Thursday, April 1, 2010

An Absence So Great by Jane Kirkpatrick Review and Giveaway!!!

An Absence So Great by Jane Kirkpatrick
March 2010, Waterbrook Press
Paperback- 400 Pages
Review Copy

Book Synopsis

Despite growing in confidence as a photographer, eighteen-year-old Jessie Ann Gaebele’s personal life is still at a crossroads. Hoping she’s put an unfortunate romantic longing behind her as “water under the bridge,” she exiles herself to Milwaukee to operate photographic studios for those ill with mercury poisoning.

Jessie gains footing on her dream to one day own her own studio and soon finds herself in other Midwest towns, pursuing her profession. But even a job she loves can’t keep those painful memories from seeping into her heart, and the shadows of a forbidden love threaten to darken the portrait of her life.

Memorable Quote

Fred kissed her then and tasted sweetness, all the sweetness of a candy store with plenty of pennies in the waiting. Prairie smoke’s whiskey blooms danced in the wind.

Pg. 355


After reading this book and the author interview I learned Jane Kirkpatrick was inspired to write this book based upon a collection of stories told through her grandmother’s history. She also used real photographs some of her family and some taken at the turn of the century which are showcased throughout the novel. An Absence so Great tells a story of a young woman pursuing her dreams as a renowned photographer and a woman torn between loving the wrong or perhaps right man. Not so much a romance novel as this is a look into a woman’s heart for true worth and independence.

The book for me started very slow and took awhile to really appreciate the build of this story. I was intrigued by the fresh take of a fictional story wrapped around photos of real individuals whom lived during this period and once I got mid-way through the book it held my interest enough to finish it and find out where Jessie’s heart would lead her. Taking the hard road, one a woman in fiction seldom takes---that being, forgoing staking her claim on the man she loves and leaving everything behind to venture pursuing her own dreams. Number one it was brave and number two due to the fact Fred was married it was a wise decision. That said, I had a hard time liking Fred’s character, whether it was an inability to connect with him or my irritation with Jessie’s feelings for him, I thought the chemistry between them didn’t work and perhaps I was turned off by the fact that Jessie and Fred’s relationship although not sexual started while Fred was still married. Even more I think the age difference was off, Jessie is 18 and Fred is much older with thinning hair, children and a mustache. Ultimately I know love has no age boundaries (of course I’m speaking of legal adults here) but no matter how you slice it- the outcome for these particular characters is laced with tough times ahead.

Kirkpatrick handled the themes of divorce with grace and honesty and did not shy away from what happens much too often in the married world. Infidelity itself is so destructive but even when there is not infidelity and divorce happens when the blending of families in a new marriage arise, you open up a whole new set of issues which **spoiler** what I see in Jessie and Fred's fictional future no matter how much sugar gets tossed on it, Im unaware of how the real Jessie and Fred lived life, but Im sure with the sweet came the sorrow and tough times as a blended family.

The writing itself was very beautiful and the fresh layout to a somewhat common love story gave the book its originality. I loved the historical background of the book and thought the research defiantly showed on the pages. Sure to be a pleaser for historical and Christian romance fans.


Wholesome - adult content handles the issues of marriage and divorce.

3/5- Christian Romance


Thanks to the greats at Waterbrook and Random House I have one copy of this book to giveaway. To enter- please leave a comment and a way to contact you. For extra entry’s let me know if you’re a follower, if you follow me on twitter or tweeted this contest. I will pick a winner April 15th 2010.

Thank you to Waterbrook Press for Review Copy and to purchase your own copy click here!


  1. This does look pretty good!

  2. The title sounds so sad to me. Jessie sounds like a strong character, but I'm not sure about Fred, based on what you said.

  3. Please enter me!

    I am a follower.
    I follow on Twitter (squiggles87)


  4. Thanks for the contest!
    I follow on Google and Twitter. My username on Twitter is Door2Wonderland.
    I also tweeted:

    [email protected]

  5. This book sounds great!
    email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
    I follow your blog
    I follow on twitter @bangersis
    I tweeted

  6. This sounds like a good one! Please enter me.

    I follow on google friend connect.

  7. Sounds like a great book.
    I'm a follower.
    [email protected]

  8. Reading your review one can sense that you were rather conflicted between loving and hating the book. From what you say about the story and characters, I think I would probably agree with your conclusion but it does make me curious to read it for myself.

    If the giveaway is open worldwide (I am in South AFrica),then please enter me.

    Thanks. I am a Follower

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  9. I like your review of this book! I'd like to win this!


  10. You have an awesome blog! I follow you, too.


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