Friday, July 13, 2012

Read Along: Fairy Metal Thunder~ Week Two

Hi friends, its week two of the Fairy Metal Thunder Read-Along Scavenger Hunt. This weeks questions and host is Kelly at Reading the Paranormal, link up your answers at her blog this week and you can find questions for next weeks hunt right here at the end of this post!!

Hunt Two

Unfairly grounded by his parents, Jason decides to lie to them so he can go to the audition in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, not only does the audition end poorly but his parents discover his lie and things go downhill from there. Tell us the most outrageous lie you've ever been caught in. Bonus points if you can provide pictorial proof. Reenactments eagerly accepted.

Hmmm, a lie!? Well I don't lie (*never ever*) but elaborate lies probably happened during the teenage years at some point, I wasn't that creative though, I always got caught...ALWAYS!!! The best lie I can think of was when a friend and I were at church camp, we decided to sneak off with two guys on the last night, so instead of going to chapel we had a make out session. I know that's bad, but I was 15, I wanted to kiss and have fun not listen to a preacher.

It was actually pretty innocent, just kissing, talking and hanging out. When we were walking back to the camp we got caught by a camp counselor, I had a mini heart attack thinking he was going to see a huge flashing red sign on my forehead. We told him we got lost coming back from chapel....he totally bought it and told us to get to our cabins. Honestly I think the guy knew we were up to no good but he didn't rat on us.

In Faerie, Aoide is summoned to see the Faerie Queen. Have you ever met someone important like the Faerie Queen? Someone famous? Tell us the story behind how it happened. Once again, pictures are a plus!

I've only met a few famous people and the only one I've ever talked to was Joan Cusack. I met Joan at an art show, she was very nice but I didn't acknowledge she was a famous person, I just talked to her about the painting and moved was so weird!!! I met Bruce Willis and Demi Moore at a comedy show when I was 20, but I was with a huge group of people so it was more they were there talking to us and we were all standing there gawking at them.

Caught lying to his father about his non-existent job at the car wash, Jason has now found gainful employment at Buddy McSlawburger's - where he's forced to wear "the funny hat" as part of his uniform. What's the worst job you've ever had? Did it involve a particularly noxious uniform? Tell us about it - in riveting, full-color detail!

LOL- I just answered this question in the last Ill tell you all about my second worst job was at Domino's Pizza when I was 16. I had to answer phones and take orders. I also had to wear the ugliest shirt and dorky hat ever. There is no photo evidence of this ridiculous job I had, thank goodness, but it did put gas in the car, lipstick on the lips and CD's in my CD Player.

In an effort to regain their stolen instruments, Aoide and Rhodia travel to the sugar swamp to hire a hunter. Wouldn't you love to live somewhere where the water is sweet and the grass is made of sugar cane? Show us a picture of you enjoying your favorite sweet treat. Or, rewrite history and tell us how your version of the sugar swamp would differ from the one in the book.

My favorite sweet treat is chocolate brownies.......or ice cream....or strawberry shortcake....or...donuts...mmmmm donuts.

Read-Along/Scavenger Hunt Schedule for Fairy Metal Thunder:

July 06th: Chapters 1-6 hosted by Missie of The Unread Reader
July 13th: Chapters 7-13 hosted by Kelly of Reading the Paranormal
July 20th: Chapters 14-20 hosted by Tina of Tina’s Book Reviews
July 27th: Chapters 21-27 hosted by Jen of In the Closet With a Bibliophile

Next Week's Questions

1. In the beginning of chapter 14, poor Jason is having a tough time at work. Its busy, people are rude, there are hot girls talking to him, big lady's are about to starve, all in all bad work day. So tell us about a time when you had to deal with a pushy customer or rude behavior, did you freak, keep it together, throw a slawburger?

2. In chapter 16 Jason is getting ready to shoot his rocking music video and perform for a crowd. Have you ever made a rock video, been in a play or anything that shows you doing something with musical talent? Extra points if you want to show us.

3. Speaking of videos, the boys have a little chat about Steven Spielberg in chapter 17, what is your favorite Spielberg movie? Can't think of one...well then tell us about one of your favorite Sci-fi movies.

4. At the end of Chapter 17 the guys say bye to Dred who is getting ready to move, did you ever have to start over in a new school or new place when you were in highschool? Was it good, bad...horrible?

5. If you had a pet Unicorn what would you name it?

And just for fun: Would you rather be pecked to death by a vulture or eat a Goblins toenails???


Joan Cusack Photo Cred: Creative Commons/Unknown Photographer


  1. That's too funny! You bad girl going for a make-out session at church camp. I'm not a big sweets person, but cupcakes are my downfall. I love cupcakes!!

    1. Ohhh I forgot about cupcakes...yum

  • Book ♥ SoulmatesJuly 13, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    Your first story made me laugh...typical teenage stuff, lol

    I've always been a fan of the Cusacks. Joan and John both seem like they'd be cool people!

    So what, you didn't feel totally snazzy and the blue & red Domino's uniform? lol

    Mmm, brownies...Mmm, strawberry shortcake *drools*

    ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

    1. Yeah I really wasn't that bad of a teen, I mean I did normal teen angst stuff but nothing to bad, my life was already hard enough.

  • Joan Cusack seems really cool, I think you handled it pretty smoothly, with no, "Hey, you're Joan Cusack!" Which she probably already knows.

    I'm shocked you didn't take a picture in your Domino's Pizza uniform for posterity!

    Next week's questions look like lots of fun! Can't wait! Thanks again for hosting the scavenger hunt!

    1. Yeah I thought I would spare everyones eyes in case of a future scenario which showed me in that uniform....thank goodness!!

  • It's definitely hard to pick out a sweet treat, isn't it?

    And I had met Bruce and Demi, I might have given him a really big, naughty hug and might have gotten tackled by security or decked by

    1. They were larger than life, Id never seen a celebrity before, I think I was drooling a little bit....LOL

  • Melissa (Books and Things)July 13, 2012 at 3:15 PM

    Innocent... Hm... ;)

    Oh donuts. I know I'm weird, but I love plain cake donuts. I'd totally get you hooked on them if you ever came to my town. They make the best in a local bakery. Mmmmm fresh donuts... *drool* Sorry, had a Homer moment...

    1. TOTALLY INNOCENT MELISSA!! I was good, like saintly good... ;O

  • That's a great story about church camp. Someone always gets up to no good at church camp. I seem to remember playing truth or dare with some kissing when we had a sleepover at church too.

    1. LOL- I got stuck going to church camp every summer, it was fun until I hit 15.....that summer was bad, I wanted nothing to do with church......but still had fun going to the events and stuff.

    2. Ok that sounded so stupid!! I meant I had fun with the kids going to the stuff but really didn't want to go to the stuff....make sense?? LOL

  • I haven't seen a Domino's Pizza uniform in the flesh, but I'm guessing that it's yucktacular! I would love to meet Bruce Willis, although I'd probably faint right in front of him just from being starstruck >.<

    1. LOL-well it was 14 years ago so he was younger and I think they were still married... they both looked great!

  • Jennifer MesserschmidtJuly 14, 2012 at 4:15 AM

    That sounds like an awesome camp story! LOL I would so be sneaking off to makeout too! Joan Cusack is a cool celeb to meet and I love Bruce Willis. Dominos doesn't sound too bad but I don't really like their pizza. Ugly shirts do suck. I love brownies and ice cream!
    My Answers

    1. HAHA yup my one camp story.....!!!! And I love icecream too

  • Missie, The Unread ReaderJuly 15, 2012 at 12:01 AM

    Friend, I love your mind! The questions for next week are good.

    So, you are all Abe Lincoln, eh? I'm a terrible liar too. I could have never sold that story you used on your camp counselor. But yeah, I would have want to sneak off to make out too. I bet that surprises you. LOL

    1. Um making out was fun, when I was a teenager it was a time when kissing a guy was a big deal and there was no facebook or cell phones or any other creepy garbage that go's on now. Today there would photo evidence and I would have gotten busted!!!!!

  • Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)July 16, 2012 at 2:47 PM

    (sorry I'm so late on the commenting, crazy weekend) Doooooonuuuuuutttss!! I love chocolate ice cream with oreos. Even better when it's turned into a milk shake. These are the reasons why Cold Stone and me are best friends.

    I so would have lied at church camp. Well, that is if I'd thought I could of had a make out session. I wasn't the best self esteemed teenager. LOL! I'll just live vicariously through your teenage years. It makes me feel better. ;)

    1. BAHAHAHAHAHA...that is so funny, I really wasn't that bad of a teenager...I kissed a few guys but otherwise I was always the designated driver and I was always falling in love with guys waaayyyy outta my league....not many opportunities to be


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