Friday, April 13, 2012

The Mine Fields by Steven Eisner -April Indie Review

Review by Feature Blogger Tonya

The Mine Fields by Steven C. Eisner 
March 30, 2012 by When Words Count
Hardcover, 311 Pages
Review Copy

From an early age, Sam Spiegel single-mindedly pursued an entrepreneurial path that prepared him to transform a small-time ad agency into a regional powerhouse with national ambitions. A couple decades later, Sam had achieved almost everything he ever dreamed possible as the ad agency's rainmaker, fountainhead, and unflappable pursuer of success. One final goal remained: To consolidate his gains by attracting an international advertising conglomerate and cash out. That's when the nation is hit with the most unthinkable tragedy, and Sam begins to take stock of his own life, finding that he is growing weary of the relentless hunt. Unsatisfied in his marriage and embroiled in a mind-boggling professional crisis, everything Sam had achieved is put at risk.


The Minefields... not what I expected at all.

Sam Spiegel has been bred to do advertising. He is very skilled at it. What will happen though when his dad's agency that he has spent his whole life building up comes tumbling down, bit by bit, with his wife Amy at the helm no less? Amy ends up showing her true colors and you won't believe the madness that happens! 

Without going into the whole book {well because personally, all that advertising talk did nothing for me} I felt a whole disconnect between Sam and Amy from the very beginning. Half of me felt like Sam never really gave Amy a chance because he thought of Beth nonstop. When he wasn't working that is.

Side Note: I would really love to know if this is story is part biography of Steven Eisner? 

Very engaging at times for a reader like myself, but too much business talk and name dropping that bored me to tears. Just my own personal preference though. A lot of detail into every single page, which can be good or bad. I really loved Sam and his dad's relationship though. I was there the 4th person in the room when they went to have a counseling session with Arnold. I felt that relationship was the strongest. Even the relationship with Audrey and Adam was very shallow.

I am sure if you understand more of the advertising world, this will be the book for you. If you are looking for something light this wouldn't be it!

Thanks to Publisher for Review Copy

1 comment:

  1. simply canvas artApril 17, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    Thanks for the insight!


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