Friday, July 6, 2012

Fairy Metal Thunder Read-Along- Week One

Its time for Fairy Metal Thunder!!!!! Its the first week of our scavenger hunt, today's questions are being hosted by Missie over at The Unread Reader......join us, we have prizes too....;)

Hunt One

At the beginning of the story, the Assorted Zebras are just a garage band, but they are expecting to make it big. Who knows, you just might find yourself at one of their concerts someday. Until then, show me your favorite concert t-shirt. It could be a picture of a concert you actually attended or a pic of a vintage tee of your favorite band. Be sure to tell me the story behind the tee.

I have not been to an adult concert in years......its been all kiddie stuff lately. We went and saw Carrie Underwood, she was good. I tried to get tickets to Justin Bieber but he sold out in like 5 seconds. I guess my heavy metal rock days ended when Dora the Explorer entered my life....(lol)

Jason’s mom forces him to agree to do some yard work for Mrs. Dullahan, which wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t rumored to be a witch. Tell me about the worst chore you were ever forced to do. Who make you do it? Bonus points if you have a picture to share of you doing the dirty work.

The worst ever? That would be when I was 13. My parents decided to rip up the backyard and expand the deck, in order to do this they had to knock down a concrete wall. Guess who had to pick up all the chunks, wheel them in a barrel down to the dumpster. I had to do this with my brother in the the heat....... life= SUCK!!!!

Uh oh! There seems to be a jewelry thief in the neighborhood. Have you have had anything stolen from you? Or have you ever lost something precious? Did you ever find it? Make a Reward if Found poster for the stolen or lost item. Convince us to find it for you. Make the reward good!

My favorite necklace was lost...or stolen out of my locker at a gym I used to work out at......Ive never seen it since that sad morning. I know I can buy another one to replace it, but the one I lost had sentimental if you find it Ill make you the best Enchilada dinner you've ever had!!

In Faerie, Jason declares himself as Jason the Guy Who Wants That Necklace Back. Weird, but then again every name has a meaning. What does your name mean? What is the origin? Do you go by any kind of nicknames? How did you get that nickname?

My friends call me T. How did I get it, well my best friend in highschool always called me T and it kind of stuck, better than Bina I guess. I Google'd my name and according to the Urban Dictionary my name means crystal meth.... that's just great!!! Anyways the real name Tina is from French origin and short from the name Christina.

When Jason gets home from his all night adventures through Fairy, his parents unfairly ground him for a month! Care to share a time you were grounded by your parents for no good reason?

Yeah- this is the epic of stupid......I got grounded for not opening my mini-blinds. It was stated that it made the front of the house look bad....seriously!!!??? Seriously. Id only been told to open them about 100 times before I actually got grounded, but geez how silly. To this day I HATE mini-blinds.

Go Link up at Missie's and get next weeks questions over at Kelly's

Read-Along/Scavenger Hunt Schedule for Fairy Metal Thunder:
July 06th: Chapters 1-6 hosted by Missie of The Unread Reader
July 13th: Chapters 7-13 hosted by Kelly of Reading the Paranormal
July 20th: Chapters 14-20 hosted by Tina of Tina’s Book Reviews
July 27th: Chapters 21-27 hosted by Jen of In the Closet With a Bibliophile

**Photos owned/created by Tinasbookreviews*


  1. Book ♥ SoulmatesJuly 6, 2012 at 10:18 AM

    Some of my worst chores were also the results of my parents wanting to remodel or do something to the house I was not built for construction work people!

    I have to say it, "REALLY? Because of mini-blinds?" Being grounded for not opening blinds seems a bit excessive, lol.

    ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

    1. Yeah my dad and stepmother were crazy with the groundings....I think its because there was 7 of us in the house and instead of actually taking time for each kid they just yelled GROUNDED!!!!

  • Moving giant hunks of concrete via wheelbarrow in the heat would be decidedly unpleasant. It reminds me of 2 years ago when we put a patio in back and I had to shovel literally tons of gravel into wheelbarrows for the foundation and then load the wheelbarrows with ridiculously heavy pavers. Worst. Day. Ever. I feel your pain on that one Tina!

    1. It was terrible!! Last year we ripped out our front landscaping, now granted my hubs did most of the work, but I had to take out all the little stones and shovel in all the mulch, my body was in serious pain....!!

  • Melissa (Books and Things)July 6, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    UGH! those cement bricks! Horrible. Oh and being grounded for the mini blinds??? Oh man... totally unfair.

    I'd have to pass on the Bieber concert. I don't think he's horrible, but that song with baby, baby, baby in it will drive me to homicide. O.o

    1. BAHAHAHA, um I have two girls in this house with Bieber fever, Ive contemplated sporking myself many times....(lol)

  • I can't help but laugh about having to be grounded because of mini blinds, I'd hate them if I was in the same situation. I lost a bracelet, I'm still waiting for the day it mysteriously appears again! :)

    1. Yup this house is almost blind free, I use things like roman shades, vertical blinds dont bother me as much, but cheap mini-blinds are the devil.

  • Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)July 6, 2012 at 4:44 PM

    I can't believe you got grounded for not-opening your mini blinds! That's insane.

    People who steal, suck! I don't get it. Why must they do it. I think I'll go to my grave never figuring this one out. Stupid people.

    I LOLed at the Dora comment. I'm not a Bieber fan, but I do like that new boyfriend song, but just saying that outloud makes me feel little dirty. LOL! The rest of his songs make me contemplate asphyxiation. JS. O_o

    1. Dont feel are funny. And when you figure out stupid people maybe Ill figure out why I was grounded so much...;(

  • Hannah @ Once Upon A TimeJuly 6, 2012 at 4:55 PM

    Grounded for..? Wow, parents are weird!

    1. My parents especially....they were from the baby boom generation, total spazzes. They have got much better in their old age (60's) and even admit they were buttholes when we were all kids...LOL

  • Bookish BrunetteJuly 6, 2012 at 9:41 PM

    OMG!! I went to see Hanson in 8th grade!! Because I'm a rockstar! ;)

  • Missie, The Unread ReaderJuly 7, 2012 at 4:55 PM

    OMG! I can't stop snorting about the crystal meth thing. Now I'm gonna call you Crystal. LOL. Kidding. I like calling you T. It sounds cool. :)

    Sorry you missed Justin Bieber! I saw his 3d movie, so I'm good. LOL

    P.S. Can you make me some enchiladas? Those are my favorite!

  • Jennifer MesserschmidtJuly 8, 2012 at 6:51 AM

    I love Carrie Underwood! LOL @ Justin Bieber! Carrying all that concrete sounds like major suck! Jewelry is easy to lose. Everyone seems to have lost some. T is a nice nickname. I love cheese enchiladas so if I find it I'll definitely cash in on that! LOL You had to open the mini blinds. That is random!

  • I love Carrie Underwood and Justin Bieber! Oh and being grounded for the mini blinds??? Oh man... totally unfair.


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