Friday, July 20, 2012

Read Along~ Fairy Metal Thunder- Week 3

Howdie friends, its week three of the Fairy Metal Thunder read-along scavenger hunt. This week questions are being brought to you by yours truly. Link up at the end of this post and be sure to catch next weeks questions over at In the Closet with a Bibliophile.


In the beginning of chapter 14, poor Jason is having a tough time at work. Its busy, people are rude, there are hot girls talking to him, big lady's are about to starve, all in all bad work day. So tell us about a time when you had to deal with a pushy customer or rude behavior, did you freak, keep it together, throw a slawburger?

Well, I never threw a slawburger at anyone, nor have I ever gotten into it with a customer, Im pretty much a very non-confrontational person, if I can keep the peace I will. When I worked in banking, people always tended to be cranky, whether it was because they had no money, wanted the banks money, or just had a bug in their butts, everyday we had at least one person fly off the handle. I would keep my cool with customers and later go into the bathroom and scream into my hands. The same trick sometimes works when dealing with my teenager who says things like: Mom, I want to dye my hair blue..or mom, I just triple pierced my ear, all by myself, or mom, you know that CD you said I couldn't buy, well I did and hid it under the bed.

In chapter 16 Jason is getting ready to shoot his rocking music video and perform for a crowd. Have you ever made a rock video, been in a play or anything that shows you doing something with musical talent? Extra points if you want to show us.

I unfortunately lack the skills to play music or make music videos. I did sing at church with my dad when I was really little, but sorry no YouTube or video evidence. Thank goodness.

Speaking of videos, the boys have a little chat about Steven Spielberg in chapter 17, what is your favorite Spielberg movie? Can't think of one...well then tell us about one of your favorite Sci-fi movies.

E.T, Back to the Future, Saving Private Ryan, just to name a few but if I have to choose one my favorite would be Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.....I LOVE that movie.

At the end of Chapter 17 the guys say bye to Dred who is getting ready to move, did you ever have to start over in a new school or new place when you were in highschool? Was it good, bad...horrible?

I had to start over my sophomore year of highschool and it was really scary at first. I went from a school with 500 kids to a school with 4000 kids, it was overwhelming. The first few weeks were tough but I made a few friends and wound up being ok, however I would never want to go back, EVER!!!

If you had a pet Unicorn what would you name it?


And just for fun: Would you rather be pecked to death by a vulture or eat a Goblins toenails???

Well lets see since I value my life I guess Id go with the toenails, Im sure I could crush them up and mix them in

Vulture Photo- Creative Commons Photographer


  1. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)July 20, 2012 at 1:16 AM

    LOL! Pecked to death? Can I be pecked to death by a person instead of a bird? And we both chose Indie! Gosh I love that man!

    1. LOl- Can I be pecked to death by Channing Tatum???

  • Jennifer MesserschmidtJuly 20, 2012 at 2:57 AM

    haha I love the things you mention your kids do. Those aren't so bad! LOL I say this cause I did them all times a million. I have no musical talent. I do like E.T. and Indiana Jones. It was a hard choice. He made a lot of good movies. No vultures!

    1. LOL- yeah my girl is pretty awesome...:)Shes a great teenager.

  • Lol!! Your teenager doesn't sound like she does anything too bad. I know I did much worse than that. Glad I'm not the only one who chose the toenails haha!! Love Indiana Jones and E.T.

    1. No my teenager is great.....and toenails for sure....;D

  • Kelly @ Reading the ParanormalJuly 20, 2012 at 9:26 AM

    Lol! I worked at a bank for years and I know EXACTLY what you're talking about there. As an aside, my hair has a blue streak in it currently. =D I love it!

    I love the Indy movies, too! I might have to marathon them today!

    1. Your hair probably looks awesome!!! My teen is 16 so shes all about the different colors right now.

  • CORNFLAKES THE UNICORN!!!! Best. Answer. Ever. I'm so naming my next dog Cornflakes the Unicorn. Win.

    Like you, I'm a pretty non-confrontational person, so I'm uber polite to clients to their face and then I vent like mad to friends and family when they're gone. I was working in a retail clothing store once when this happened:

    Customer: Can you help me?

    Me: Sure!

    Customer: Can you explain to me what's going on with your size zeros?

    Me: I'm sorry?

    Customer: They've gotten way too big! They used to fit me and now I'm just swimming in them.

    Me: Right. This happens to me all the time. Fear not, I'll just run my size 10 self into the back and sew you a double zero. Or, you could walk down the street to McDonalds and eat a Big Mac and then come back. Whichever.

    Okay, so maybe the last line only happened when I got home and was repeating the story to my husband. But it would have been fun to say.

    1. HYSTERICAL!!! That story is the best ever. I hate the size I only like size 10-14....those are good sizes! And when you name your dog Cornflakes I want a picture!!

  • I think the worst way to die would be to be eaten alive so I'm thinking being pecked to death is pretty close. Good choice with the toenails.

  • I love Indiana Jones!!

  • Cornflakes is a great unicorn name, wish I'd thought of that! :)

  • Missie, The Unread ReaderJuly 22, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    Umm... I want kids, but now I'm thinking that I want kids that go from childhood to adulthood and completely skip their teen years. Is that possible? If not, I might be using your method to deal a lot too.

    Cornflakes! So cute. :)

    Jenny's story up there is hilarious!


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