Friday, January 13, 2012

TGIF {26} Must Read 2012 Books~

TGIF~ is a weekly event hosted by GReads, that poses a bookish question and lets us wrap up the week.

2012 Must Reads: Which books are at the top of your list that must be read this year (new or old)



I cannot wait to read Karen Marie Monings Dark-Fever Series....(all of them)

This Week at Tina's!

The Saturday Spotlight Win Catspell
Mini Reviews
Tempting Tuesdays #2
Shelf Cravings
New Design


  1. Julie@My5monkeysJanuary 13, 2012 at 9:31 AM

    I love the Fever series and swoon over Barrons :)

  2. I am reading her Highlander series this year--KMM! I liked the Fever series, get ready for the Barrons swoon :) I think it is an actual medical condition LOL

  3. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comJanuary 13, 2012 at 10:15 AM

    Nice list darling ;) Have a fab weekend!

  4. ZOMG! T, I can't wait to you start the Fever series. It will have you pulling your hair out! I just know it! Oh, and when you met Barrons, be ready for an explosion in your pants. LOL

    Can't wait to read your reactions.

  5. I have the 1st in the Fever series & the Claudia Gray series patiently awaiting me. This year I will get hooked I am sure.

    thanks for sharing

  6. Oh my gosh have you not read the Fever series yet? *dies* I LOVE BARRONS! He's such a problematic character and I love that he's nearly impossible to figure out and eventually you learn to not even try and just go with it. It's all you can do with him really:) I'm really excited for Until I Die as well, and I've heard good things about Balthazar, I need to add that one to my list!

  7. Also, just read Missie's comment and I about fell out of my chair. That about sums Barrons up ;-)

  8. thelibrarianreadsJanuary 13, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    Barrons will be the best gift you give yourself this new year. *so sexy* *so mysterious* *so sexy* lol.

    And when did your blog theme change. I love it! Very book-ish and romantic. Also, easy on the eyes. I like the mellow colors ;)

  9. I only recently read Die for Me and fell in love - I can't wait for Until I Die!

  10. LOL Jenny, Missie, Felicia, Julie and Amy-!! I cant wait to meet this Barrons!!! And have an explosion in my pants...Holy S Missie I almost fell over reading that!!

    @Juju- You too friend ;)

    @Alexa- I LOVED Die for Me, its one of my fav ya's...;)

  11. I already foresee myself going broke in 2012 because there are So Many Good Books coming out. I'm especially looking forward to Insurgent by Veronica Roth and Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake.


  12. I just found your blog. Very nice. I’m a writer, book lover, and your newest blog follower! My blog is Life of Lois Feel free to stop on by.


    P.S. It’s me who just sent you a book review request. :)

  13. Heidi@Rainy Day RamblingsJanuary 14, 2012 at 12:59 AM will lobe the Feber series. Be glad you waited to read them you can avoid the dreaded cliffhangers! I also have been wanting to read Before I Sleep. Looks so creepy.
    Love the new look of your blog!

  14. @Lori- LOL me too, I need to go on a book buying hiatus!! Geez!!

    @Lois- So glad to meet you...;D

    @Heidi- I cant wait!! And thanks for the blog compliments...;)

    @SaraO- I updated the blog this week thanks to the awesome Rach at Parajunkees view...:D Thanks for the lovely compliments.

  15. Bookish BrunetteJanuary 17, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    I'm soooo getting ready to start the Fever series soon!!!!


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