food pantry to help feed people in my community and donate clothing and my volunteer time to the local homeless shelter. Amber's book has defiantly helped me see all the things that I can do to make an impact.
I have one paperback copy to give to a reader of my blog. To enter please just leave a comment with a way to contact you. Winner will be picked March 25. 2011. Thanks and happy reading.


  1. sounds like a good book!!

    gfc follower

    [email protected]

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Sounds like a great book :)

    +1 I am a follower

    sophiayunjin at gmail dot com

  3. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comMarch 12, 2011 at 7:53 PM

    I love the beautiful cover!
    (not an entry)

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! Please count me in!


  5. Sounds interesting! Enter me please.

    follow on gfc

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  6. brandyreneebruceMarch 13, 2011 at 2:06 PM

    Great post and review, Tina! Can I recommend my book Looks Like Love to you and your readers? I'd love to know you're thoughts about it, friend! :) Blessings to you.

  7. The cover is beautiful, and uplifting.

    I'm the same way. I always feel like what can I do? But the little things add up.

    Thanks for the reminder, T. :D


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