Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feature Blog with Bite Contest!!

Head over to the Blog with Bite for your chance to win this weeks feature book

Allison Brennan's
Original Sin

Haunted by chilling memories, Moira O’Donnell has spent seven years hunting down her mother, Fiona, whose command of magic has granted her unprecedented control of the underworld. Now Moira’s global search has led her to a small California town that’s about to become hell on earth. Tormented by his own terrifying past and driven by powers he can’t explain, ex-seminarian Rafe Cooper joins Moira’s dangerous quest. But Fiona is one devilish step ahead. Hungry for greater power, eternal youth, and stunning beauty, the sorceress is unleashing upon the mortal world the living incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins. Moira and Rafe are humanity’s last chance to snatch salvation from the howling jaws of damnation.

My thoughts on Original Sin: When I started this nail biting horror ride, I wasn’t prepared for it to scare the pants off me!!!! Due to the subject matter and content I had a difficult time reading through half of the book, the writing is intense and flows at a very fast pace after about 20 pages in. Needless to say I decided to stop reading Original Sin, so I cannot give this a full review- but can tell all you who love the thrill of terror to dive into this one....for those of you who are wimps like me- proceed with caution. ........


  1. Thanks for directing me over there! :)

  2. Thanks for the link.

  3. Alyssa Kirk @ Teens Read and WriteFebruary 3, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    Thanks for the heads up but, Yikes! Can I handle it?

  4. Sounds wild!

  5. I was just seriously checking out Blog With Bite for the first time and I looked at this and thought, "Nope! Not this time!" I'll join in sometime in the future, but demons are not for me. I'd have nightmares for weeks!


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