Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blog News Winners and Awards

Blog News!!!

Tinasbookreviews has its own URL; the blog is transitioning from willowdust.blogspot.com to Tinasbookreviews.com. So please bear with me while the transition is going on......

Winners to the Never Say Never and Third Times A Charm Contests

Thanks everyone who entered the KCW contests, congrats to the Grand Prize winners- who unfortunately weren’t from my blog- but I did pick winners for a copy of the book itself

For Third Time’s a Charm the winner is


For Never say Never the winner is


Congrats girls I have emailed you and look forward to more contests coming…………………

Browsing around the blogosphere I’ve found some awesome blogs and LOVE LOVE their sites.....if you haven’t checked these gals out you should soon!!!!

Melissa at I Swim for Oceans
Amelia at Imagination in Focus
Just Blinded Book Reviews
At Home with Books
Wendi’s book corner

With that said....these blogs stuck out to me not only for their content but the beautiful headers and pages.......so to celebrate my blog header award giving to me by Charlotte from A Book on a Hill (adorable blog with little birds and things) I’m passing it on to those 5 blogs above.

I received the Honest Scrap Award from Amanda at Daydreams and Wanderings......read my 10 things here.

I got the Over the Top Award from Jody and Rae at With a Good Book (sweet blog I must say)

And last but not least I received The Happy Award from Marce at Tea Time with Marce (Love this blog!!)

For these last ones I need to think of the answers and blogs to pass on but thanks girls....I love awards....


  1. awwwwwww thank you so much, tina! you're too sweet, and I adore your blog, too...I frequent many blogs, but yours was one of the first, and I'll definitely stick with it :)

  2. Congrats to the winners, and congrats on your award!

  3. congrats to the winners! The "Love your Header" award is a new one. I love your header, btw, really pretty!

  4. Hey wow gee whiz, Tina!! Thank you so much for the sweet words :D I'm glad to be your blog buddy!

    Ohh PS, I put your button in my marquee, but should I change it because of your new url? Let me know!

  5. Amelia- Im working with my blog button genius...I should have a updated one soon..;D The button will still work etheir way


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