Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tempting Tuesdays ~Discussion Three

Its Time for Tempting Tuesdays! A read-along inspired by Chloe Neill's Some Girls Bite. Join us as we talk delicious vampires and a chance to win sweet prizes. Hosted by Jenny at Supernatural Snark, Missie at The Unread reader, Rummanah at Books in the Spotlight and myself.

Discussion Three~Chapters 9-12
Questions hosted by Books in the Spotlight

Catcher and Ethan share some personality traits. What makes Mallory, Merit, and even us readers attracted to these guys? Would you date/mate with someone like these guys in real life?

I think the appeal is the kick-butt power aspect...and the strong demeanor they both carry....and of course that whole fiction thing. Ill be up front with you all, I am a girly girl through and through...and I like my men strong, sexy, protecting and manly...and a few tattoos don't hurt. What I don't want in a man is some wishy-washy metro-sexual wimpy boy talking about his feelings!! Barf, puke and throw up. 

PS- Ok so Ethan may have some metro man in him, but he's a kick-butt vampire so that cancels out wimpy boy status for sure!!

In Chapter 9 we learn of another murder. Do you see any patterns with the previous murder and Merit's attack? Do you have any guesses as to who is responsible and the motive behind the murders?

ARGH! This question is hard to answer because I already read the book, but yes there is for sure a pattern. The murder victims have the same features and the same age-type, so obviously someone out there is targeting dark haired, college aged gals.

The commendation is my favorite moment in the book and a significant event in Merit's life. She has finally come to terms that she is a Cadogan vampire. Were you surprised at all that Merit resisted Ethan's call and that he made her a Sentinel? Do you think she'll do well in this position? Why or why not?

A little bit, I didn't think Merit would have the power she obviously has to resist Ethan, but that just shows you even without being compelled the girl is choosing to be loyal to her house....and has some future skills coming at us. I loved that Ethan made Merit a Sentinel...whether it was because he was out to prove a point to her OR utilize something special he sees in her, I think it was a great power move.

Loyalty is a reoccurring theme throughout the book and much of this series. Why is it so important to Ethan that he needs Merit's allegiance? Is it solely a Master and a Sentinel thing or does it imply something else?

I think its a little of both.....Ethan needs to know Merit will be loyal to the house for the safety of the others and proving he's the master, she's the minion...however I think Ethan sees a spark in Merit and knows he has a gem on his hands, that could in the long run make the Cadogan house very powerful. Not to mention he may or may not have feelings for her.

If you had the opportunity to sit down with Ethan, Merit, Mallory, and Catcher for a bite to eat like in the beginning of Chapter 12, what questions would you ask them at this point of the story?

Catcher if you were in a fight with Gandolf do you think you could take him?

Merit, seriously how much do you eat?

Ethan!! When are you going to upgrade that baggage aka Amber to a finer set aka Tina, Merit?

Link up your answers today at Books in the Spotlight and head over to Missie's to grab next weeks questions.

Matthew Fox Photo Credit- ABC TV Series- Lost 
Gandolf Action Figure- Creative Commons


  1. I love the Gandolf question though I am sure that Catcher would be "with one hand tied behind my back, baby"

  2. Missie, The Unread ReaderJanuary 17, 2012 at 9:35 AM

    Blahahaha! Guys talking about their feelings is bad? Awwwww...

    Ethan is a bit metro, but still a total predictor. LOL

  3. Felicia-lol I think your right.

    Missie- Case and point- Ok see that picture of Jack from Lost, he makes a for a well balanced man, strong, brave, cry's but doesn't act like a sissy boy, has a tattoo and gets really dirty and stinky but still looks hot...

    Wimpy boys- The Jonas Brothers-baby soft skin, whiny music and wear scarfs as accessories.

  4. "I don't want in a man is some wishy-washy metro-sexual wimpy boy talking about his feelings!! Barf, puke and throw up."

    HAHAHAHA! I adore you Tina! And I will be puking right along with you:) Also, I would very much like to know Catcher's answer to your questions. That one's a tough call.

  5. Book ♥ SoulmatesJanuary 17, 2012 at 11:29 AM

    As for question #1, I'm somewhere in between those two extremes. I can't deal with an uber-sensitve guy that needs babysitting but then again, I'm kinda alpha myself so a machismo guy wouldn't fly with me, lol.

    I loveeee your answer to # 5. Catcher vs Gandolf *dun-dun-duuuun*

    ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

  6. thelibrarianreadsJanuary 17, 2012 at 11:32 AM

    Uhm, and while I'll agree Ethan does have a bit of the metro wardrobe going on...he does have that hidden tattoo. Totally ups the ante! Plus, making Merit a sentinel was a great move. I don't know that I saw that one coming. Not too sure she's a great fit for the job at the moment. But I have faith she'll grow into it.

    hahahaha I think Catcher might smite you if you ask that question. And I'll be kind, you can have Ethan if I get to bump Mallory off for Catcher ;)

  7. "Catcher if you were in a fight with Gandolf do you think you could take him?"

    ROFL! I have to admit that when Catcher was first brought up I thought he was going to be really old, kinda like a father-figure, old, grumpy guy. Gandalf and Dumbledore were the first to come to mind. As much as I love him, I'm betting on Gandalf. ;)

  8. Okay, I think there is a little metro sexual in Ethan, now that you said it, knife and fork and china with a hot dog, "More genteel," he says. But, you are so right, bad boy 400 year old vamp definitely cancels that out. I think Merit learned that a few times. I don't like the metro-sexual either, but I don't want someone making demands of me either. I like a nice inbetween. But in my FICTION- Alpha baby all the way!

    So yeah, what you said!


  9. Oh yes! A man with a few tattoos wouldn't hurt!
    I think it was a power move, and a smart one, to make Merit Sentinel. I'm anxious to see how that works out.

  10. Heidi@Rainy Day RamblingsJanuary 17, 2012 at 7:45 PM

    Gandalf? Too funny! I don't know right now my money is on Gandalf, he is like ancient! Ohh Matthew Fox, spicy hot choice there. Too cute, kick Amber's nasty butt to the curb and upgrade to Tina! You go girl!

  11. prangon @ smutty dirty BJanuary 18, 2012 at 12:42 AM

    *gasps* you no likee wimpy boys!! But they are soo cute when they talk about their feelings ;)

  12. Michelle @ Book BriefsJanuary 20, 2012 at 12:00 AM

    hahah Ethan does have some Metro in him! Very true! I need to go and finish this book asap and then get book 2 right away!


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