Thursday, April 8, 2010

Read-A-Thon Week- Activity #3

With new blogs popping up all the time, it is so hard to keep track with them all. So for today's activity, we are going to share the blog love.

To complete today's activity you must:

•Create a post sharing with us 3 blogs that you love. They can be new, old, or just underappreciated.

•Your post should include the blog's title, url link, and a small blurb about why you enjoy this blog so much.

Its hard to pick three blogs because I follow so many and there are so many fantastic blogs out there. So Ill share with you three blogs I visit on a weekly basis

Jenn at Book Crazy- Jenn first off has a beautiful blog, she's also a mom (like me) and has insightful reviews. Another great feature is the layout of her blog- Its easy to find things and the sidebars are very organized.

Lily at Lilys Bookshelf- Another beautiful blog with a lovely layout. Lily has awesome reviews that provide great information. Fun pictures, trailers and honesty are just some things you'll find. Also recently I found out Lily and I share the same State and almost city so how could I not mention my fellow Michigander!!

Aimee at My Fluttering Heart- Aimee hands down has some of the most funniest reviews Ive read. Along with her quirky personality, you can find background changes, posts about the oddest and greatest things around. Not to mention some of the most in-depth reviews on books and movies!


  1. Book Crazy JennApril 8, 2010 at 9:30 AM

    AWW - OMG thank you soo much - you are too sweet! I love your blog too Tina! :) Your my go to girl for all things pink and pretty! :) (NOt to mention the awesome reviews and such too LOL)

  2. thanks teens you are such a precious one! Of course I love your blog just as much xoxoxox


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