Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Read-A-Thon Week- Tuesday Activity

Read-A-Thon Activity #2- Review-a-thon

Hosted by Willowraven at Red House Books

Just like the Read-A-Thon was meant to help make a dent in our massive TBR piles, this activity is here to help encourage you to work on getting your reviews in order.

So this week for the Read-a-thon I vowed to read only....no reviews.....sometimes I feel like I spend way more time on reviewing books then actually sitting down to read. You know how it goes- you have every intention of getting some major read time down and before you know it your checking your blog, surfing other blogs, reading other reviews, answering emails.....and it winds up being more time on the computer than reading the books we all so love. Today though for this challenge I am going to take one hour to make a list of all the outstanding book reviews I need to write. I have about 20 or so to get done. It will be nice to get them on a list instead of floating around in my head and write down some brief feelings of the book. Next week after the Read-a-thon I will for sure focus on getting all my reviews done. After I read I like to let the book stew in my head for a few days before I write a review. I also take notes in my book journel while I read and write down thoughts, qoutes or feelings that stand out from the book. This also allows me to read multiple books and reflect back when I begin the review process.

Well then Im off to make lists and read books!!! I love Spring Break!!!

1 comment:

  1. ohhhh to spend a week reading!! i wish i had the time :(

    enjoy every letter!!!



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