Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tempting Tuesdays- Week 4 & Wrap Up

Its Vampire time!! Welcome to the last Tempting Tuesdays, a read-along inspired by Some Girls Bite and brought to you by: Jenny at Supernatural Snark, Rummanah at Books in the Spotlight and Missie at The Unread Reader. Today we are finishing up are book talk and its the last week for chance to win the awesome prize pack. Join us...link up your answers today at The Unread Reader.

Chapters 13-Epilogue
Questions provided by Missie at The Unread Reader

Chapter 13 opens with Merit describing her new job routine as House Sentinel. Considering that every job Cadogan House is important in helping to make the house run efficiently, which job do you think you'd like to have (guard, cook, social director, gardener, etc.) and why?

Ohhhh, Id say the social director, I can whip up a mean dish of enchiladas and cupcakes, all the while throwing the best birthday party ever, with fabulous party favors planned months in advance....little girls and moms rave about my princess polka-dot tea parties!!!

In the supernatural world of Chicagoland Vampires, politics seem to play an important role in the way the Houses are run. Now that you've been introduced to the Rogues, do you think it's better for vampires to be a part of a House or to live outside of one.

Part of a house for sure! I like the idea of the whole support system. Even though Merit is cranky with Ethan at times, she still has a network of possibilities, resources and encouragement from her fellow housemates.

After Morgan openly asks to court Merit, she feels betrayed when Ethan commands her to accept for the show of alliance it could bring to Cadogan House. Do you think her reaction was warranted?

Of course! I wouldn't want to be forced into dating anyone, hot or not!! I like Ethan and all but a swift kick to the fragile region might do some good at this point. Merit wears kick-butt boots right?

When Ethan meets with the perpetrator of the murders, were you surprised to discover who it was? If you suspected someone, were your suspensions correct? What did you think of the perpetrator's motive? 

So I was shocked that the killer was who it was......(jaw on floor) was I suppose to see that coming??? 

Killers Motive: Typical catty behavior for greedy, power-lusty vampire types.

What was your favorite/least favorite parts of Some Girls Bite?

Favorites: When Merit defends Ethan, I thought that whole scene really showed Merits character- loyal, honest, fierce and someone to have on your side

Ethan and Merits first almost kiss
Reading through Merits training with Jeff and Catcher
The screaming mermaids or faeries...whoever those party crashers were.

Least favorite: The scene when Merit walks in on Ethan and Amber...(ew............Amber!!)

What do you think is coming up next for Merit, Sentinel of Cadogan House? Will you continue reading this series, and if so, what do you hope to see happen in the next book?

I think Merit is going to be a kick-butt protector of the Cadogen House....and perhaps down the road may become master of her own house. I cant wait to finish the entire series and hope to see Merit and Ethan become a real couple. I want Morgan out of there, unless of course his character gets much more developed, I cant wait to see where Chloe takes us with these characters.

Its been fun girls!! Read-alongs are the best!


  1. "I like Ethan and all but a swift kick to fragile region might do some good at this point. "

    LOL, that was my main reaction to him in this book. I'm sure you'll want to hit him harder in the later books, I know I did!

    It was great co-hosting this with you, Tina. Thanks for welcoming a newbie on board!

  2. Oh yes, I could have done without the visual of Ethan and Amber. Yikes. I really liked the fact that Merit protected Ethan even after what he did in front of the entire house, I think you're exactly right in that it shows how loyal she is and that's she's genuinely trying to be a part of Cadogan even if he refuses to show her the same loyalty and respect. Ethan definitely deserves a quick kick to the junk:)

  3. Book ♥ SoulmatesJanuary 24, 2012 at 10:57 AM

    Ya know, I hadn't thought about that scene where Merit defended Ethan as one of my faves but it really was a great scene!

    I'm still mad at Merit for walking in on Ethan & Amber. Like she didn't see that one coming? C'mon!

    Oh, and since I chose to be Social Director also, we need to join forces and throw some awesome par-tays!

    ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

  4. Missie, The Unread ReaderJanuary 24, 2012 at 11:36 AM

    What?! Great! Now I have a mad craving for enchiladas and cupcakes! And I so want to go to a princess polka-dot tea party. How come I haven't been invited to one? hehe

    The Ethan/Amber smex scene was just horrifically fabulous! I still can't believe she didn't get what Ethan was inside of!!! LOL

  5. thelibrarianreadsJanuary 24, 2012 at 12:35 PM

    Uhm, can I have an invite to the next tea party? Maybe you could just send a few cupcakes in the mail and post pics on the blog ;) Very impressed, lol.

    And I didn't see her as being the murderer either! I mean, I knew she was being set up as the villain, but I don't know that I ever saw her motive for the murders. I think that's why I was so let down by the ending...

  6. Heidi@Rainy Day RamblingsJanuary 24, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    Ahh yes a good swift kick to the nether regions with the kick butt boots. Great idea!
    Oh yes the whole "he's inside" scene I could have done without. At least Amber got hers in the end. Nadty skank. Do vampires get STDs?
    I am glad I will be seeing you again on the Hounded read long!

  7. YEAH! We are sista's in arms---don't tell us who to date. We will kick your boot-ay!

    That walk in scene reminded me of all those reasons you don't want to walk in on your parents---just eww to the eww degree!

  8. Bookish BrunetteJanuary 24, 2012 at 3:25 PM

    But really now... What if he was Jax hot??? Still no forcing? hehe

  9. OK I stand corrected....if someone forced me to date Jax from Sons of Anarchy to bring peace to the world....WELL, I couldn't argue with that.....

    Thanks Ashley!!!!!!!!!!


    And you are all invited to my next polka-dot themed party....with my homemade Sangria...;D

  10. prangon @ smutty dirty BJanuary 25, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    Thanks so much for hosting the read-along Tina. I had LOADS of fun reading the book. I am tagging along with everyone and continuing the series too :p

  11. Michelle @ Book BriefsJanuary 25, 2012 at 7:17 PM

    I want something to happen with Ethan, that kind of peels back the layers and shows who he really is. I want to like him, but as of right now I am just kind of indifferent to him. :/ I hope that changes in the next book.


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